Dude this whole thing

Was a psy op.
>why do you think they had a movie?
>its been 3 years where has this guy been?

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Other urls found in this thread:


That doesn't even make sense you dumb fuck.

He moved to Siberia and can't leave because he's snowed in.

he's a crisis actor to distract from the real edward.

i have a feeling your are older than 50 years old. this is not an insult.

Assange too.

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You guys know that Seth Rich was a regular guy that died in a botchered robbery whose death was used to spin a narrative against the democrats and that Assange played a major role in spinning this narrative with the assassination insinuations he made in the media right
He basically made shit up to let us come to the conclusions ourselves because we don't like the clinton lady

>(((right, guys?)))

Letting the world know that Obama and his ilk monitored the American populace and treated them like the enemy was great fun.

Why? For the CIA to divert attention to the NSA?

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The chadstralian the virgin American government

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maybe they just keep paying snowflakes to pretend to be him?

Actually no, Seth Rich was the DNC leaker, there's mountains of evidence that points to him being the leaker

>it happened
>{{{then movie of happening}}}
>snowden interview via live stream from time to time
>mostly silence
>OP posts thread crying
>psy op psy op
fuck your thread
>your thread is a psy op
shilling faggot

every time theres a movie... its an op.

Am I the only who can't not look at that strange skin tag on his neck?

>whistleblowing as a psy op
go on
>whoops did i just post that


why was this post deleted?

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you didnt know this b4 snowden?
just to feed off any dissent. they create layers of myth to perpetually distract. snowden was tricked by CIA into going through a wormhole. once that happens, the agent is a full demon. they own him. so he makes a deal with the other side, and is unleashed on the public, with the objective of taking as much attention as possible. snowden, assange, manning...all demons on leashes.

It hurts to admit you have been played like an NPC. I know I have been there. Assange made me realize the true power of shills. I am not claiming that the entirety of Wikileaks was a bad thing in any way. Only that I do think that he acted with ulterior and dishonest motives.

Some people only need to watch Alex Jones to be played, the more intelligent need a shill with Assange skill. He's the best shill I have ever seen.

If they wanted Snowed In dead they could just get spies/agents or hitmen to do it no matter what country he is in.

I knew it, aquaman is proof of indo-aryan theory and atlantis with a bunch of disinfo thrown in
is that a real card in the set?


Cynicism wasn't always the default setting. Nor should it be.

Telling how "Snowden" only ever attacked the CIA's enemy the NSA.

And never revealed anything that wasn't already known.

13 hours, the big short, flight 93.
there was an interview with snowden.
this reporter asked him about 9/11 and grinned.
he grinned because he knows. all the demons are in on it. (the reporter as well).
and sure enough, snowden paused, and referred to the 9/11 commission, sorry Omission, and goes with the official story like a bitch.

9/11 is your demon litmus test. ask trump about 9/11....

who are the ppl knew about the stuff that snowden would later reveal in 2013?


Literally everyone you faggot

You're just sleeping at the wheel

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>Literally everyone you faggot

are you really saying that the deepstate monitors all internet traffic and uses supercomputer algorithms to find dissidents and kill them with automated zersetzung tactics

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Anyone in the tech community who'd been paying attention for the previous decade.

Not being snarky, that's how widely known the "revelations" were. "Snowden" was essentially a deck of PowerPoint slides, some code names, and history.

For the real story, look at what Obama scandals were the frontpage news when the "Snowden" limited hangout sucked all the oxygen out of the room and saved KN's lying gay ass.

Hint: one of the supermarket tabloid headlines about Obama was "WORSE THAN NIXON?"

They're carefully crafting lists of people to disappear so they can succeed where communists and the nazis before them failed

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the movie enemy of the state came out in 1999 user, its not a new concept.
they mention echelon in said movie, which is the previous project, active since the 50s, pre arpanet
I dont know what 13 hours has to do with the other two, I know 2008 was on purpose, I know the third plane was shot down.


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Not the first snow job, won't be the last.

God bless you brother. I hope we can find a better route.

>be cia
>starve for funding
>undermine nsa
>get their gibs
no shit it was

plus he never released anything beyond crappy news paper drivel

wrong retard, he was killed 2y ago because he said he was going to release some shit about killary - he never did, pam anderson was his farewell blowjob

>attempt to rob someone at gunpoint
>leave and don't take their wallet after shooting them
Are you retarded?

They wan't the populous to be fearful of their government. Letting it leak that the gov is spying on you makes people afraid to do anything. Reality is though, they have so much information that they can't make any sense of it. So they fire off a few shots and see if anybody shoots back or changes their behavior so they know where to focus.

I don't know if you can get Hep B, from a BJ, but if you could, that would be the slowest assassination ever.

maybe the guy was never planning on shooting him. After he shot Seth he left because he was scared or didnt cared about money anymore.

do you think your country is a shithole like mine where assassinations actually happen
do you think the 200iq game theory aficionados in the party would risk jail over that
i bet Seth wasn't even the leaker

He’s a trap, a bearded lady. He’s been dressing like girl and prancing around in plain sight

>secretly monitoring everyone in the country
>reveal this massive secret and explain in detail how their data collection apparatuses work and some ways to circumvent them through various Snowden interviews just to "scare" people
Yeah that's fucking stupid.

>point weapon in someone's face to rob them
>maybe the guy was never planning on shooting him
Yeah, you're retarded.

you just want to believe

You've given no suitable reason not to.

Only a small fraction of the material he nicked has been released. Why?

