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Other urls found in this thread: yourself shill rat/


>Mike thernobitch
>Ann coalburner
Who are two idiots that 99.9999% of Trump voters neither care about nor “follow”, myself included

Holy shit we lost Cernovich.

So much winning

>Donald Cuck
Well now that's just lazy. Trump doesn't have the same cadence as cuck at all, it only has one letter in common.
Why not at least try Donald Jk Trump" or something?

he just wants to cuck you with the sotu

keep displaying your hate.
show us all how intolerant you are.
go on.

Noooo not cernovich
Fuck what will we do without him on our side????

Politics aside, you're fkn bat shit crazy

>because it doesnt hurt them.

If the shutdown had continued it would have been punishing. Peope without food. Elderly without health care. Public transportation shut down. It would have been a clusterfuck.

Cernobitch turned on Trump over a year ago when he admitted that supporting him was hurting his book sales and his business

>makes a point of shutting down the government for the longest period in history
>p-please drumpf don't publicize your state of the union
>p-please drumpf our niggers are getting uppity
>a-and our CEOs can't fly for business and our upper class can't fly for fun because muh TSA
>"Hmm...well I made my point, and it's clear my threats are real, so out of the goodness of my heart..."
Democrats are increasingly tiresome.

there is no one twitter so full of himself than cuckovich

has anybody posted thernovich's movie?

I'm almost 55 years old. I've been around to see:

Reagan try to tell me ketchup is a vegetable.
Bush 41 tell me to read his lips.
Clinton be a sexual psychopath.
Bush 43 be Bush 43
Obama think his skin colour passed for political policy.

I thought I had a decent bullshit filter. But Trump caught me off guard. At least he wasn't a professional politician. The lowest of the low. I thought, ok maybe here's something different.

Nope. Just the same old bullshit. Fuck him. And fuck any of his grovelling apologists. You're the real NPCs

Eh, at this point is voting Democrat going to give Trump voters what Trump hasn't? Aren't Democrats hoping that literally the exact opposite of trump's campaign promises is implemented?
So what impetus does a trump voter have to not vote for him again in 2020?
Trump can fail up the ass, right tards will whine and come 2020 they will vote for him again because the only option is voting for someone who literally wants to destroy them.

Back to the monkey mindset i guess

I agree with his statement. Can he open it up,pay them in advance and then shut it down.
Hello nice

And it would have given them all the ammo they needed for a "trump is motivated by racism and doesn't give a shit about minorities" type narrative

>he's on the side of thernovith
Oh I'm laffin

is that a fucking jeopardy joke? guys I found the boomer

Is this the new nuclear codes pasta? You guys should have taken a hint from CTR that’s too long.

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Thernobitch is always jumping sides. He has no core values or opinions. Just making money and trying to look like some guru of life. He sucked a tranny’s cock, never forget.

He didn't give it up, he can shut down the government again whenever he likes.

100% this

Cernovich will say whatever gets him the most attention. He's a fag

>What will we do without a sociopathic rapist on our side

What a loss.

Just think, he actually believes this as he types it

Trump shills are out in full force

You're right, the only thing conservatives are good at ceding ground. That's how it's been ever since the French revolution

Wouldn't want to lose the black vote

lmao this faggot is right

reminder that Mike Cernovich is a grift that never mattered to anyone, and his boss is a literal schizophrenic Mossad kike named Loren Feldman

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Good those useless eaters need to suffer.

Craig wright

i put aids in your niggers now whut faggot?

>Government shutdown is bad for the people, Trump doesnt care about them, otherwise he'd end the shutdown and stop holding people hostage!
>Omg he ended the shutdown? What a massive cuck, why would he do that? He's clearly losing!
Thats an interesting train of thought you have there user.

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If you really are 55 years old you're a moron and you will probably fall for it again

It's because Americans are weak people. Don't use right wing. Use Americans. We Russians would never give up. Death first before weakness. We never surrender.

trump is better than the alternatives

learn to code

Serious this is not a good day for Trump but if you think he is the only hope that the people who voted for him have you are naive.

