Lets see if we can keep a multi bread thread going of anything WW2 related going. Axis, Allied doesn't matter. Just don't engage the shills for thread integrity. Not interested in the raid of shill posting. Post your WW2 pics good or bad. Lets pay tribute to the brothers that died in vain.
Comfy WW2 thread
Other urls found in this thread:
109 prototype?
>bros honoring you with a ceremony and goblet
>goblet contains milk because you don't drink alcohol
so quaint
Was Hitler funded by the Rothschild's ?Was he the ultimate " fall guy"
Excellent pic fren, Rudel was the Chad of all Chads.
This isn't a "Hitler" only but all the lads that fought and died in WW2. Post hitlers, churchills, de Gaulle's. Anything goes from ww2.
Fought and died for what he believed in.
Perfect. I have not seen that one before. Saved
Some background:
Thanks. I showed both of my sons the wiki page when they were in their teens.
I imagine myself in western USSR, leading my 6th army platoon. Our mission is to stop sl*Vic dogs from advancing. We mow down sl*Vic dogs but they keep coming. I shoot sl*Vic dogs but I run out of ammo so I draw my sword and begin slaughtering sl*Vics, since sl*Vics are way more psychically inferior to me, I slay them by dozens. Then I get shot, but I didn't fall, I kept fighting. Then shot again and again. sl*Vics were shooting me from a distance like a cowards they are. I lie down, facing up to sky and I see Jesus Christ(God) smiles at me, I smile back... Then I woke up, in Großgermanisches Reich, my homeland. My ARYAN brethren gave me a warm welcome to heaven. I finally made it, I finally made it into heaven..
Forgot to mention, He went on to have 10 children.
Fuck is anyone else depressed they were never a pilot in WWII, It seems like the coolest fucking thing ever.
The whole Kamikaze program is very interesting and sad. How many of the experienced pilots fought to prevent it (some carried out their own suicide attacks early in the war when planes were damaged or they wanted to make a statement bit many were opposed to make is officially sanctioned), how the rookies were often "volunteered", and then the experienced pilots tasked with training them were not allowed to fly missions themselves to die alongside them.
Technically, Kamikaze attacks resulted in higher hit-rates than conventional attacks, but it also obviously suffered a higher loss rate and put a ceiling on the skill newer pilots could reach. Overall, it was a very pointless and wasteful strategy that gave short term success and long term damage.
The spitfire is literally the Sexiest god damn thing to ever come out of the UK.
It is fucking gorgeous
Fortress madonna
Fiat CR42 refit with a DB601 engine. Only one was ever built.
ww1 and ww2 aviation is the only aviation I have any interest in. The A-10 is about the only "modern" aircraft that I think is beautiful The rest are to robotic/space age i guess for my taste.
The thing that gets me is the idea of being able to keep the cockpit open, like damn that has to feel like ultimate freedom.
It was the samurai mind set I guess, not being Japanese I can only look at it from the outside. I can see making a last ditch suicide effort if I was going down, but to know from the start that you where going to kamikaze, that's something else. I suppose that is why the work kamikaze is a house hold word around the world today.
Any background on this? Not familiar with it.
saved. Have never seen this before. Thanks.
The whole thing goes back to trying to invoke the original Kamikaze, the actual storm that kept the Mongols away from Japan. Twice.
Believing that some kind of divine intervention would come again if they could delay an enemy and show their dedication to a fight. Then on the technological and strategic side, it was clear that Japanese aviation had fallen behind the Americans and something needed to be done to try to close that gap. Kamikaze pilots were called such to inspire them and hype them up that their death would be that storm that defended their homeland and their families. A radicalized and motivated enemy will do incredible things when they do not fear death.
Attempting to save a comfy thread.
checkmate, seppos.
>All but three of the men in this photo died within a few minutes of each other
That's right!.. Divine Wind. I forgot I knew that until right now.
Nothing makes me quite so sad as WW1 and WW2
WW1 makes me sadder because of how pointless (yet unavoidable it all was). Decades of building up technologies, national pride, bringing people all across the world, and then destroying a big part of it over nationalist dick-waving contests. Then it took two decades for everyone to forget the lessons of how horrible it all was and do it again.
Canadians on D-Day. What a waste.
Canadia kicked some ass on D-Day pushing further than most others into the countryside of France
I was all banking related.
This pic is interesting to me. Not for the planes, but for the country side. It is completely subdivided into farms/pastures, with roads and wind breaks. Why do we need big aggro?
One of the worst pictures in the world. On the way to kill their own relatives.
Red-tails were niggers, I think that is from the movie.
This pic is so depressing tor me. The descendants of Germans, going to bomb Germans. There was no British banking empire involved in this picture. It was cousin killing cousin. Hopefully someone will continue the post with some cool pics but this one always gets me.
That's why we win. Make the other poor dumb bastard die for HIS country.
based boomer posting
also soviet union
And you die for kikes
Lads, Please its not a pissing contest post. I was hoping to see some cool pics from the past. Post some historic ww2 pics.
Erwin Ketelhut, a former Leibstandarte artillery captain who had rented the house to his wartime commander, identified the remains the morning after the fire. Sigurd Peiper wanted her husband's body buried in Germany, so it was transported back there, where by law an autopsy had to be performed. His head was initially missing; when it arrived later it had been cut into sections, splitting the only remaining tooth. Joachim Peiper is buried with his family at St. Anna's Church in the Bavarian village of Schondorf am Ammersee.
Didn’t a really bad typhoon badly damage the US fleet, in the western Pacific, in 1945?
It probably is, but it is still sad to think that this shit happened. For what? Banking? War pigs?
call the police then, pussy. Be sure to be wearing your white polo shirt and khakis. Don't forget your cardboard shield and tiki torch. Your mom may have washed it by now.
why did our interwar fighters look so ridiculous?
there were some interesting planes from that era. Often all metal biplanes with high performance engines. But very surreal and odd to think of them actually fighting.
Was this the one built from plywood that was "somewhat" invisible to radar? The pre cursor to the stealth bomber?
Because the US wasn't intending to get involved. (I have my own conspiracy theories on the whole thing but I will not burden you with my delusions)They went from this to the p-51 in 6 years.
Why doesn't anyone ever post Pacific Kino. Its the real war hours.
Yep, it only had 40% the radar cross section of a bf-109.
No p38 lightning? Ok p38 lightning.
It was basically an armoured flying tank. The A-10 uses features from the jug.
American aircraft at that point was very strange compared to the "dog fighters" being developed by everyone else. I would say the p-38 and p-51 where the first dog fight planes of the US. But they weren't fighting the same type of aerial war that the brits were in the "battle of Britain". I don't know, I'm not an expert (is anyone anymore?).
this pic became...
...kinda famous
YWN do donuts in a sled tank.
Feels bad man
The dog fighters on both sides are beautiful. The Spit is a mush better performing and looking aircraft than the Hurricane.
That's a big plane.