Why are racist people usually so simple, trashy and lower class?

Why are racist people usually so simple, trashy and lower class?

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A lack of education.

oh look, it's this thread again

because the rich can run away from the problems they create but then there will come a time where the rich will get rekt as well


Hey how's that war against cats going? you fucking down syndrome retard!

*racists that voice it publicly

tfw everyone isn't saging this shit post

rathist pee-pull


They can't afford to pay for a college to brainwash them into supporting the multicult.

Why are antisemitic people usually simple, trashy, lower class nobodies like Cicero, Shakespeare, Voltaire, Wagner, Martin Luther, Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh, Roald Dahl, Dostoevsky, G. K. Chesterton, Ezra Pound, T.S Eliot, ...

They have nothing else that makes them feel superior to someone, so if they can be racist, they can believe they aren't at the very bottom of the social hierarchy.

Because liberals never met an actual racist so they create a caricature of gun-toting inbred racists and then they proceed to terrify themselves with it.

>Why are [Sweeping Generalizations about someone I like?]
Was there a segment on the Tonight Show about this yesterday perchance?

You forgot Bobby Fischer, the greatest chess player who ever lived.

because we're not forced to be nice at our jobs for a pat on the back from mr. rothstein, we work with like minded people who tell vulgar racist jokes every minute of every day.

Jews are the most racist people on Earth so you're dead wrong

Because, through living in proximity they became post-judgmental (the opposite of prejudiced) to these groups.
Do you ever find it odd that those that are the least “racist” are the ones that never had to live around minorities?
You should find that a very compelling statement.


1) Because it's the stereotype you've been fed and so you believe it
2) Because those people can be forced to live in diverse areas, thus becoming racist
3) Because richer people only deal with the upper crust of diversity.

because you believe what hollywood tells you like a good little goy and ignore any evidence to the contrary.
If I'm wrong, explain why white supremacists on the internet are the most powerful force in modern politics?

they're not. racist white people are usually clean, pretty, and blonde. the racist whites promoted by the media are trash. the racist whites promoted by desperate beta males are fake blondes with tattoos and fake eyebrows. but even the media admits that it's the hot blue eyed frat boys who are the racists they need to worry about. popular kids are usually lowkey "whites are better than others." they just don't chimp out in public and get a viral video of them screaming about the kkk.

Because they are low IQ user.

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not anymore LIBTARD

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>Low class, uneducated people tend to teach their kids broad explanatory narratives & superstitions to explain the world.
>Because they have to live with all the problems forced upon them "educated" upper-class white liberals who would set foot in a non-white community.
>Because democracy intentionally obscures the true nature of the system and it's rulers from the lower-class, naturally leading them to invent their own low-information explanations, which aren't 100% correct but often have more truth than you'll find in a liberal University.

A better question is: why are highly-educated people against racism so much?

Over-socialization with state propaganda, maybe?

>Why are racist people usually so simple, trashy and lower class?

Wealthy, university-warped liberals are more racist—they just hide it behind their babble. They think of blacks and minorities as almost mentally handicapped or like a Downs Syndrome person. "How dare you expect to apply to them the same standards as a "able" person! Everybody should patronize them and give them stuff. We enlightened liberals will take care of them..."

It's the "Tyranny of Low Expectations".

Who's racist? Are you against poor people whose charm is to not give a fuck when they tell it like it is?

Because they discovered the secret of a happy life.

WRONG. They're just the ones with nothing to lose already