You're a moron, and probably an 18-23 year old liberal faggot. Watch the long game, retard, not the small battles. Trump is a Wharton educated cutthroat businessman, he does not like losing, this is part of the plan. Trump is about the Art of War. Remember that in 21 days, fake news boomer.

Don't fall for the copypasta faggot

>this is part of the plan
do you never get tired of your own bullshit?

It's a shame the big man DOES follow them faggot.

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you faggots cannot even dominate your own gender dysphoria, you are weak fragile fuckmeat who is losing right now, where did all you whining about gov workers not getting paid go? and you will get a wall soon like it or not lol

rage harder eunach man-bitch

I wouldn't be laughing if I was you. Trump is very suggestive in the sense that if he feels he's losing his base he'll flip a180 and do something crazy to win them back. Trump might recant on ending the shutdown if enough of his base is threatening to abandon their support.

Trump is a false hope and a zionist stooge. The elections are a fraud.

The only purpose they serve is to the (((elites))) who use them as a means to monitor the opinions of the masses. And thus provide a great opportunity to monitor the social conditioning and brainwashing that is inflicted on the population. With this knowledge they then make adjustments in policy to further cement their reign. Remember, all wars are won in the hearts and minds of the people, and the Jews practice a constant spiritual warfare against their host nation for control of it's destiny.

The left and right paradigm is a fraud that is designed to divide and conquer the population and stall all change via a yin-yang of tyranny. Except of course change which is (((permitted))).

Trump's election was used as a means for the kikes to study how the goyim could use a grass roots movement on the internet to overthrow their grip on the narrative. And now that the election has been thoroughly studied, the kikes are using this knowledge to censor every last avenue for free discussion they find.

This is why big-tech is Censoring you all across the internet. It is also why no politician will ever oppose them, because EVERY politician works for the same masters that google does. They only say they'll bust the trusts to give you false hope and thus placate you. Just like the border wall and repealing DACA have not occurred, the regulation of these tech companies will NEVER be happen. They keep playing this trick on you emotionally driven idiots over and over and you never learn.

Spread the truth, then fight back. This is the only way to freedom from (((them))).

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Watch every hardcore Trump supporter suddenly pivoting to "Oh I'm not really into politics, I try to stay focused on my personal life" while frantically deleting all their MAGA folders

Nothing is bigger political poison in right-wing circles than being perceived as WEAK.

Nancy fucking castrated him.

Your people will send their wives to be shit on for a few roubles

Mike is controlled op. This is the same guy who staged a NAMBLA - ANTIFA march. He's lower than Alex Jones.

Trump shills are so pathetic. They literally try and twist everything that goes wrong into some magical win.

Trump is a sham, just like all elected politicians on both sides of the isle.

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Well if he was a master deal maker he wouldve seen it coming and doubled down. But he didnt he cuckd.

If you're not larping as an epic faggot then I genuinely feel sorry for how retarded you are.

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Anyone who would buy that narrative (and care) does not need any more convincing at this point.

the left has won, so there is no more racism or white people...we are all niggers now. time to stick it to the jews..i mean 1%...

>he doesn't want Tucker Carlson 2020

Niggers have no foresight. That's why they always lose.

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>oh no, people who hate me are getting badly hurt by the shutdown!
trump is really wasting his time with this bullshit

Its time to admit that all forms of liberalism were a mistake, and that the founding fathers began this nation with an ideology that is easily subverted and exploited. We must forge a new identity that is relatively anti-US and recognize that any calls for patriotism, or appeals to 'Murica are bullshit slogans created to keep you complicit in the game.

first Ann, now Mike, Im really worried....what if....what if B..BEN SHAPIRO abandons Trump as well???? H...hold me

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Oh no not the narrative.

Projection. You don't know what compromise is, otherwise you'd be at the table every time Trump invited you. Trump is giving you idiots a final chance to actually COME TO THE TABLE and make a deal. He's getting the wall one way or the other. 3 weeks.

>Nothing is bigger political poison in right-wing circles than being perceived as WEAK.

Modern whites are spineless and weak.

Incredibly selfish, incredibly cowardly, and incredibly fucking stupid.

