Why are orthodox and catholics so devoted?

its good to be trad and all, but this..?

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Why would she date someone who is not the same religion as her?

>its good to be trad and all, but this..?
dude clearly was trying to do sex before marriage

d e g e n e r a t e s


who said he wasnt the same religion as her?
I mean, you wont find a protestant who dumps someone because they told her she was "too protestant". Thats some orthodox/catholic thing only

Men only participate in religion because women do.
Women only participate in religion because that is what daddy raised them to do.

Threadly reminder that you should never date outside your religion. It means she is a degenerate and so are you

Make sure you raise your children that way. And only get into a relationship with a virtuous woman.

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someone calling someone "too catholic" would not be a catholic
also that's because protestants have no proper morals.

Her boyfriend is probably some sleazy toxic masculinity degenerate, he can fuck off. Either you want to catholicize the world or not

True Catholics are basically extinct, even here
The only person I know that regularly goes to Church is my grandma

>devil's trips
Yeah okay.
My church is packed every Sunday morning with young people

Americans are weird then
Most people here get baptized, get their communion and get married in a church and that's all. And we are supposed to be one of the most religious countries in the EU

Honestly it's a great place to go socialize with others.
You meet new people and when people notice you're there alone they invite you to get breakfast with them afterwards

Even here in norway catholicism has grown from less than 1% of the population to over 4% in just a few years. Same goes for Orthodoxy. In Russia orthodoxy has absolutely skyrocketed, and just last year they built thousands of new churches and cathedrals.
Trad catholicism/orthodoxy is having a revivial (even in france) pic related

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Your local church community is the best place to find girls.

It would be if they all didn't get married at the age of 22

>would be if they all didn't get married at the age of 22
user which province are you in? Catholic?

Doesn't really seem a reputable source desu

This is Fucking Terrifying
We dont say "FREE TIBET" Because The Chinese Government were so generous with Tibets Autonomy

>Even here in norway catholicism has grown from less than 1% of the population to over 4% in just a few years.
Don't you have a ton of recent Polish people in Norway?

its happening

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the polish people are only people who come here for work. they dont actually live here. the poll was based on norwegians, it was a tv documentary about it a couple of months back

How can a girl be too Catholic?
Call me naive, but what did she do that was too Catholic?
Talk too softly?
Be to snuggle-able?
Wear too many cute, non-revealing outfits?
Want too many children?
Oh yes, that all sounds like such hell for a budding young man. How could he have managed her utter tyranny?
*plays smallest violin in the world for the dude*

Catholics aren’t devoted to shit but looking like a bunch of self righteous dipshits
Don’t ever lump us together with them you fucking popsicle
This is another shitty D&C thread
We respect each other but we’re hardly “devout”
We leave that to the Mormons Pentecostals and other Protestant weirdos

I live near some big cities like Toronto but I'm out in the country side so everyone here is either Portuguese, Italian, or Dutch which means they're either Catholic or Dutch Reform

Nobody says too Orthodox unless you’re an Orthodox Jew,
Don’t speak on what you don’t know snownigger
Now go take communion from your lesbian minister

please stop good lord i want this so bad

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They wouldn't say "too Protestant", it would be just "too Christian".

It’s DNC not D&C. Where did D&C come from anyways?

>I live near some big cities like Toronto but I'm out in the country side so everyone here is either Portuguese, Italian, or Dutch which means they're either Catholic or Dutch Reform
nice to meet you fellow ontariofag

I'm shocked to hear people getting married at 22. I once met a guy who was buying something from me. They were from a farming community around dunneville. The guy was 28 or so, his wife maybe a year or two younger. They had 3-4 kids. I was shocked (grew up in mississauga). They were also dutch protestants, blondes even.

lots of BETAS here. i'll be praying for you all at latin mass this weekend.

It's obviously this.

This means that she wouldn't let him fuck her.


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Well these people in these areas believe in family values and not just the nuclear family style of family values but the extended family kind of values so they start dating someone for 2-3 years and when they get married both sides of the family pitch in whatever they can to help support the two for the first few years that way they can still go to school and whatnot.

>latin mass
Yeah, keep sucking those little boys off in the confession booth you sick fuck.

>hey you a trad girl?
>yeah ^.^
>sweet, lets get into a relationship
>okay :D as long as it's close to God!
>yeah sure whatever, hey, we been together for a few months, wanna fuuuuuck?
>Uhh OwO n-no, that's ungodly to f-f-fornicate before marriage
>What the shit? I want my dick wet
>N-no, lets wait til we're married because these statistics say-
>I guess I'm single now.

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tfw you have a catholic girlfriend with very strict parents

Based Catholic woman.

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I was being sarcastic senpai, don’t loose her!

Real talk folks, why do most catholic girls have anus issues later in life? Is it the food, the environment or the trains that run through there? Such purity ;)

She probably doesn't believe in pre-marital sex like a good Catholic girl and her boyfriend was trying to guilt her into it.

>why do most catholic girls have anus issues later in life?

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>the polish people are only people who come here for work. they dont actually live here

What? That's not true.

