North Sentinelese White Ethnostate

What the fuck is stopping you guys from killing the monkey people of this island and taking the land for yourself.

Attached: NSI.jpg (1104x1104, 937K)

Why can't you accept that your father abused you?

Indian and international law. Also the sentinelese have their own isolated ethnostate of sorts and should be left alone.

Indian military would shoot the larpers.

Just let them be. Fuck man its like one of the last non-jewed places on earth

We all know (((who'd))) get involved

Because the first christkike that settles there is going to let jews in anyways, so what's the point?

They need to learn that diversity is their strength, fag.

That when it comes down to it, we wont have the heart to kill them all, and instead we'll end up giving them welfare for the rest of their lives and their children's lives too

Why are OP posts so much more likely to be posted by memeflags than reply posts?

>shilling diversity
whether you are being ironic or not, still funny.

White people need the cold.

Speak for yourself. I have absolutely no problem killing children but these people should be left alone. NAP you noodle spined cunt.

Does anyone else feel bad for them? Like I feel that we are keeping them in a big anthropological experiment and it's wrong not to tell them about the outside world. If aliens existed and were watching us right now, wouldn't you want them to tell us about space travel and give us the option to leave? Do the Sentinelese even have that option?

Basic human decency. We aren't like the Muslims or Jews.

Or they'd all die from one of the non-Sentinalese accidentally sneezing on one of them.

I love how the lowest-IQ people are so much more tribalistic than white libshit midwit cuckolds. From a Darwinist point of view, the Sentinalese are much smarter than whites.

My father never abused anyone even those that shouldve been. Expand your views ,practice what you preach& stop accusing those you disagree with that which you are guilty.

Lets take that island
>night vision
>body armour
>thermal scopes .308 rifles
The survivors will worship us as God conquers. Let us be their salvation &thus an example to the world of the true power of white colonialism

Attached: 2qgnws.jpg (640x360, 65K)

There would be no survivors, they'd fight to the death, and if they didn't do that, they'd all die from disease soon after.

Look how that worked out for us.

This. I'd probably shart and from the years of burger grease that lines my colon and the bacteria that managed to thrive in that would melt their skin off.

well dammit where do U suggest for our isolated white paradise? beaches tropical & niggerKyke free is non-negotiable. If yr amerikan u know this land &its people are fucked so...

Personally I refuse to assimilate with the trash or accept future generations seeing the decline as normal. but Mans gotta have a dream&some hope on a Mongolian imageboard

International Treaty enforced by the Indonesian Navy.
Also it probably stinks of shit and is home to xenomorphic diseases.

Because all of these ethnostate ideas are fucking stupid and you'd be better off buying land in Montana and setting up your own retarded town which only people authorized by you an live in than moving to the middle of fucking nowhere just to invade some shitskins

The fact that it's literally already owned by another country?

This thread is most likely a slide but if not, why? It's their own ethnostate. To invade them would be akin to the jews invading a white ethnostate to fuck it up. Do you really want to be one of (((them))). Also, they aren;t doing shit to anyone and they kill all illegals (hence the Christcuck, someone who entered their island illegally).

Are the Sentinelese, dare I say it, the based blackmen?

Unironically yes

The fact that India owns the island you fucking retard.

Congratulations on being one of the few principled ethnonationalists I've seen on Jow Forums.

>1 post by this ID

i wanna hide cameras all over the island and drop a few civilized people there. Then I'll tell them the last one to survive gets to leave the island AND wins a million dollars/euros/whatevers. Then I'll broadcast that stuff all around the world and will go down in history as the inventor of one of the greatest forms of entertainment ever.

No reason to do that, dipshit.

There's lots of us.

>What the fuck is stopping you guys from killing the monkey people of this island and taking the land for yourself.

it's defended by acres of curried shit

This is our land along with Europe. We're not going to settle for anything less.

Good question. The Island is protected and noone is allowed there.

We could genocide them and just black face ourself and jump around on the beach once a week and noone would be able to tell the differance.

it would no doubt the the easiest genocide ever commited. Good luck OP you'll need it.

They're literal "fuck off, we're full" island.
Can't hate the based.