Fuck Warszawa in Poland

Based PiS has been importing 200K pakis into Warszawa a year now. All delivery via Uber Eats is only Pakis, no Poles allowed. I got an Uber Eats paki deported from Warszawa Poland because he jacked the promotional 2 free 500mL coke zeros from my order. Uber Eats niggers are the biggest scammers here and Uber Eats is 100% complicit.

I called the restaurant and bitched, the manager checked the cameras and confirmed cokes went into sealed bag (which was tampered with when order arrived). Cops didn't want to prosecute, so I filed a police complaint anyways under fraud (not theft, in poland you can still steal up to like $100 and the police just give you a fine). Prosecutor refused it, then I appealed the refusal to prosecute to the court and the court admitted it, public prosecutor refused to prosecute so I then applied to the court to be auxiliary (??) prosecutor in court. Public prosecutor tried to dismiss the case on bs grounds and I appealed and it was upheld. I personally prosecuted this paki in court for defrauding me of 2 coke zeros and demanded the court deport him, which they did after jailing him for a month and fining him ~$400 USD.

Attached: polskaaa.jpg (1200x800, 110K)

1L Coca Cola Zero costs $1/3.75zł here = $0,2666 USD.

Attached: polskakuuurwa.jpg (610x646, 155K)

Youre okay poland. Dont go to Kraków tomorrow

chuj kogo to obchodzi

Jow Forums to miejsce dla ćpunów, alkoholików i ludzi chorych psychicznie którzy żyją w dużych miastach

wszyscy ludzie z dużych miast to zło

więc spierdalaj pedale. Jak sobie pościelesz tak się wyśpisz


Attached: kurwapepe.jpg (558x400, 20K)

Why do you lie and spew nonsense? I swear you fucking kike and Russian LARPs never stop. You’re not even a Pole.

He’s not replying because he doesn’t know how to type in Polish, only use Google Translate. Ignore all LARPs.

>Based PiS has been importing 200K pakis into Warszawa a year now. All delivery via Uber Eats is only Pakis, no Poles allowed. I got an Uber Eats paki deported from Warszawa Poland because he jacked the promotional 2 free 500mL coke zeros from my order. Uber Eats niggers are the biggest scammers here and Uber Eats is 100% complicit.
>I called the restaurant and bitched, the manager checked the cameras and confirmed cokes went into sealed bag (which was tampered with when order arrived). Cops didn't want to prosecute, so I filed a police complaint anyways under fraud (not theft, in poland you can still steal up to like $100 and the police just give you a fine). Prosecutor refused it, then I appealed the refusal to prosecute to the court and the court admitted it, public prosecutor refused to prosecute so I then applied to the court to be auxiliary (??) prosecutor in court. Public prosecutor tried to dismiss the case on bs grounds and I appealed and it was upheld. I personally prosecuted this paki in court for defrauding me of 2 coke zeros and demanded the court deport him, which they did after jailing him for a month and fining him ~$400 USD.

Next time he won't fuck with your reklamówka

>reddit spacing

kys przemek. at least learn to type the language on an english board, pathetic when poles don't at least try. And I'm glad you found the fact that I, a humble investment banker, educated myself on the polish penal code and was able to jail, fine and deport a shitskin thief despite having 0 legal training.

Attached: zabkakurwa.jpg (492x549, 99K)

Stop spamming other threads you Polish piece of shit. Sorry for the redundancy.

here's a free screen grab

Attached: Paki-2Cokes.jpg (1889x347, 180K)

>not theft, in poland you can still steal up to like $100
HAHAHAHA caught you right in your bullshit, Moshe. You’re a fucking LARP using a VPN. There is no way in hell you can steal up to $100 in Poland and get a fine, I have a criminal past and have gotten arrested for stealing things worth $50 and less ffs.

And what fucking Pakis in Poland? Have you ever been there? It’s all Poles and the only minorities are Ukrainians, followed by Belarusians and Moldovans. Shitskins don’t even make up .00001% of the population and most Poles dont even use or know wtf Jow Forums is. Now kill yourself faggot kike.

>t. Polish diaspora in America

*kike piece of shit. He’s no Pole chief, just a LARP using a VPN


Polish "people" are LARPing as humans.

It's 500zł and up now...
>pic related retard

>Shitskins don't even make up....
Come visit Warszawa bydło

Attached: 500zł nowy prawo.png (822x833, 330K)

Polish people are more humans than us burgers, wtf are you saying? They ban abortion, they don’t allow interracial bs propaganda, they don’t allow shitskins, and they don’t allow their heritage and peoples to be troubled over and treated like rats.

>It's 500zł and up now...
>>pic related retard
they raised it just in time for the shitskins to arrive.

