How are you manbabies holding up after your pathetic orange traitor was dragged through the mud?

How are you manbabies holding up after your pathetic orange traitor was dragged through the mud?

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He wasn't dragged. He mopped all by hisself

You guys keep losing because Trump keeps trolling and you take the bait every time

4d failed chinese checkers

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Conservatitards are avoiding pol today just us redditors left

Tell me what the democrats will gain by waiting until Trump just calls a national emergency and build the wall with out giving them anything in return? Seems to me the left are acting like sullen children.

Using a memeflag should have a 1/5 chance of banning you for 2 weeks.

lol @ trumptards!

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So in the future they can use that as leverage to pass whatever they want.
>if drumpbf did it so can we.

That's not how declaring a national emergency works you fucking retard. By declaring an emergency, Trump will get access to a ~15 billion dollar slushfund for the wall. Yes, in theory, a future democrat president could declare a national emergency to access similar funds. So what? What are they going to do with 15 billion dollars?

>thats not how a national emergency works
>thats exactly how it works
>ur an retard
Neck yourself, democrap shill.

If they have a national security issue and the republicans are saying no to proposal before they draft them I would suggest the dems shit down government
Also will Trump do his SOTU address now government is open?


You literally did not answer my question. How does having access to a fifteen billion dollar slushfund allow the democrats to pass their agenda points? They can't spend it on gun control. They could spend it on expanding medical benefits but it wouldn't go very far. They could invest it in grants for green energy research and development, but so what.

>Southern hemisphere
No citizenship, no opinion

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We don't make the rules faggot. But thank you for actually taking it off, 99% of these retards never give in. Probably because they're mostly shills using foreign proxies.

Would be a bit of a stretch to claim any of those are national security issues

I could see them going with the "The US will be destroyed by global warming" route. But you're not wrong.


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>use it to fund more "healthcare" abortion clinics.
>whats a mere 15 billion
Kys kike

Still not tired of winning

stuff that weeping tranny hole

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Everyone who wants and abortion should have their children killed, it's a self correcting problem. But also that's not very much money even that context.

The wall is being built either way

Who fucking cares? He opened the government for a few more weeks so employees would get paid. It's not like it's a yearly budget or anything where he wouldn't have a shot at the wall until 2020.

Okay seriously how do I upvotes your post?? It took me almost an hour to figure out how to reply to someone......

Back to discord you go with the rest of your commie faggot trannie friends

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So who do you support as President?

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Whoever goes against jews and the mutilation of children. If no one does I support no one.

Yeah! And Mexico's gonna pay for it! And global warming is a conspiracy by the chinese! Put her there, fellow magapede!

trump is a dirty kike

trump is a kike

kike trump?

Did trump shower between your posts?

I'n voted for Hillary you idiott

Not updooting do you even reddit

>canada btfo so hard they lost their leaf

>m-m-muh discord!
Not everyone who doesn’t care for the orange retard is a dipshit tranny, commie, or dem

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It's coming...

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This. But Unironicaly


this is funny

Edit Unironically

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if this isn't fucking hilarious, then i don't know what is.

Somebody tell me how to edit posts