Did Trump actually cuck?

So did Trump actually cuck on the wall? Was his plan to temporarily fund the govt for 3 weeks so the Federal workers shut the fuck up and he looks good for paying them?

Did he say the democrats agree with the wall now to make them look like fucking crybabies next month?

What's the motive here?

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Why is it acceptable to call them "congresswomen" here but actresses insist on being called actors?

They are fucking retarded

He's agreeing to open the government for 21 days.
If there's no deal on February 15th, another shutdown happens and he goes E M E R G E N C Y P R O T O C O L on their asses and builds the wall anyway.

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Khanna has a nike swoosh lip. Sweet.

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I just don't understand the delay. Why didn't he declare an emergency fucking day 1 when neocucks refused to build the wall?

Its all about rejection of norms and has nothing to do with a principled position. Its rationalized after the fact and 1:1 how women think

Who gives a shit what dems think/want. The military is going to start building a wall this summer and dems are going to have to suck our dick.

He has too many advisors telling him something like that won't be well received. It's fucking retarded, the media and left are completely worn out from outrage fatigue and every new pseudo-scandal is just going through the motions at this point.

If he showed some backbone on this issue and declared the emergency after maybe giving a week for the dems to comply with his demands, he would have been a hero (even in spite of the fact that it's a piecemeal fence and not the wall he campaigned on). Now if he does the emergency after this capitulation, he still looks weak and tbqhwyf it probably won't even change that much.

I hope this works but it seems like the latest in a two year series of missed opportunities.

Couldn't he have just done this earlier? I guess he's trying to show everyone how unhinged the opposition is.

because politcally, its better to have it go thru the normal process. But he looks stupid now that he blinked

I’m not saying I speak for all Trump supporters, but here’s my take on this.
>Was his plan to temporarily fund the govt for 3 weeks so the Federal workers shut the fuck up and he looks good for paying them?
This is basically it for the most part. PR-wise it was dragging him down and causing a lot of problems. With this temporary funding govt workers get their compensation and pay for the time being, effectively cutting off that argument.
Another thing to recognize is that in a recent statement, he said that he was not backing down on general negotiations nor his specific demand. This confirms that it’s not over yet and he has yet to actually cave.
One last thing to remember is a day or two ago CNN reported that the White House was drafting a Declaration of Emergency. Drafting, as in it was in the process of preparation. This all but confirms that a Dec. Of National Emergency is Trump’s contingency plan and that the 3-week funding is going to be a last-ditch effort at proper negotiations. If it doesn’t work out, expect a National Emergency declaration by February 15-16.

Tl:dr No, he didn’t. It’s his last try before a National Emergency.

If the dems want to force him to go the emergency powers route, he can end DACA.
He's going to show the nation that the Dems aren't willing to negotiate in good faith.

Says increasingly nervous man in 2019

If he did it day 1 it would’ve been a polling/PR/Media/Legal nightmare.

I watched the speech he gave this afternoon. This is the correct conclusion.

If he can get the ENTIRE wall while only granting partial amnesty, and ending DACA (with no chain migration for those granted amnesty) I'd be happy.

Ya except the whole country so him agree to a deal , get chewed out by an coulter and change his mind and cause the shut down. Only /pol and a small number of fringe retards think that this mess is anyone else’s but trumps. Go talk to a normal person in the real world.

This is probably correct, seeing as how the MSM immediately starts saying "OMG HE CAVED".

Fuck the media. It's sad that RT has more real US coverage than the fucking "News" here.

>Go talk to a normal person in the real world.
You mean the normal person who will have memory holed this by Monday?
my fucking sides.

nice meme

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Yes he cucked but Democrats have been scoring these 2 or 3 day dopamine victories for 3 years now only to get ass raped by something after. Let's just enjoy the fucking ride and see what happens.

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he agreed to let iran rape israel but only if the chinks get to rape africa

Israels destruction has no price too high

yes and really its a safer bet if you prioritize retaining the moral highground, which speaks of his character...also he knows voting left is suicide in the longterm so its kind of he might lose voters to a gop challenger in a primary but theres no way his "base" is going to vote dem unless we get another candidate picked for us by media/establishment like mccain or mittens