>the poll was based on Norwegians

That's how I know you are lying, no poll will just survey ethnic Norwegians. Anyway show it or not.

Catholics are just a dumber version of Jews

Experience and buddy chatter. Yea I get it it’s anecdotal af, but just because a human being happens to be of one faith or another doesn’t automatically make them pure and holy. Tread carefully lads.

Says the burger with a mutilated penis.

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In go to traditional Latin mass every Sunday. I’m 26 and the chapel is packed full of young families

If the frigid cunt cant even give it up I certainly hope she didnt expect him to buy her dinner and gifts and such

Now that's a woman.

When you have Jesus you really don't need anything else.

I've lost my religion. Whom shall I date? Belief in God is important...holding out hope for an agnostic girl with a Jewish last name. Other than that, 44, getting old, still searching for a heart of gold...

She probably didnt talk to the guy about anything other than living room curtains and the sky fairy and didnt even give him sex while undoubtedly expecting to be treated like a princess because of her desert diety

i'm not even half your age at 21. praying for you, user

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My family have rented 4 different firms consisting of polish workers. Literally every worker we talked with told us he was just here for work, and that he lived in Poland.
>no poll will just survey ethnic Norwegians.
It was a survey for norwegians (with citizenship), I didnt say the poll was solely around ethnicity. They also talked about the rise of Orthodoxy here.

Sexual abuse happens significantly less in the Catholic Church than it does in public school, or sports clubs.

Please stop my piousness can only get so erect before it feels like I'm sinning.

Divide and conquer you retard mutt
Go to church
Read the Bible
And lurk more

I honestly don’t see why she shouldn’t expect that.
If she was actually a good girl, and I mean only if she really was, than she should be treated like one.

This, a woman that respect the lord deserves all my respect.

Why would I buy the cow, feed it and take care of all of its needs and wants, hear her bs nagging when the milk’s free. Why risk it on some chick when there’s another one just around the corner that’s gonna give it easy? I don’t even have to leave my house to get laid dude c’mon. Understand now?

Hi erika

Alright then just milk the millions of easy cows instead.

If a dude isnt getting sex what is he getting in return? Laundry, food, vacuuming? Men can do all that themselves. Anyone who willingly pays for a woman and receives no sexual compensation is a fucking cuckold.

I was raised Catholic but I stopped going to mass around 17 just because I never had the time. I haven't gone to church or any sermons in years now. I'm not deeply religious but I want to give it another shot, except I have no idea what the proper way is to start attending a different church since I've moved states and don't know anyone here that goes.

The catholic church is headquarters to globalists, communists, nigger lovers, and pedestry. Think for yourself you fucking mong, you won't find a incel approved wife there

Wrong. It's positive magic. Lord have mercy on you and me. Let us feel peace and let our suffering be minimized. Thoughts are wavelengths of electromagnetic energy and we can build reality with it

If you live in a rural area then call and ask if you can attend a service. If you live in a city you can just show up and people won't pay too much attention to you. Good luck.

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That only applies if she's not a virgin

>dump someone because Jebus
Never change, christcucks, never change.

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It applies always, cuck. Stop pedestaling pussy. If she's not putting out you're not buying. You're certainly not going to get riveting conversation or fun mischief together from her if shes a young catholic

The purpose of marriage isn’t to get into mischief together and live a life of debauchery you deviant.

It’s for life time companionship, procreation, love and getting eachother to heaven. Not fleeting worldly pleasure.

Seek God first, then perhaps you will find true love.

Imagine actually believing this lol

Ah, we have found the Jew this early?
>fuck the sanctity of marriage
Get in the showers, faggot

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>calling a woman who intentionally declines a manslut a cuck

>My church is packed every Sunday morning with young people
Minorities and single mothers looking for gibs don't count.



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good. christians are the original globalists and christianity is a cancer


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I'll pray for you user. Come and visit an orthodox church, just to see what it's like.

>christcuck population explodes as immigrant population swells to almost 20% of the general population
>"BASED! i love my african christisn brothers!"
you're all going to hang. every last one of you

how's the all white bathhouse fag?

>ordodox based :D
its all so tiresome

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>catholics based
are you a sede/sspx or just a normal cathfag

I am 21 and already désesperate, hope you could find somebody to love you.

Stop with the kikery.

Kikes want infighting among christians.
Remember we got Jesus, the one they fear.

No bigger fags than Catholics, and they cant even keep their homolust towards adults

There's nothing remotely "based" about the supposedly "based" Orthodox Church.

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Fund the nigger

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go easy on them, I hope we can reunite them back into our fold one day

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>implying the patriarchs have as much authority as the pope
rookie mistake

>Godpilled, based & underrated

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>be protestant, independent, non-denominational,etc
>hold sodomite marriages

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Pretty weak cope, desu

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>no E.Michael Jones speaking

holiness of life exists only within the catholic church

Not every Protestant denomination do this. Protestantism is a big world.

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says the man with the faggot pope

I left the church because it got too fucking liberal. wtf is OP's image about?