Strap in lads, time to get /comfy/

Tuck is truly an uncuckable hero.

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Thought Stone got arrested

and Ann Coulter is on Bill Maher's show

He paid bail. He's going on tuck to address this setup.

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Ah so he's gonna get drunk and advance the investigation 30 minutes

Implying he even did anything wrong.

Working with a leaker is always wrong

>literally threatened peoples families and fucking dogs

Okay, so when Hillary Clinton had a private server for her emails (a crime), deleted the emails with bleachbit (a crime), lied to congress (a crime), smashed devices (a crime) she's totally fine. No wrongdoing here. But Roger Stone gets the FBI showing up with rifles at 6am because he contacted wikileaks?

Do you not see the double standard here? They could have literally called him and asked him to report to the local FBI office to be arrested.

Mueller fucked up with this one.

It's literally nothing because Ive watched three interviews today already
>29 FBI niggers terrorized my dogs
>Completely unnecessary
>I will not plead guilty or testify against the President because no crimes
>Please donate to my defense fund

That's the entire interview you will spend 10 minutes watching. You are welcome.

Just the fucking gestapo show of force was fucking up enough. They acted like Roger Stone who has been involved with American political campaigns for decades was a fucking drug lord with the way they stormed his house.

And leaking to CNN to be there is just a new low.

Yes, I'm sure his "boss" that doesn't exist will reprimand him sternly

Like how all the other politicians use a private server?

At the order of the Kavanaugh approving FBI

cant lie when not under oath


Look up who is in charge of stating who is worthy or not to be done with emails
Tell me their name

He's a flight risk and now he cant be said to have destroyed evidence. much safer
Or would you prefer it be pointed that he was able to destroy evidence by Mueller?

Imagine being this retard

Lmfao. >he's a flight risk

He has no passport and they gave him bail. They'd not have granted bail or set it much higher if they thought he was a flight risk.

It's hard to imagine being this stupid.

I know

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He shouldn't be allowed to platform a criminal.

can a nigger get a link? i dont' have cable.

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What's with the bunny slide threads?
Must have been some good threads that needed sliding by PTB.

You know that whole thing sure is grandiose. I mean the guy is a political talk head, why the fuck was the FBI necessary here? Did some NPC over at CNN with deep connections within the Feds leak some fake intel about how Stones had sensitive or incriminating information inside his home? Was he a threat to the safety of other people?

Like can someone explain to me why the FBI was necessary here? Was it just a CNN TV stunt? Literally who the fuck in law enforcement would validate the use of such force to go arrest a single old guy? Did roger stones post bomb threats or something? He literally got fucking swatted over OBSTRUCTION charges lmao.

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So is it still true that Cohen is Trump's lawyer, or just a guy who knows nothing?

Roger will buttfuck Tuck off camera. They’re both homos.

And he isn't. The real criminals are at the FBI and DNC.

I heard they found kiddie porn and drugs in his home.

Its a crime to speak truth in the land of lies

they made FIVE scorpion kings?
I only knew of two

>I had polonium poisoning
>I got better

since i shared that info you got a stream bro?

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>Be Hillary Clinton
>Delete emails AFTER investigation requests them
>"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know I shouldn't have deleted those emails you specifically asked me for"
>Never arrested
>Never swatted
>Barely any CNN coverage
>Anyone who dares talk about the email is deemed "conspiracy theorist"

>Be Roger Stones
>Ask around for juicy info about hillary clinton
>FBI gathers around to prepare raid
>Get CNN in there with exclusive coverage, just because
>Agents wearing body armor to arrest a single old dude
>Barge into this guy's home at 6am on a Friday morning
>Find nothing
>Anyone who dares talk about how Roger Stones is innocent is deemed "conspiracy theorist"

I can feel my almonds jiggling.

Is this the game thread?

Read the Indictment. Roger Stone is an actual idiot.
> Literally did nothing wrong: (engaging Wikileaks through his contact, and letting Trump campaign know what he thought was coming)
> Shows up to voluntary testimony: (fucking why??)
> Then lies about meaningless shit in testimony: (no written documents, my 'contact' isn't an email/text guy)
> His contact gets asked to voluntarily testify: (uh oh)
> Roger asks him to lie: (baka)
> Contact tells him multiple times, dude, just amend your testimony
> Contact gets subpoena'd
> Roger tells him to take the fifth
> Contact meet JA in person again, reaffirms "docs prove that ... You should be honest w/fbi ... there was no back channel ... be honest"

> Mueller indicts on process crimes
^ we are here

Someone stole a cookie from the cookie jar. Mom asked Roger if he was in the kitchen that day, and if he ever talked with his brother 'Alex' about cookies. Roger says no like a retard and is now getting grounded after being caught lying despite having nothing to do with the missing cookie that sparked the questioning.

