What a groveling cuck.
Other urls found in this thread:
Why didnt he go off to the races before today?
hmm, I wonder...
huge letdown tbqh
>It's off to the races!
Which ones? White and Asian?
>off to the races
wait what?
You retards will pretend you never supported Trump soon enough
On November 8, 2016, as I was nearly delirious with ecstasy, as DONALD TRUMP was poised to waltz into the chambers of the establishment, as a crystal clear "fuck you" to this shitty propaganda-cucked nation, it never crossed my mind that Trump would fail in this way. Not by being extreme, but rather, by being an actual moral, respectable president with nothing but the peoples' welfare constantly in mind. What a waste.
he's a fucking jewish puppet cuck
he can literally have the wall built a single stroke of his marker, just declare national emergency
fuck this cheetos bitch
I don't get this meme
How did he lose?
The government is only open for another 3 weeks.
This stops the media shutdown narrative, without taking away from the negotiations.
>inb4: COPE
If nothing happens in 3 weeks, then I'll agree with this meme
only an absolute dunce could have believed this
buddy, he had TWO WHOLE YEARS to get this shit done. now he bitches after he's lost the house. fuck that shit.
You need 60 votes in the senate.
so you wanted him to shut down the government 2 years ago?
Executive order, national emergency, whatever it takes.
We're never getting the wall because Trump is a cuck
>an actual moral, respectable president
Yes, but what about Trump?
Uh huh. Basically the deal he did today could have been done the day before the shutdown. The shutdown accomplished absolutely nothing but hardship for working folks. And it's all on Trump's shoulders. He threw a hissy fit and then caved. Lol, what a pathetic cuck of an attention whore.
To All retards pushing this, he never had 60 votes in the senate, he needed democrat support either way
embarrassing. literally cringed reading that
>he never had 60 votes in the senate, he needed democrat support either way
no shit fuckhead. part of being a good politician and president is being able to bargain with and negotiate across the aisle for the votes you need. if everything were done strictly along party lines nothing would ever and have ever gotten done in the USA. i hate LBJ, i hated his cancerous policies but if i really want to be honest he was the consummate politician who was able wheel and deal legislation he wanted to pass into existence across party lines like so many other capable US presidents before him. the failure to do anything over the last two years is still on trump.
You shills are so easy to spot.
Reminder that Jow Forums is being raided by discord trannies. Some easy tips to spot them for the retarded among us.
Direct attacks on Jow Forumslacks are discord trannies. Not your odd kosherposter or stray nig that wanders in from time to time but the "AAAAH WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO NOW LOSERS/COPE/TRUMP KEKED WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO NOW" etc. threads that are blatantly trying to rub our faces in it. Think of trump what you will but it is easy to tell tranny circlejerk from real criticism from Jow Forumslacks. Sage these threads.
"Kill yourself shill rat" posters are discord trannies, they do this so they can respond with COPE memes, "the absolute state of MAGAtards" etc. again think of trump what you will but the same phrase being answered by the same phrase over and over and over again like some sort of call and response is not very subtle.
Kill yourself shill rat
Filename: COPE
Literally two bots.
Sage these threads.
Obvious threads that go against Jow Forums values "Democrat thread/it's ok to be gay/y'all racist/antisemites" etc threads are discord trannies trying to consensus crack and make Jow Forums look like something other than an anti-kike board right before another big wave of new immigrants to the board thanks to the the Journocaust. Sage these threads.
Sage all discord tranny threads while dropping the heaviest redpills you can.
>fuck Jews
>fuck nigs
>homos are fags
>fuck shills
>fuck you hiroshimoot
>bring back snacks
>Hitler did nothing wrong
>the holocaust didn't happen, but it should have
>fuck trannies
>and fuck jannies
you must have single digit IQ to spin this as a win for trump. if you're going to shut down the government again in three weeks anyway, why reopen it? the federal workers out of work were all democrats anyway. you trumpanzees realize if trump does get any kind of wall, you're going to have to accept hundreds of thousands of DACA mexicans to become US citizens? is the wall really worth hundreds of thousands of more brown democrat voters??
The only shills here are the desperate payed pro-Trump posters trying to sway us into trusting your amnesty-Dom and chief.
trump fucked up caving in to nancy pelosi's communist hand. she just proved trump needs her more than she needs him. it was a shit test and trump utterly failed. everyone, including the world, now knows nancy pelosi is the president of the US.
You know what
I’m all for a law that libshits like you pay 3x taxes durring shutdowns to pay for the mess you cause
Hiprocittic retard
Shut it discored shill
Discored shill
this. all retard trump actually accomplished by cucking out was telegraphing the fact that he has limits and can and will bend. his opponents in government and outside of it, around the world now know this. trump is pretty fucked, and has made his domestic, foreign and trade policy goals that much more harder to attain.
Look Jow Forumsthedonald! We are being raided by Jow Forums anti semites!
All hail god emperor!
