>Be libertarian >"Anyone can move here and do whatever they want, I just want to be left alone" >Quickly realize that other groups are not libertarians and won't leave me alone >Become white nationalist >"Fine then I'm a white nationalist. Anyone can do whatever they want in their countries, we just want to be left alone here" >Quickly realize that other groups in other countries are not pacifists and won't leave us alone either >Become white supremacist (a.k.a. having once again the beliefs my great-grandparents had) >"Fine then we have to do what we used to, sail there and take over and have our own governments run over them"
This a lesson we've learned in the 19th century but quickly forgot in the 20th century. Non-whites countries (with a few exceptions in Asia) have demonstrated that they can't get their shit together, yet they want to move here and walk over us. So it's time for the adults to be in charge again.
White Supremacy was the official policy of the USA until 1964.
Brody Davis
Very interesting OP
Jose Sanders
Australian posts a picture of a Canadian with a German symbol in front of an American flag.
Connor Wood
Anarcho-capitalism works, but only in a racial, religious and cultural homogeneous society (excluding those of African origin). Change my mind.
Luis Adams
A good example is Africa. We decolonized, under pressure from Jews. What happened? Not the magical transformation of Africa into a prosperous and industrious continent. But what should have been expected: another power (China) simply moved in and colonized them.
Levi Allen
On a message board owned by a Jap. What's your point?
Lincoln Moore
The world is not homogeneous.
Aiden Brooks
>White supremacy That's a movie trope. Surprised no meme flag.
Samuel Cook
>until 1964 And what happened?
Aaron Ortiz
The term, yes. Not the concept. When we left Europe to conquer all the new world, this was us (whites) being superior (supremacy).
Regardless we need to stop being ashamed of labels made up for us by Jews. White supremacy is a very positive term if you think about it.
Jaxon Davis
>>Quickly realize that other groups in other countries are not pacifists and won't leave us alone either >>Become white supremacist >The only options are roll over and let people take advantage of me or become a white supremacist Are you fucking serious?
Aaron Myers
Not yet
Charles Brooks
Yes. There are very few examples in history of countries that were doing their own thing in their own corner and were left alone. Especially now with technology that goes into space, and generally has broad impact in terms of pollution, etc. the actions of other countries have effects on us. If the world was two countries, China and Switzerland, that state of things would last for a day or two before China dumps all its nuclear waste into Switzerland.
Angel Edwards
Broke: go in the Middle East to destabilized it for Israel and get oil contracts with Saudi Arabia Broke: let the Middle East develop until it conquers Europe again, doing weekly terrorism in the mean time Woke: go there and rule over them, forever
Oliver Carter
wow its like if there's no government feeding them, the minorities run away. You found out what literally every 3rd world shithole has known for years.
Noah Ward
>Yes. Then you're retarded.
>There are very few examples in history of countries that were doing their own thing in their own corner and were left alone. You can defend yourself without being a white supremacist.
Daniel Collins
It's not that White supremacy is the only sustainable policy, it's that the white race has the smallest percentage of absolute degenerates, and whites have consistently delivered magnificent cultures and proud, cooperative systems for millenia.
Therefore I posit that once the world is de-programmed from this Jewish Marxist brain disease, it will be the responsiblity of the demonstrably superior white race (per capita) to elevate the masses of foreign races, sterilizing a certain percentage of absolute and relative degenerates with sufficient opportunity and evidence for posterity.
Lucas Cook
Racial hierarchy exists. Countries which deny it usually collapses, as they lost real authority.
Sebastian Anderson
This accurately summarises the evolution of my political leanings.
John Watson
>what are the Turks >what is Muslim Iberia
Elijah Evans
>inb4 nords, anglos, celts, slavs, and meds start fighting about who is the superior.
Joshua Taylor
You obviously can't.
Evan Murphy
White supremacy is a meme, it is a reaction to outside stimulate European nations worked for ages without outside interference.
The only way is to drive back or REMOVE the litteral shit immigrants we already have. There are way too many people anyway and we dont need them. We dont need supremacy because we dont need other races filling up our nations. Fuck globalism!