Give me money for a wall

>Give me money for a wall

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>had literally two years to build a wall with Republicans controlling everything
>waited until the Democrats took back the House to declare an emergency for wall funding and hold the government hostage

Trumpfags have to be paid shills because nobody can be that stupid not to see they're getting shafted.

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I'm almost 55 years old. I've been around to see:

Reagan try to tell me ketchup is a vegetable.
Bush 41 tell me to read his lips.
Clinton be a sexual psychopath.
Bush 43 be Bush 43
Obama think his skin colour passed for political policy.

I thought I had a decent bullshit filter. But Trump caught me off guard. At least he wasn't a professional politician. The lowest of the low. I thought, ok maybe here's something different.

Nope. Just the same old bullshit. Fuck him. And fuck any of his grovelling apologists. You're the real NPCs

Pelosi absolutely worked Trump

oops I mean dump caved.

Low iq b8
They required 60 votes in the senate. The republicans never had 60 votes. Can you math or are you a kike?

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Are you a kike? Why would Trump do literally nothing for two years and the moment after the Democrats win back the House he starts acting tough? Maybe you really are a kike.

You forgot to change your ip kike shill