England leaves EU ... EU still uses English as official language

- Can't use French, that will piss off Germany.
- Can't use German, that will piss of France.
- Can't use Spanish or Italian, nobody understands them.
- Can't use Greek, its incomprehensible.
- Can't use Irish, Leprechauns don't exist.

>England leaves EU, they still have to speak to each other in English.

Attached: EU.jpg (1160x802, 73K)

Other urls found in this thread:


link theguardian.com/politics/2018/may/04/eu-has-no-plans-to-downgrade-use-of-english-after-brexit

These niggas have no idea what they are doing. They literally dont even speak the same language. Bunch of fucking retards jerking each other off.

either they'll use both german and french or just german. honestly germany's been doing whatever the fuck it wanted with europe since WW1

Are you Spanish (or just VPN)? If EU becomes German-speaking, wouldn't Spaniards and everybody else feel a severely diminished ownership stake in it?

Germany can't afford to drop all pretenses about this being a German plot to annex Europe.

They should make their official language Hebrew

absolutely, but the retarded spaniards (normally on the south) that don't even know english are used to that. spain is also used to be sometimes ignored in the EU. atleast we're not portugal, though.

i don't think that the EU will become german speaking. if anything, french. would make much more sense.

it's the patrician language

if third worlders would just switch to english we could give them all our old schoolbooks and fix most of their problems in one or two generations

>spain is also used to be sometimes ignored in the EU.
See how long it stays that way if the EU unifies.

germany has already annexed europe, pretty much. just look at their trade goods since the euro was created. every EU country stays the same, while germany goes up a ton. they also control europe politically. the most valuable voices in the EU are always german.

that will never work the way we want to. i wish it did, though.

EU official langiage should be Latvian.

Sveiki draugi, mēs varam nokārtot Eiropas problēmas sakarā ar valodu izvēloties Latviešu valodu kā oficiālo Eiropas Savienības valodu.

Attached: 1493912878334.png (400x400, 170K)

>we could give them all our old schoolbooks

Let's clarify a bit here, lots of BS being thrown by uneducated and/or misinformed people.

The European Commission is based around its three working languages: English, French, and German. Of these English and French are used the most often. The use of English vs. French depends a lot on the unit or directorate. Only a few of the Commissioners use a language other than English or French as their working language. German is rarely used as a true working language in the Commission, and German media have called the dominance of English and French a discrimination against German (which is by far the most spoken mother tongue of the EU) and a violation of the regulations pertaining to the EU's working languages.

The working language of the Court of Justice of the European Union is French. The judges deliberate in French, pleadings and written legal submissions are translated into French, and the judgment is drafted in French. If you wonder why not english, it's because French is a much more "surgical" language than english, structurally less ambiguous and grammatically richer, and most law professionals are obsessive to infinity with linguistic precision.

European Central Bank
The working language of the ECB is English.

>court of Justice of the European Union is French.
Any situation where language made a difference in the outcome of a ruling?

Attached: multilingual-EU.jpg (1224x867, 400K)

English is defacto associated with the US.

EU is a US scheme (scam) to steal political power away from countries so they can never leave NATO, which is used by the US to still occupy Europe 70+ years.

No one cares about england.

The structure of the EU is cancerous. A united Europe could work would it would need an explicitly federal structure that isn't shit. Trying to sneak unification through the back door of a trade agreement was also probably a bad idea.

>EU is a US scheme (scam) to steal political power away from countries so they can never leave NATO, which is used by the US to still occupy Europe 70+ years.
Absolute fucking retard. The point of the EU is the creation of a new world power, because the Eurocrats are jealous of the US and want to leave NATO.

the hardest thing to do is how the fuck we're going to cope with each other. each country has its own culture and it's going to be really hard to deal with that. in the middle ages we had christianism, but thanks to heretics like martin luther now we have a completely shattered europe.

that's the carrot. it's too internally contradictory to function, and germany is crippled by american intelligence - there's a g-man with a death ray floating on his gigantic brain over berlin at all times

>leprechauns don't exist
Get a load of this guy