Have we isolated the "niggerlover" gene yet?

One kind user told me that there is a correlation between "gay face" and niggerloving women. That you can literally tell the physiological characteristics of a woman that "looks like she fucks black guys"

Can any others help out and post examples of nigger lovers and their faces? I'm not calling for a raid, merely a analyzation of these women, their facial similarities (especially the eyes), and isolate this dreadful gene. Like recognizing a jew, a niggerlover should be apparent by the face. Like a faggot as well.

Attached: 15246934274574368.jpg (1195x1367, 199K)

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Who's that and why is he with Ann in this photo?

>Can any others help out and post examples of nigger lovers and their faces? I'm not calling for a raid, merely a analyzation of these women, their facial similarities (especially the eyes), and isolate this dreadful gene. Like recognizing a jew, a niggerlover should be apparent by the face. Like a faggot as well.

I have often wondered whether closeted lesbians are attracted to them due to the higher estrogen levels.

you can tell by the shame on their face

I don't know who he is. He's with Ann because she sucks nigger dicks. Here's another example of a niggerlover

Attached: 15262547346365625654979.png (720x955, 1.12M)

We need an AI to do a deep learning dive on the faces of coalburners

Ann Coulburner

I’m black and this chick I worked with looked like she wouldn’t be interested in black guys but she would eventually ask me for my number and one thing lead to the next. Women are chameleons, don’t go by appearance

Attached: 0B5A725B-FB5E-48FF-99C5-BF83C1DD0AC4.jpg (407x382, 27K)

Attracted to who, niggers?

u blaxd her,w/ genetically superior bbd?