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You wish, tranny. You faggots are always trying to get straight men to join your fag cult, no success thus far.

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hillary should definitely have been jailed for what she did, only reason she didn't is because comey is corrupt and they changed the language to save her

I haven't seen a fox news stream online since the night before midterms. sorry

why in all of the last 2 years of constant shilling of Tucker has no one ever provided a link to watch this gay shit.
Someone for the love of african immigrants link it.

I don't get why people even defend Mueller anymore he is the worst scum of the earth
1. Indict person for the smallest crime possible
2. Set trial date years out
3. Threaten indicted person with additional charges
4. Wait until person runs out of money to fight additional charges
5. Offer plea deal
6. If person refuses plea deal bring more charges
7. See step 5
8. See step 6
Rinse and repeat

This is literally all Mueller is doing, financially ruining lives on bogus charges because eventually everyone runs out of money.

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>People should be in jail for my feels

Dont do crimes, turns out noone can do the time

You just know Lisa Booth has a pretty pussy.

Thanks fren

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>Dont do crimes
>implying you need to commit a crime to be ruined by the legal system

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>Like how all the other politicians use a private server?
No, 'all the other politicians' don't mishandle classified information and SAP documents by moving them from a secured government network to an unprotected private server accessible to many people without clearances. That you people always use this quick argument demonstrates how little time you spent actually looking into the case.

Nah, look at Clinton
Ruined and mever did her accusers take her to court
Could have made any of those hearings official, yet didn't
I know its funny how quiet people are on Flynn handing out classified info to the turks.
But then that would beat their narrative
>1 post by this id

oops also forgot to mention destroying classified documents without clearance and destroying subpoenaed documents that are the subject of a federal investigation and repeatedly lying to investigators.

The double digits speak the truth. I don't see how anyone can see anything else other than this.

For once I'm agreeing with a leaf.

Just go to foxnews website and use your cable sign in. jesus christ.


You don't even make sense anymore, shareblue. Guess your funds are running out.

>not president
Yep, ruined

>I just make stuff up

>having cable in 2019
lol ok nm then

Trump got negative media coverage about countless imaginary ties with Russia for the entire length of his political campaign and you honestly believe the hillary emails single handedly lost her the presidency? You shareblue shills really are delusional.

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Oh, Flynn got off scot free like Hillary did? Good job debunking the idea of a double standard. No wait don't tell me, Flynn's alleged crimes are much more grave and Hillary dindu nuffin

>not using your grandmas login like I do...

But hillary broke the law
Code 18 USC 793
Look it up, it's verbatim what comey said in 2016. So she very clearly did the crime yet served no time.

>b-but her emails
Funny how you care so much about some fucking emails when we have numerous high level trump official is being charged with multiple felonies.

>oh no they showed up with rifles
I thought you trumpanzees liked assault rifles?

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The DNC/Clinton have yet to redeem themselves

Until such time, the dnc has effectively lost a huge part of the us voter base

Imho every mueller headline just reminds people of that lack of redemption

how much longer are you berders going to take this shit?

Well that's an unfortunate thing for you
I was told Trump got nothing while Clinton got everything with her emails
Which is it?
Trump was never covered, or covered bigly?
>Code 18 USC 793
You mean the one Trump breaks with using self deleting messaging apps?
Why should they serve you?
You're not paying them

Temperatures started getting a bit better in Canuckistan so all the normies are going out drinking this weekend instead of staying inside to leafpost. You may or may not see less leaf posting this weekend.

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>I was told

You were lied to.

Without redemption a huge bloc of the us voter base are still stuck on Hilary’s emails

Yeah migatards do that
Its why I love laughing at them

Leaf I know this is hard for you to follow so I'll say it simply
Hillary broke the u.s. espionage act in storing classified GOVERNMENT emails on a non secure server, I'm former military and this was 10 year minimum for her classification level.
The people under trump were charged for things they did BEFORE trump was elected. That is a very big difference

Fucking lmao.

When the chart still has NO COLLUSION you fucking moron.

Yeah, but they'll be useless in 3 years

Yeah like how there is no charges
What happened with Maxine and Addan?
Why is Trump protecting her?