This is true, and I wish it wasn't.
what the fuck happened to trump? he really couldn't come up with something? i knew he was cucked
>we're gonna have that wall
>"no we're not"
>yes we are
>"no we're not"
>yes we are
>"no you buffoon we're not"
>OK then you're not having a budget, see you in a few weeks
>we're having that wall like I said we would
>I'll let you have some snickers
>maybe some snickers and a frisbee
>OK see you soon kthxbai
>alright then, 3 weeks.
>"thank you"
--------------- YOU ARE HERE ---------------
>then we're having a wall
>then we're in a state of emergency and your majority is powerless
>I will repeal Obamacare fully and enact my tax plan as it was laid out in my campaign
>those climate deals are all fucked
>Clinton's fucked
>hell frankly your whole party's fucked
>so the way I see it, if your politics and your lobbies mean anything to you, which if they pay well they should, we're gonna have the wall instead, aren't we
>"...How much was it again for that stupid wall..."
>I think I prefer the state of emergency kthxbai *door slam*
>America Greatness +1
The wall was just a metaphor dude, trump can just delay until he is voted out and blame someone else
I respect Trump now. He had to cave first. He is the President. He's fulfilling his duties. He still looks like the biggest bitch in the world though.
I literally don’t care about federal employees
bargains and negotiations only work with people willing to do so. The last two years, in case your heads been in the sand, has shown the dems are not at all that
You are a pathetic cuck you stupid little fucking faggot
He's an ALPHA FUCKING MALE, bitch!
Trump is a REAL MAN- fighting his ass off in a MARATHON fight against the Deep State!
HOT playmate Karen McDougal admitted to faggot Anderson Cooper that she LOVED Trump!
>surely I'll win the second time
Because he knows you will never negotiate and will add insult to injury when he gets his wall while you turned down DACA concessions and potential amnesty out of spite.
Agreed he's a cuck, his speech today was cucked, that tweet was cucked, and his surrender was cucked.
Nancy "Nancy" Pelosi has outplayed this old motherfucker at every turn. She has proven to be a more skilled businessman and negotiator than the great Donald Blumpfh which is pretty funny.
Democrats: 1
Trumptards: 0
>Nancy "Nancy" Pelosi
>Getting a couple grey area Dem votes is harder than flipping a dem majority house and still needing a couple.fewer Dem votes in the Senate.
Streets ahead what?
I've learned about how much of a cunt he is over the last 6 hours than I have in 2 years. Thank you.
remember, our shillblue friends are raiding this week.
He just said he's going to declare a national emergency and build the wall in 21 days. Read between the lines morons.
That wasn't real Trump though. Real Trump has never been tried.
He wants to make his state of the union address... so he needs the government open.
user, this a discord tranny faggot thread. Remember these people celebrated getting HRT and reassignment surgery. They are mentally ill. Don't engage them. Laugh at them.
Do you ever get tired of being a Trump NPC?
>Slide thread
>Discord shill
Confirmed leftist for stealing memes.
You faggots are so TRANSparent.
Well that settles it, he's a kike.
There is always the nuclear option as well. Harry Reid used it to tweak Obamacare if memory serves.
>Caring about democrats losing their jobs
Grade A cuckold right here
>inb4 shit thread 404's
get your own memes faggot
You guys are pathetic. You can't make it as a man so you have to cut your dick off and pretend to be a woman. It's fucking disgusting.
It's understandable but on the other hand his unwillingness to let them feel the pain is disheartening to me
nigger the left can't meme because they don't even know what a meme is to begin with kek
You wish the masses reject trump like they did obama. Better hope dems claw together a,deal or they get jack shit for the wall
Trump is a gungrabber
On November 8, 2016, as I was nearly delirious with ecstasy, as DONALD TRUMP was poised to waltz into the chambers of the establishment, as a crystal clear "fuck you" to this shitty propaganda-cucked nation, it never crossed my mind that Trump would fail in this way. Not by being extreme, but rather, by being an actual moral, respectable president with nothing but the peoples' welfare constantly in mind. What a waste.
>working folks
Get fucked if you think government workers are blue collar working class. They are leaches on society and fuck them.
the real reason she doesn't have a nickname yet - her name is pathetic enough.
>What a groveling cuck.
>Do you ever get tired of being an NPC?
>Posts the same "COPE" meme like the rest of the trannies currently invading Jow Forums
Obama was re-elected handily. It's possible that after the DACA EO he wouldn't have won another re-election if eligible and the Democrats didn't fair well in the subsequent midterms but he personally was never rejected in an actual election.
Then why did so many obama voters ditch his support for hillary and go for trump?
There was a large number of Obama supporters who were never that fond of Hillary. I could throw out plenty of theories as to why Hillary and the Democrats lost 2016 but none of them would change the fact Obama wasn't running.
Is there anything Trump could do to get him to get you to stop licking his balls? Oh right, probably not, because you literally live in your parents' basement away from all forms of social contact.