Looks like trump wins again

Looks like trump wins again

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Knew it.

Full faith, Mr. President. Godspeed. Those who built this country are with you.

He better not cuck

give them something, like prison terms

God I wish a nigger would

>sasquatch tweets to keep her shitty job

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discord shills lose again

I'll believe it when I see the fucking wall built.

Over two years of bullshit so far.

Kek shart blue WTFO

Wow Mexico already wrote that check huh

>The border is an emergency... in 21 days, not now though

That's when the caravan arrives, dipshit

build the fucking wall already

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This. He keeps throwing around the word emergency but it doesn’t mean what he thinks it means.

The caravan that went to the walled, legal port of entry last time?

That emergency is gonna be a tough sell

Lol that's not how it works fucking retard

> Trust the plan
> Muller investigation will end September 1st
> October surprise before the midterms
> Christmas surprise
> Moving forward with the wall in 21 days
I don't have any faith in tweets, news stories, or larps. I have faith in fucking action. Nigger has 35 days so I'll give him that even though he's shortening it to 21 for some reason.

Trump will cuck again in 21 days.

Why doesn’t he just do that now? Why didn’t he do that last week? Because he lost and is trying to save face, that’s why

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What will change in 21 days budget wise? No shill answers please

How can they keep lying to us daily ???

At this point in time, Trump doesn't even have the power, money, or balls to build a birdhouse, let alone hundreds of miles of wall.

Trump doesn't even have the balls to get in the Presidential Limo, and drive over to the Department of Justice (just a block away from the White House) and fire the Upper Command who all did nothing as Comey and McCabe and Strzok were floating around fake Steele dossiers for years, when everybody at the DOJ knew it was fake and paid for by Hillary.

The emergency is the democrats being crooked sick fucks RETARD

Why in 21 days? Why not Yesterday?

>Using the military to take peoples land in order to build pointless architecture to 0wn the libz

Why do you guys hate communism again?


There is no budget yet, just a continuing resolution funding the government at the same levels for 21 days.

Because hes giving the Democrats a chance to do things civilly but they're fucking retards like you.

Why even wait three weeks?

Why can he not order the military to build it? Call it a defensive barrier.

Donald trump will have enough political capital to make this happen on his own. The govt bean counters will be able to make money appear and the public will be less upset by it

SOTU you stupid fuck

Dems said they would not even discuss things unless the gov was opened again. Now it is. Now they have talk.

To own the libs

Sarah Sanders is such a hideous ugly looking potato

Conservatism makes women’s appearance ugly

Here's hoping your guys reach mutual understanding. Nothing worse than house divided

>The only outstanding question is whether the Democrats want something or nothing
If he's already planning to go the emergency route and thinks it would pass the courts, why is he trying to 'deal" with the Democrats? Unless of course, he knows his emergency isn't really an emergency...

>Trump doesn't even have the balls to get in the Presidential Limo, and drive over to the Department of Justice (just a block away from the White House) and fire the Upper Command who all did nothing as Comey and McCabe and Strzok were floating around fake Steele dossiers for years, when everybody at the DOJ knew it was fake and paid for by Hillary.
This. Trump is a bitch

DHS gets paid so is the Coast guard. Airports were going to shit bc the Air traffic controllers were starting to no show. He still wants to have the legislative branch come to a non partisan agreement bc thats how it should be. A situation like border security should not have to be a forced executive decision. But if in 21 days the California run House and Senate can't work together then I guess he will have to use his last card which is a State of Emergency declaration.


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They also said they won't ever agree to a wall, even if he opens the government for negotiations, yet he opened it anyway

>the caravan

lol whatever happened to that, don't hear much about it anymore seemed like it stopped being an important political issue like overnight

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3x7 = 21

That's exactly how it works, bub.

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Oh that makes sense. He decided to wait out his conservative majority for 2 years till Dems got the house, then he shut down the government for a month, signed a 3 week agreement, all to give Dems a chance to be civil? This truly is fractal dimensional Chutes and Ladders

In 21 days there will be an false flag attack by the cartel on a walless part of the border where american lives will be lost. This will be seen as an emergency and everybody will agree with trump that we need a wall.

For real. My family goes back to when NJ was a British colony. We stand with Trump 110%. God bless DJT. Greatest American of all time

What about it? He could have just called a Press Conference and read his letter out loud.

Why give the liberals something if they can get it done without giving them shit?

Yes trump is the Greatest traitor and Russian puppet of all time

He Fucking Better. Or He Is Done.

Sarah is da' bomb, btw. You rock girl.

Numbers don’t lie

Why are the Dems being so mean to him? I thought giving them bump stocks bought him political capital or something? Isnt that what the pedes said?

