Stop Sperging you Fucking Autists

Every single fucking time a political happening occurs in relation to Trump nigger shills come here to gaslight and it turns out to be literally fucking nothing.
Trump announced a partial reopening (im not sure we know what that even means yet), this could be some kind of strategy
Literally just wait 3 fucking days before blackpilling
>inb4 4d chess
>inb4 magatard
>inb4 Qtard
That being said, use this to put pressure of the President, let him know you arent happy

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>Be Trumplet
>Want wall
>Get cave


nigger cucks kekked hard for kekky dump

He's right you know

We dont know what the political reasoning or strategy for this was
This could be a good move, we will just have to see
You are an unemployed journo nigger kike shill, please leave

Trump just lost in public. He's spent his presidency railing against the fact that the media accurately reports that he's an incompetent buffoon. And, now, he has demonstrated his ineffective buffoonery in an ultra-public showdown and lost.

Three days aren't gonna do shit, Trumpkins. You're done.

He clearly signaled that this was just a justification to use emergency powers and shit
You arent fooling anyone retard

Signaled to whom? The whole country leading with the headline "Trump caved?" Did he flash the secret retard signal from his bat cave?

He signaled defeat.

>waaah no one could disagree with me on the internet unless they were PAID to!
You're delusional AND retarded.

Fucking lol.


Trump simply isn’t good enough and people have to start thinking about what happens after trump

>The whole country leading with the headline "Trump caved?"
Thats what the fucking media said retard
He constantly brought up the prospect of him using emergency powers during the shutdown
If anything, this means that the dems cucked, and this is why Don lifted the shutdown partially

>Fucking lol.
>reddit spacing
100% organic and not fake nigger shills at all

Personally i want Tuckah to come into politics

>Lemme run in circles for a while
>Ok now Trump won, right?

Trump said "Wall or no government!" Democrats said "Ok no government" Trump said "Well ok no wall and yes government."

Spin that all you want. But facts exist, so you lose.

He literally said they came to a deal and are starting councils and shit
Really, you are wasting your time here
Im disappointed in the decision but your gaslighting isnt going to work
Why are you so hostile to the idea of waiting until all the facts come out?
Didnt your side just have a big oopsie with that?

>reddit spacing
Not actually a thing. It's common, internet etiquette. If you actually used Jow Forums, instead of just the shithole that is Jow Forums, you'd be pretty fucking familiar with it from literally every other fucking board on this website.

>lemme spin a bit more
Government open. No wall. Trump lost.

Facts: learn 'em.

Arent you tired of always beign wrong?

>familiar with it from literally every other fucking board on this website
No it fucking isnt you stupid fucking newfag
You cant lie in my face and expect me to think you are right
lmao, keep being assmad

Also you literally just admitted you are a shill
Maybe you are right about the ledditspacing on Jow Forums
...maybe on

Go to literally any other board except Jow Forums or /b/ and read, you mongloid.

What are you even talking about?

See post above shillredditnigger

You have to make stuff up now because I gave you facts? Sorry your world is so fragile.

It is a thing and you need to stop trying so fucking hard. You’re trapped here forever. I’d suggest you learn our etiquette and how to blend in better before the black and red pills start sinking like they eventually do to everyone who comes here.

>oh no not my ego!
Keep making shit up and railing about conspiracy theories, instead of facing facts.

>Every single fucking time a political happening occurs in relation to Trump nigger shills come here to gaslight and it turns out to be literally fucking nothing.

It's the natural cycle of things. Some """people""" are so desperate for Trump to fail it's pathetic. And they make those that are legitimately upset even more unbearable.

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>I gave you facts
>>the one telling me not to wait for the whole truth and give up now is telling me im fragile

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this reads like a parody post, I can't take anyone who says "Trumpkins" unironically seriously

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lmao you are the only fragile one here, like a big fat baby

>Mueller is on the precipice of locking up everyone involved with the Uranium One scheme.
>Republicans poised to regain the House and add to their Senate majority in 2020.
>Democratic voterbase dwindling each day.
>Trump's approval rating steadily rising as more people realize how beneficial he's been to the economy.
>Bannon rightfully exiled for betraying the MAGA movement.
>Trump's tweets are triggering hundreds of thousands of libtards each day.
>CNN's ratings are at their lowest in any point in history.
>RINO candidates being exiled in favor of pro-MAGA candidates who will make sweeping victories in 2020.
>The Clinton's, Podesta, and the rest of the pedo-elite to be locked in confinement possibly for the rest of their lives AND THE INDICTMENTS ARE ALREADY FUCKING SENT OUT.
>Gen Z is the most conservative generation since WW2 and is united in supporting Trump's agenda.
>Mueller's investigation is crashing and burning to the point where not even the most devout liberals care about it anymore.
>The illegitimate dictator of Venezuela will be ousted, sending a powerful message to China and Russia.
>Democrats are about to agree to fund the wall and ten thousand more ICE officers in exchange for DACA.
>Nancy and Chuck outmaneuvered at every turn and being forced to the negotiating table.
>Buzzfeed "bombshell" and Covington Catholic incident backfired on the left
>Tons of anti-white journalist get fired were we supposed to be losing again? Leftists are terrified and shilling hard. If they ever become happy and stop shilling, then I'll worry.

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What the fuck are you talking about dude. What does that have to do with what I said?