Apparently the democrats are raiding Jow Forums to stop the evil Nazis. What are they going to do when they see Tenshi eating a corndog? How will they ever recover?
Jow Forums is under attack
Other urls found in this thread:
Trump can announce the emergency whenever he wants, but he doesn't, because he has realized something you brainlets have been missing for months - one NEEDS bipartisan support for such a big decision. Why? So there is less push back down the line and less chance of the next dem President removing the Wall first day in office. It has to be a "national wall" not "Trump's wall".
Use your fucking heads, they are not there to just counter-balance your ass ffs.......
kawaii desu neeee, but srsly it's over
commies can choek on my fat african dicc
>anime posting
We're going to laugh at you.
wait, you're not Mexibro...
>first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win
4got your nigger flag
imagine if your first time on Jow Forums was 2019
you'd see tenshi threads without realizing what the fuzz is about
or someone' posts a woman's butt and the sniffposters start replying, or /tv/ starts with the janny posting again
top kek
Finally someone brings this up!
We're more dangerous than the Russian hackers because not even Cicada and Qtards combined can crack our codes.
Are you not aware?
This is an anime imageboard.
Two layers of encryption
They don't win, they convert.
Ahhhhhhhh what a a a a f uckinggg cornnn dog eating nazii ahhhhhh
Thread theme
i still have zero clue what tenshi eating a corndog conveys
"Tenshi Eating a Corndog" is a much discussed concept on Jow Forums. The significance of it is disputed, so I will focus on one core concept: the symbolism behind it. But first we must identify and explore the key components of it.
Hinanawi Tenshi is a human child that has ascended to become a celestial being. In Hinduism, she would be called a Siddha or a Deva. In Chinese, it would be refered to as a Tian Xian, or heavenly immortal. In Japanese, it would be using the same kanji characters as in Chinese, being called a Tennin. She is also refered to as an angel, although the role of a heavenly messenger is better suited to her companion Nagae Iku. Regardless of which Oriental cosmology she claims the greatest influence from, Hinanawi Tenshi in Touhou: Scarlet Weather Rhapsody is presented as a roving celestial being that decides to cause mayhem out of childish boredom.
A corndog on the other hand is simply a sausage coated in a thick layer of cornmeal batter on a stick. It is considered a quintessential part of the American diet, being a cheap combination between convenience and an arguably delicious meal of protein and carbohydrates. It is not a new concept by any means, but it is something that is also unmistakably modern and mundane.
Thus this is why "Tenshi Eating a Corndog" is so intriguing. Why exactly is a celestial being consuming a corndog, despite having access to the Jade Wine Waterfalls and Immortal Peach Orchards of Heaven? The earthly and celestial is contrasted in an oustanding way.
Take a look at the blue sky in the background and the color of her hair. In the Swami Vivekananda, the concept of infinity is considered blue. Take the air and water, for within the space of our hands, it is colorless, but in a vast quantity it is blue. Tenshi is shown to represent infinity, as she to is of the sky. As to the corndog to her, the Route 66 sign is to the sky. What of the tiny stretch of road to the vastness of the heavens? But without that land, the heavens would not be.
So as it is, you see the Heavenly consume the Earthly. Not out of pleasure, as we can see from her expression, but of necessity to understand the realm she observes from up high. But we see it as something of joy, for we too know that the divine are as of us. This is perhaps a commentary of the immaturity of Tenshi Hinanwi, who still has a physical body unlike truly enlightened beings. But it could also be a commentary of the unwilligness of humans to see gods (at least the important ones) as anything but in their image and why the gods so often take human form. This is represented even in the game afterwards, Hisoutensoku (Unpercieving of Natural Law). Unlike its predecessor, Gakutensoku (Learning of Natural Law), Hisoutensoku is considered blind to it, as it from a land without logic. In the utter contrast of "Tenshi Eating a Corndog", we see through the eyes of Hisoutensoku.
This is the true symbolism behind "Tenshi Eating a Corndog": That our perception is constrained by the laws that invisibly govern over us. Pierce the veil of illusion, and see why the mustard intertwines with the ketchup.
Holy shit my nigga deep talk 10/10
But, why for do the peaches stick to her hat?
And for what does she keep them there?
Based Bean Nigger
The deep philosophy of Tenshi eating a corndog never ceases to amaze me.
The shilling is seriously fucking insane tonight. I've never seen it this bad.
It's because the Trump thing.
They see an opportunity to test your resolve, and they will go for the fucking eyes.
>less chance of the next dem President removing the Wall first day in office
just make the next president promise to remove wall, like Obama promised to close Guantanamo.
They’ll move on you like a bitch.
... when you’re famous they just let you do it.