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>You mean the one Trump breaks with using self deleting messaging apps?

Source when making accusations fool

No people will just lose faith in the rule of law

Redemption is the healthiest path

Imagine being so stupid you decided "I thought you liked assault rifles" was a good reframe.

Those are charges irrelevant to their relationship with Trump and irrelevant to muh russian collusion theory.

>mueller confirmed
what's the difference here

lol this, it's amazing how the left literally cannot meme so all they can reply with are reversed versions of our own meme. They are literally using cultural appropriation to make up for their lack of culture.
Pol's npc response

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That's what I'm doing. Molsons on me if I catch u oot n aboot, leafbro

>0% shady
roger-chan is so based, shadilay!!!

Hey if trump is doing that or worse - has moved the entire server to his bathroom in Florida - he’s just following Hillary’s example

>so when
God why the fuck is all your arguments just whataboutisms?
Were you the type of kid who would blame someone else when you fucked up? Did no one ever beat that stupid fucking trait out of you?

It shows that Trump's administration is run, in large part, by criminals.

lol this, must have been a hard nut to get it all down but you did!!


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"Why can't we just drone him?"

you're in denial, don't change the subject

Yes, Stone is arrested and that makes him guilty
They should go hard on him, not duck his head in the car
You know rough him up a little

I'm a prosecutor and my dream in every case is that the defendant goes on national television and confesses

Then again, I'm not a fed persecutor who jams people up with bullshit, so let's see what happens

That was probably on the table desu. They had enough agents on site to fend off half a dozen armed attackers only to arrest A SINGLE OLD DUDE so it's not beyond reason for them to have actually considered drone strike. They probably had a recon plane way up there in case Stones was gonna attempt to Usain Bolt his way out of the neighborhood.

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Is the deep state tired of winning yet?
I'm ready to see the counterpunch. How are we supposed to believe that a party with people like, AOC, Pelosi, Schumer, Pocahontas, Beto, Booker, Cowboy hat Dindu bitch etc. are going to defeat Trump and all the deplorables. Grow a pair and stop being bitches. Trump's got this. Do you have his back or are you all a bunch of whiny fairweather bitches?

i'm talking about your The Independent article, faggot
you went whatabout trump when i said hillary should serve time

Yeah I know
Trump really should serve time before Hilarry
Chivalry is key to being a whitem,an

dunno why i keep expecting leftists to go "okay yeah i'll give you that one, that's some bullshit" instead of some unfunny comment/deflection/fallacy
introspection isn't for everyone i suppose

Easy, unlike Trump, we have no reason to concede defeat

it's fanaticism, no wonder you want to scalp kids for a smile

Well the failed coup was exposed and we know the Dems undermines the DOJ to get spurious evidence in front of a fisa judge

We also know Hillary committed various crimes and clumsily covered it up

Without redemption, the Dems have essentially lost the white vote

There are no winners

Yep - modern leftism is also philosophically bankrupt, and therefore unsustainable and self defeating

And the Dems just keep getting further to the left

You know what on FISA?
Wghere's those declassed docs?

Hard to say since the leftist mob is easily corralled, manipulated,

Conservatives on the other hand aren’t. That lack of organization puts them at a disadvantage

>Without redemption, the Dems have essentially lost the white vote

And that's the reason why they are pushing so hard against white pride and, well, basically any form of white people behavior like going to church and raising a family. It's why they desperately need millions upon millions of mexican voters to invade the country and support their failing system. The dumb immigrants coming to America for a "better life" have no idea that they will be used by democrats to get their corrupt leaders elected and will then be ditched like the rest of the normies.

For ONCE we see a politician who at the very least seems like he cares about every day Americans. For ONCE we see a politician who doesn't give a fuck about political correctness and just says what he feels is true. And for some reason, the establishment media are losing their collective minds over this politician. It's almost as if Trump is not part of some club of sorts where all the other politicians are organizing....

I genuinely wonder how long Trump has before something drastic is done against him. Surely their attempts to turn ordinary people against the only politician willing to talk for them will fail and they'll need to resort to violence again.

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Obama’s DOJ produced propaganda in coordination with the Hillary campaign and fed it to a fisa judge without disclosing its origins/sponsorship - so they could legally spy on trump

That really undermines trust in the US justice system imho

Without redemption, the Dems have lost a lot of legitimacy

Yeah I know, 2014 is such a time with Carter page
Really funny that Trump took someone under active investigation