Attached: 1547951501926.png (664x857, 1.08M)

Being this triggered

Make your bydło proxies more obvious, are you turbo cycling your Verizon modem like a maluch? Stay triggered cuck

Attached: breivik.jpg (300x370, 18K)

>Come visit Warszawa bydło
Why don’t you look at the demographics and stop your bullshit nonsense? Out of a population of almost 2 million, there’s only fucking 398 Turks/shitskins, pajeets don’t even make up the list

Attached: ECAABE0F-162E-4BB0-A99C-6B86502702B3.jpg (1125x1873, 238K)

>a literal kike proxy calling others proxies
You crack me up Shlomo. You’re so fucking easy to spot.

Holy shit we have a Greenpoint SJW (((Polish))) cuck here.........

Attached: chuj lgbtq+ stalina.jpg (194x259, 10K)

>Why don’t you look at the demographics and stop your bullshit nonsense? Out of a population of almost 2 million, there’s only fucking 398 Turks/shitskins, pajeets don’t even make up the list

Attached: Untitled.png (1271x925, 200K)

Ja nie ćpam i nie jestem alkoholikiem. Od czasu do czasu tylko sobie szurka wciągnę czy wódeczkę się napije. To jeszcze nie czyni mnie wielkomiejskim degeneratem.

Well, honestly it makes sense, it's desperate people/addicts stealing to eat/survive, these aren't organized rings to get rich. The goal is to get them into court for mental/health treatment. A lot of the time family are contacted and asked to help in terms of watching them, many do get better. I think Switzerland has the same system, if someone falls on welfare family is required to provide for them also to take care of them, etc.

There's a difference between someone stealing an iPhone 12XSSS Maximus for $9000 USD and someone stealing $5 worth of food

>Nie jestem alkoholikiem

Attached: naragekek.jpg (858x536, 101K)

Moron is some kike from a literal synagogue in Brooklyn. Shitskin immigration is 200K+/year

Nearly 20% of Warszawa is foreigners

Attached: warszawa niggers.png (1099x362, 35K)

Thats all of Poland and includes Ukrainians, alot of whom fled to Poland. Unless I am missing something.

>awaiting the americans who try and tell europeans how it is and then add how they are whatever percent polish

That's for Warszawa/Mazowieck. Ukr*ps are ~3M alone right now, nearly 10%

That includes Ukrainians and the biggest non-White group in Poland, the Vietnamese.

I love the little corner stores and how they bake their own bread, the cobblestone roads and pleasant people of Poland. I miss it.

Attached: 0129D197-1DC5-4E0D-9D54-99510DB950D2.jpg (942x888, 169K)

Viets are 50K, Tatars 50K, out of population of 38M or 1/38000=100/38000*100=0.26%

Ukr*ps are literally 3M or nearly 10% and they don't even keep track of them

>That's for Warszawa/Mazowieck. Ukr*ps are ~3M alone right now, nearly 10%

So, then 200000 Ukrainians in Warsaw seems entirely possible.

Are you upset about Ukrainians?

I can fart out of my mouth as well

TFW you go back over a liter of soda.

The retard denied it to the end.

I fucking love Poland. Especially the girls.

>I'm a fucking mutt so you are too

Keep waiting because Polish people are bottom of the barrel "white" immigrants. Around the same tier Ukranians and Russians are.

Why yes they are because especially in the EU most Eastern Euro immigrants are the scum of society.

>be in eastern europe
>no brains
>get paid 3 dollars an hour
>go west
>minimum wage
>16 dollars an hour

Not hard to work out, is it? That's why an unequal union like the EU is doomed to fail.


Attached: 1533482961145.jpg (1280x720, 197K)

What are you arguing? You think I give a single fuck about the EU?

>Nearly 20% of Warszawa is foreigners
>That's for Warszawa/Mazowieck. Ukr*ps are ~3M alone right now, nearly 10%
>Shitskin immigration is 200K+/year
are any politician talking about this?

How aware is the general population?

Attached: EasternEurope.png (770x235, 21K)

I'm explaining why some immigrants are bottom of the barrel but you're obviously having a fanny fit and too dumb to understand the EU will have an impact on you.

>Poland affects the whole EU
>EU affects the US!
Yeah like Poland is the first domino to fall or something. Keep pretending like you're anything more than a white roach, Ivan.

>Od czasu do czasu tylko sobie szurka wciągnę czy wódeczkę się napije. To jeszcze nie czyni mnie wielkomiejskim degeneratem.

Jacy wy jesteście przewidywalni

Jesteście lumpenproletariatem w trochę lepszych ciuchach

Tutaj wszyscy albo są pierdolnieci na głowę, albo ćpają, wielcy obrońcy białej rasy!

Now, now, Chad. I said the EU.

Aleksandr is more common than Ivan (or Boris) by the way, Chadwick.