The game has changed in the past month or so. Ever since the midterms. I can feel it, and I know others can too. We are on the precipice of a paradigm shift; the realization of our thesis through a powder keg of political subterfuge and geopolitical strife.

We will not win by just being soldiers. Great men throughout history were never just fighters; they were librarians, and detectives, and scientists. We need to be polymaths; we need to create an institution of our own. We need to be warrior monks, our great libraries protected by the blockchain and our chats safe from glowniggers. But that comes later.

For now, I'd like to offer some tips and ideas for how the common Jow Forumsack can upgrade his arsenal and stay sharp despite the hordes of shit-eating cuckolds trying to break us.

1. Get on Linux. Or learn how to use a command-line. You don't need to become a programmer, using the bash shell is easy and you can do a LOT inside of it.

2. Start a library. Be it pictures, books, redpills, copypasta, whatever. Start keeping an organized, personal library, and back it up on something like MEGA so you can share it easily.

3. Get your OPSEC accounted for. I have a suspicion that most anons don't really give a shit; this will become a problem down the line if people aren't careful. Remember, there's a difference between "NSA can read everything we do" and "some tranny ruined my life because I wasn't careful enough and got doxxed."

4. Reward those who effortpost. If you see a good post getting buried in a general thread, give that nigger an upvote and help boost morale. Buy a pass if you need to; I own three of them.

5. To continue with the library thing, start keeping your own personal archive to avoid being memoryholed and to retain a sense of continuity despite the mind-altering nature of the 24 hour news cycle. I personally use basc-thread-archiver and have about 5000 threads saved now.

Attached: 1523565170243.jpg (768x768, 191K)

Other urls found in this thread: et al - Link communities reveal multi-scale complexity in networks, 2010.pdf

Bamp for interest


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have an upboat faggot


what do you need bash for

but op that sounds like work. i am an anonymous drunk lazy gay faggot and i dont want to work. spoon feed me more of your warm gooey knowledge love all over my face and make it interesting or fuck off.


We need to take back control. How can I learn more about writting code? Im about to buy a cheap used laptop and only use it for writing code and Jow Forums related stuff. Ive already got several usb sticks filled with Jow Forums material, what else should I have?

for got to erase SAGE

6. Always remember who is on the other side of any anonymous interaction. What are their motives?

7. Some might disagree, but start buying cryptocurrency. Bitcoin and similar economic systems are going to be our most valuable tool as this whole thing starts to scale out into utter madness. The problem is that nobody understands it.

8. Learn how to Photoshop. I use GIMP myself; learning how to use it over the past year or so and seeing my OC being re-posted has been quite rewarding. This is the most valuable weapon we have at this stage.

9. Use 4chanX if you aren't already. Every time I get a new browser/OS installed I configure this first. Use it for filters, thread-watcher, and be sure to use the "Randomize Filename" feature to mitigate #3.

10. See a shill, post a shill. Collect a folder of images like pic related, and post them in any thread that glows. It's a simple strategy, but it works.

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