I was sitting in the car with a CNN-head when that came out on the radio (pure coincidence just after another NPR sob story about the poor air traffic controllers and how it's a bigger threat to our national security that they can't concentrate without pay - can't they find any other examples?) and he sounded just like somebody cheering at TV sports like they'd finally won as ordained by a higher power against bad orange man.
This is an otherwise perceptive feller, so it's sad to see the Jew media capturing such a mind into treating the future of the country like winning at vidya or something.
Well, power doth corrupt absolutely.
Stop free speech.
descent is hatespeach.
>Jew media capturing such a mind
Can't stop Tenshi eating a corndog.
Rei > Asuka
Very controversial, I know
What's funny is that they still thing fox is the enemy and the reason why everybody who doesn't agree with them is brainwashed into being some kind of Trump automaton. It's truly bizarre, but maybe they just only interact with other normies where you do in fact come across people who get charmed by the fox arm of the Jew media.
Fucking JEW
Misato is obviously the best
you're implying democrats are organized enough to do such a thing
It is unwise to share the secrets of Tenshi Eating a Corndog too freely. They will acquire more power than they know what to do with.
Have a shitty and depressed MS Paint Tenshi I just made.
Well, they can try.
You should /vip/. It's even more fun with the shitty built-in MS Paint thing (although its nature varies depending on browser) and it's an excellent place to drop your artwork when you're blackout drunk because it stays there for months at least and you can go back later and marvel at the rabid assault you inner psyche laid out among very important people.
I saved it, but I don't like it.
I hope you get well soon, user
Wasn't also that ancient greek philosopher Heraclitus or something who ranted about Time being a silly child throwing dice
What about Suwako and her hamburger?
Not even the grays can do anything about Tenshi and her damn corndog.
illumijewgrays BTFO
breddy gud mexibro
Check the fucking catalog you crying autist cunt. There are already threads proclaiming Jow Forums is being raided by democrats/shareblue/discord etc.
Take it on the chin, your guy cucked and anyone who isn't hero worshiping Trump knows this, accept it.
>Slide thread
Why are you working so hard to derail a Tenshi eating a corndog thread? Your post seems like overkill.
>calling anyone cuck
lol what a brainlet
>everything I dont like is a democrat raid
It's official! Tenshi eating a corndog is now the most triggering image on 4chins.
Asuka is best!
Misato is just a self admitted roastie thot and Rei is basically Shinji's mom.
Ok the catalog is inundated with glow nigger threads. Why? What did I miss?
I'm also wondering the same thing
was the wall called off or something or did he say something that made people extremely butthurt (which is always)
>Russian Shill posts “President Trump General” thread with a bunch of videos/urls
>Another piece of the team immediately posts the AWOO anime shit with a trump hat, influencing the neckbeards
>rest of the team posts a bunch of trump copypastas and model pics of sluts with MAGA hats, as if they weren’t paid to take those images
>posts anti-semitic material in favor of Trump and ignoring the fact that Trump loves jews in an attempt to sway the rest of Jow Forums
>reply to any disagreement with “fuckoff shill” or by calling them a kike
Why won’t the Russian shill teams switch up their formula? Is their influence wearing down? Looks like Jow Forums is waking up, at least from what I’ve seen.
Stop being influenced by Russian troll / marketing teams. Recognize patterns.
Now that people are waking up, the shills are spamming the board saying “DEMOCRATS ARE RAIDING US!!!”
Just more influence techniques.
FUCK democrats and republicans. Identity politics are a huge scam.
Our government is back open, so CIA niggers are back at work.
No clue. Been away for a while so no idea what I missed.
anime posting is based and redpilled and fuck you if you disagree
Huh. Did they miss us that much because it's more obvious than usual. That is their presence here.
I just wanted the first thing that people saw while raiding us was to be Tenshi eating a corndog.
What ever happened to lurking?
>Did they miss us that much because it's more obvious than usual.
I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case, Jow Forums is definitely like a drug and if you get paid to shitpost that just turns work into play
Not sure about the democrats but the LEARN2CODE fags are butthurt
>Why won’t the Russian shill teams switch up their formula? Is their influence wearing down? Looks like Jow Forums is waking up, at least from what I’ve seen.
Russians tricking us into voting for a guy who would stop illegal immigration. Damn we're tards
This is the high quality content I come here for.
Piece of a board is pol
OC for you, mexibro
They won’t
Operation Stand Your Ground /SYG/ started last night and is continuing over the weekend:
I thank god for this nightly thread. Thank you OP.
I wanna start Operation Eat a Corndog
Democrats BTFO forever
No offense Tenshi, but Cirno is the superior blue-haired maiden!
Also, frogposters are STUPID!
Why is tenshi eating a corndog so triggering to democrats?
give this man an australian citizenship
I have no idea, but I'm sure mexibro has a hypothesis or two.
someone else already did that one for me, personally I had already looked into the amygdala and the fear response so this bit makes a lot of sense for me considering just how bad democrats want to kill babies