They said this same shit a week ago.

you and i both know we are not getting a wall nigger

its like saying sweden will stop importing shit skins

He doesn't want to set a precedent but he's going to have to.

Hell yeah, brother.

The sons of Massachusetts will always answer the call, no matter where in this great land we've ended up after all these years.

At this rate brumpfs gonna pay for it outta his own pocket

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For the billionth time: don't matter.

The "subjectivity" of a president's opinion on what constitutes emergency has never been challenged. Leftists don't want to because it'd make them look just as totalitarian + sets precedent. They're willing to, but aren't sure they're ready to.


Public support for the wall is generally low, and support for shutting down the government over it is even lower. 3 weeks time isn't going to change that. Republican legislators will be even more scared of catching blame since it'll be the middle of tax return season and they've seen the fallout of an airport closing.

If Trump wanted a wall he should've done it while Rs held congress.

Why the fuck should Trump care if the democrats get something or nothing?

He's had 2 years, still no wall, still tens of millions of spics swarming the US. When will you wake up to the fact this is all just damage control bullshit?

The border is in crisis right now. The emergency is and will continue to be the inefectiveness of Congress.

Wonder where all the Retardditors are now.

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Sons of California will doubly make sure Trumps radical nazi agenda goes through

He's really going to do it huh

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If the wall never gets built, what will you think of Trump then?

He doesn't "have to" do anything.
But as someone that wants to see all republicans hang I'm all for frivolously declaring emergencies, it will make it easier for the next democratic president to do the same.

>President trump supports Juan Guaidó
>people still think he's a russian puppet
You're a hillshill arn't you?

house dems will never give him a wall

We shall see.

Exactly why its the Legislative branch that makes laws regarding border security not the Executive. Its a fucking shame that it even has to be "Trumps Wall". Its not a good sign when you must elect a President bc the other elected officials are so beyond living in reality they are there to collect money and get jobs for their family members. Things must change in the next 10 years or all is lost.

Trump never had enough in the Senate to get it passed to begin with. Still doesn't. The so called conservative majority he had, which included worthless people like McCain and Flake, didn't really exist in any practical measure. It's not been a bad progression for Trump that now he's suddenly the reasonable one in government, and Dems are flat out refusing to do any negotiating.

False flag soon

>Why doesn’t he just do that now? Why didn’t he do that last week? Because he lost and is trying to save face, that’s why
He's doing it to gain leverage back. It shows he gave the Democraps a chance to be reasonable and to negotiate in good faith.

>In a wild twist of expectations the president has declared that all captured illegals will be sentenced to death, and the DACA kids will follow in the order of theirs parents. Buh bye!

Also forgot the tweet

It looks like the sons of mass these days are puerto rican or black, and either way vote for insufferably moronic dems like the ag and bostons ‘no prosecute’ da or shitheads like ayanna pressley because theyre identify as the same tribe (fuck yt)

At least capuano got hoist by his own petard lol

>t suffering bostonian

>Keeping the faith with this fucking guy
top kek

lmao you swedish cucklord. After we're finished here we're coming for you.

>WaPo does poll for wall support
>42% support it
>click detailed view for demographic breakdown
>wapo demands money

And the fact that 42% support the wall even in their obviously biased poll means in reality it's more than 50%.

>Greatest American of all time
He'll certainly be in the top 10 lists in a century or two

Fuck off Pewdieshit

Plus even a majority in senate doesn't matter for much. You need 60 votes in senate to push any serious agenda points.

>He decided to wait out his conservative majority for 2 years
He needed 60 votes in the senate, you idiot. He never had full control.

Go Pats. Fuck the Rams and fuck niggers.

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The wall will have openings so you can put your peen through it. Greatest president ever.

That's because Trump is going to use it as a prop again.

>Dems flat out refusing to negotiate
Which is a good look for them. They are doing what their voters elected them to do. I elected Trump to lock Hillary up and build a wall. Instead I just got bump stock bans and aid for Israel. I have more respect for Pelosi than Trump. Even though I hater her fucking guts, at least she is accomplish what she said she was.

Rams are going to fuck the Cheats up

Yea actually gained more Senate seats after the mid terms.

But if he never builds that wall?

Absolutely based and redpilled

Trump will bend the Knee on the 20th day


My people left Massachusetts long ago. I'm disappointed to hear it's been overrun, though. Stay strong. We will win.

Trump isn't a radical, nor is he a Nazi. He's just a good American standing for the America that our ancestors built.

Good to know we're in loyal company, though ;)

>I hater her

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We're starting in 3 weeks


And you get on your knees everyday.

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