Increasing your lifespan through mindfulness

>Retreat participants (n=30) meditated for ∼6 h daily for 3 months and were compared with a wait-list control group (n=30) matched for age, sex, body mass index, and prior meditation experience. Retreat participants received instruction in concentrative meditation techniques and complementary practices used to cultivate benevolent states of mind (Wallace, 2006). Psychological measures were assessed pre- and post-retreat. Peripheral blood mononuclear cell samples were collected post-retreat for telomerase activity. Because there were clear, a priori hypotheses, 1-tailed significance criteria were used throughout.

>Telomerase activity was significantly greater in retreat participants than in controls at the end of the retreat (p

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>Because the use of boots trapping procedures for regression- based mediation is relatively new, a brief interpretation is provided here,using the data shown in Fig.4B. The point estimate of 1.56 is the extent to which the group effect on telomerase is accounted for by a change in PerceivedControl (path coefficients c—c0),which is mathematically equivalent to the product-of-coefficients(pathsa*b). Therefore, telomerase values from participants in the retreat group are (on average) greater than the control group by 1.56 raw units of telomerase activity, which is explainable by the indirect path through changes in Perceived Control.

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shut the fuck up

>Telomeres cap and protect the ends of chromosomes from degradation and illegitimate recombination. The termini of a linear template cannot, however, be completely replicated by conventional DNA-dependent DNA polymerases, and thus in the absence of a mechanisms to counter this effect, telomeres of eukaryotic cells shorten every round of DNA replication. In humans and possibly other higher eukaryotes, telomere shortening may have been adopted to limit the life span of somatic cells. Human somatic cells have a finite proliferative capacity and enter a viable growth arrested state called senescence. Life span appears to be governed by cell division, not time. The regular loss of telomeric DNA could therefore serve as a mitotic clock in the senescence programme, counting cell divisions. In most eukaryotic organisms, however, telomere shortening can be countered by the de novo addition of telomeric repeats by the enzyme telomerase. Cells which are "immortal' such as the human germ line or tumour cell lines, established mouse cells, yeast and ciliates, all maintain a stable telomere length through the action of telomerase. Abolition of telomerase activity in such cells nevertheless results in telomere shortening, a process that eventually destabilizes the ends of chromosomes, leading to genomic instability and cell growth arrest or death.

>Therefore, loss of terminal DNA sequences may limit cell life span by two mechanisms: by acting as a mitotic clock and by denuding chromosomes of protective telomeric DNA necessary for cell viability.

>Telomere length in humans is emerging as a biomarker of aging because its shortening is associated with aging-related diseases and early mortality. However, genetic mechanisms responsible for these associations are not known. Here, in a cohort of Ashkenazi Jewish centenarians, their offspring, and offspring-matched controls, we studied the inheritance and maintenance of telomere length and variations in two major genes associated with telomerase enzyme activity, hTERT and hTERC. We demonstrated that centenarians and their offspring maintain longer telomeres compared with controls with advancing age and that longer telomeres are associated with protection from age-related diseases, better cognitive function, and lipid profiles of healthy aging.

t. weakminded faggot

i bet you'll die in your 50'

This is the problem with modern 'science'. N=30 is shit tier. You can't pvalue on that little a sample.

Sampling strategy is not about size but diversity. The control group and the retreat group were had the social and health situatons. Furthermore, the retreat group was tested BEFORE and AFTER the retreat.

>were had the social and health situatons
had the same social and health situations*

Bump for effort of OP

>Thus, telomere length and telomerase activity are crucial for cancer initiation and the survival of tumors. Several pathways that regulate telomere length have been identified, and genome-scale studies have helped in mapping genes that are involved in telomere length control.

>Cancer is generally an age-related genetic disease, manifesting only when normal cells accumulate genomic instability over a period of time and acquire the capability of replicative immortality.

>TL is critically important in normal cells, and telomere shortening can—in combination with other oncogenic changes—promote genome instability, potentially stimulating initiation of the early stages of cancer.

Cancer literally happens when your cells are dying and fight back against mortality. The key to solving cancer is again mindfullness. The Buddha unironically gave the method to gain to obtain everlastingness and healthiness to lower beings.

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>Sampling strategy is not about size but diversity.

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your soul will be my toilet, jean jacques

200 year old here AMA


lets say its all true. why the fuck does it matter if you extend your life by even 10 years, if you spending almost a third of your waking life meditating?

why would I want to live long in this shithole world though?

That's the case. Size is not representative. If you take 1000 American niggers then measure their IQ you will find that America's average IQ is around 60-80. Meanwhile if you use a representative percentage of each race, America's average IQ will be more representative of the American population.

In this study size does not really matters, what matters is the telomerase per cells before and after the retreat, and the telomerase per cells between awakened (higher beings) non-awakened (lower beings) .

>Size is not representative.
Have you even taken a course in statistics?

i'm sorry she turned you down again, mate, perhaps stay with the druken abbo whores as more your lane, eh?

if you have time to meditate 6h daily, you are a literal NEET and therefore not affected by the stress normally necessary to FUCKING SUSTAIN YOURSELF.

retarded fucking study

Call me when n=10K+

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Have you ever taken a course in biology?

A genetic study is not comparable to a social """"science"""" poll.

cont: they might aswell have measured what would happen if you took naps for a total of 6h per day, watched cartoons for 6h or played relaxing video games. it's literally just selection bias stemming from being fucking able to do this kind of shit for THE ENTIRE DAY and the lack of stress that naturally comes with it

Answer the fuking question. Have you? By all accounts of your drivel so far the answer is a resounding NO. We wait for an honest response.

>we did not measure baseline telomerase activity
This is shit tier, it's not even science.