Too stupid to organize in any meaningful fashion that would actually threaten the jewish stranglehold on their country, let alone even comprehend the control structure that has been put in place to thwart them at every turn.

They are so sad and fake the whole way through, living in la la land. And when they finally have to face reality they just break because they lack to tools to do it.

hence why so many losers fall to cults like Christianity, because it gives them stability in a sea of chaos that their simple, small minds cannot navigate.

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Fuck Trump and fuck white people

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Haha. Oh man. You will be so disappointed.


i dont think Jow Forums has been this shit on since Obama won the second time

When will you realize you are merely a LARPer and will never in your entire life do even one actual thing to achieve your political goals irl?

TRUMP = Traitor Regarding Undeclared Machinations of Putin


Trumpcucks have ZERO forseight.

The only purpose he serves to our cause is failing so that all the fucking retard-tier whites finally wake up and realize elections and (((democracy))) is a sham.

>When will you realize you are merely a LARPer and will never in your entire life do even one actual thing to achieve your political goals irl?

You wish kike.

If you reply to this thread then sage. It isn't hard.

Why would whites wake up when they have opium?
Keep that Fenatyl flowing

You cucks are literally owned by Jews too.

Putin is a jew, the Russian Mafia is basically all Jews.

>y-you w-wish kike... day of the rope very soon...
You are a joke lmao

Reminder that Jow Forums is being raided by discord trannies. Some easy tips to spot them for the retarded among us.

Direct attacks on Jow Forumslacks are discord trannies. Not your odd kosherposter or stray nig that wanders in from time to time but the "AAAAH WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO NOW LOSERS/COPE/TRUMP KEKED WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO NOW" etc. threads that are blatantly trying to rub our faces in it. Think of trump what you will but it is easy to tell tranny circlejerk from real criticism from Jow Forumslacks. Sage these threads.

"Kill yourself shill rat" posters are discord trannies, they do this so they can respond with COPE memes, "the absolute state of MAGAtards" etc. again think of trump what you will but the same phrase being answered by the same phrase over and over and over again like some sort of call and response is not very subtle.
Kill yourself shill rat yourself shill rat/
Filename: COPE

Literally two bots.
Sage these threads.

Obvious threads that go against Jow Forums values "Democrat thread/it's ok to be gay/y'all racist/antisemites" etc threads are discord trannies trying to consensus crack and make Jow Forums look like something other than an anti-kike board right before another big wave of new immigrants to the board thanks to the the Journocaust. Sage these threads.

Sage all discord tranny threads while dropping the heaviest redpills you can.

>fuck Jews
>fuck nigs
>homos are fags
>fuck shills
>fuck you hiroshimoot
>bring back snacks
>Hitler did nothing wrong
>the holocaust didn't happen, but it should have
>fuck trannies
>and fuck jannies


The right isn't falling, it's merely in the beginning stages of adapting to the fact that Trump is a zionist stooge and that more hands-on approaches are necessary to save the west.

>lmao xDDDDD

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Yeah you need to work Netanyahu's sack, not just take the tip

I've been around to see this ravioli get moldy within hours


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What does brock pay?

What actions have you taken to advance your ideology irl?
What actions will you take?
If you haven't, why not? When?
inb4 >y-you're just a kike trying to find out my secret plans jews btfo

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Implying the entire left hasen't melted down over these past two years. There's always going to be retards like cernovich who react emotionally. I'm way past that phase. I'm in it to win it.

Trump got beat. Stomped. Nancy handed him his ass and mocked him afterwards.

No way around, it's a presidency defining loss.

Almost like a joke where a person who pumps themselves full of hormones goes on a website to troll because they can't do anything actually productive. Can't leave your screen too long because your legs are wobbly buddy? Maybe should have kept you penis a penis and not a gaping wound. -REMEMBER TO SAGE-

>implying I'm the tranny and not the purity spiral concern troll posters

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Yup. I concede. Nationalism is dead. Now I'm voting Harris2020. Thanks Based Boomer!

Replied to the wrong post. Sorry, bud.

>Words words words