Kekkles are you for real?

are you implying assassinations only happen in poor countries?
some dude was killed in the middle of a city over here with motherfucking polonium JUST to show they could do it, and proof it was them (isotopes are known and matchable to mines/origins)

Everyone with a fucking brainstem faggot. Rather he confirmed rumors that had been floating around since the early 2000s

do you think its entirely unreasonable to think someone tried to rob a random person in the middle of the night but the robber was nervous as fuck because this was his first time, Seth moved too fast and he got scared and shot him

>According to police, he died from two shots to the back

What kind of assassination happens with two shots in the back or that the murderer flees the scene with the guy he was supposed to kill still alive and breathing

It does look more like a failed robbery than an assissination

Do you think the multibillionaires in the republican party wouldn't jump on that and use it destroy clinton's reputation. They are so ethical and moral right, they wouldn't be immoral and opportunistic.
Its completely irrational to think someone from the DNC would risk jail over this. Its not like these people think.

I think it would be irrational for someone to order an assassination on him and its more rational to think opportunists used his death to shill an agenda.

Am I right or am I wrong
I am providing as much evidence as you guys provide when you say he was the leaker and he got killed because of this. We just got played by assange and others senpai

>Mass civil disobedience increasing ten-fold
> Niggers don't even care about GOVT SURVEILLANCE
> They just want more gibs

CIA shill detected

like 9/11, you are now discussing this event in the vacuum of the future, no one has the relevant information anymore.
I remember the PI was shutdown but anons essentially proved he was the leaker because of the laptop, maybe. vacuum.
dont bring rational into this, there is no rational in any of this chaos and greed.

Its the location of a box of dead cats buried unter some sheet metal

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Anyone? Genuine question.

MI5 fucking destroyed it because obummer called muh treason on us, are you new or something?

I believe David Miranda got arrested in the UK with an encrypted flash drive that was seized.

But if that wasn't the case I would guess it wasn't released because of (((national security))), just like we only heard about half of the panama papers.

you just want to believe.

Again, the real proof "Snowden" was a Deep State limited hangout was:
>what Obama scandals were the frontpage news when the "Snowden" limited hangout sucked all the oxygen out of the room and saved KN's lying gay ass

Bro, I'm drunk and I still can't make sense of what you are fucking getting at.
>Goverment whistleblower was a government psy-op to get the American populace distrustful of the government so that the government can take control of the extremely pro-government media and create opposition to the government through overbearing pro-government opinion

What kind of robbery happens with two shots to the back? You walk up to them (ideally from the side) and demand their belongings. At this point, Seth would be facing the mugger not facing away.

Of course, and the wikileaks fag. If they were legit they'd never be published in the jew media.

Dont worry about it guy

wikileaks was legit before they killed assange
ive seen some shit.

Reddit tier joke. Fuck off

What did they leak that was legitimate?

Snowden got Americans killed and he is a straight up traitor. He didn't have to release intel that killed his brothers, but you know, that's what cancerous faggots do.
I hope he freezes in that shithole country

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mind sharing with us?

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What intel lead to the deaths of Americans?

the meta data that leads them to discover your part of Jow Forums user

helicopter gunning down innocent family van in iraq? with audio.
was enlightening...

I know war is fucked up, but there was no effort to avoid mistakes.

I also got an insurance file once but its gone, and I dont understand rotating 256 AES anyway.


for clarity, its gone because im paranoid not because the NSA ring 0 deleted it or something.

It was GCHQ not MI5, and no, they did not destroy everything.

It would have been copied, but it was returned to him

>I dunno guys, I think we can trust him

You are asking questions I don't have the answer to.
You probably want to look at the documents that show how these bullets entered his body and what "shot in the back" means, if these documents are public available. I don't know, maybe they had a quick physical alternation or something.

The police did conclude it was a failed robbery and they know better than us. I don't have any reason to question their conclusion.
Don't dismiss the entirety of my interpretation. The US isn't a turd world shithole where people order a hit on someone like it was nothing or just out of vengeance, if there is proof Seth was the leaker, I am more inclined to believe he would be sued instead .

I don't think most assassinations happen with two shots in the back and I speak from nigger-central where stuff like this happens with an unfortunate frequency.

You can watch tons of ZOGbots blowing heads off Muslims if you want. That's nothing new.

I wonder (((why))) it was deleted?

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US helicopter...
sometimes I wonder if you enjoy the killing

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You are wrong bro. Check the leaked clinton emails.

Hello Chaim how's Ester

and you are a nigger, I don't listen to stupid niggers, go be a nigger elsewhere monkey man

Bull shit nigger he broke the story on it...its fucking true....he’s a godamn patriot

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why is AJ a shill why is asssange uber shill?

>why is AJ a shill?

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i have a feeling you dance with your dog and eat monkey soup

>wer of shills. I am not claiming that the entirety of Wikileaks was a bad thing in any way. Only that I do think that he acted with ulterior and dishonest motives.
Yeah, most people don't care, those are the ones they don't have to ever worry about. so it makes their job of keeping an eye on the rest of us easier.

I understand your skepticism.
Do you know how you guys don't trust anyone from the MSM
I have taken too many redpills I think everyone is a shill.

never mind. its just my mental disorder doing the talking.

Good night!

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can I just ask, is there -anyone- in here that thinks snowden simply sold out to russia?
iirc that was the going official argument at the time. which no one bought. no one actually buys the official argument, they just get the media to tell you they do.

if I had a button to destroy the earth, click.

Edward Snowden, just as Julian Assange, aren't real people.
They are characters portrayed by different actors.
NSA-Leaks and Wikileaks are psy-op instruments of karma neutrality.

There is a world outside muttland nigger

>There is a world outside muttland nigger
That's a non-sequitor

Explaining for nigger... I don’t live in the US of Nigeria so I am not familiar with AJ other than that he does sensationalist stuff and thinks the globalists want to destroy the family and integrate humans with machines.
So - why is AJ a shill and why is JA the Uber shill?