Fuck off orange monkey

Fuck off orange monkey

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Based and redpilled

>"Venezuela is Naht real socialism"

Pick one commiecuck

Fuck communists

We’re coming for the oil

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That's an act of agression against democracy. Brutal dictator Madura must go!

>let me eat dogfood in peace

But i forgot ofc, maduro does not eat dogfood

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lrn to shoop you nigger

ya good luck venezuela, isnt possible redpilled and dont like chavez/maduro

Sorry, we’re stopping your socialist dictator. We don’t need refugees when this shit fails YET AGAIN as it always does, so we’re putting a stop to it and you can’t do anything about it. Never forget that America owns the world, you third world shitskins just live in it

You pushed too hard you fucking commies , now they are going to push you out of the helicopter.

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why am i there ?

Venezuela is 3000 miles away from the US.

lol the reaper already passed

>We don’t need refugees
You seem to enjoy creating them for Europe though.
I hope the entire population of Venezuela gets housed and fed in the USA, paid out of your taxes. Let the great browning continue.


Mutts smell oil. How long until Maduro gasses his own people?

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Maduro is actually retarded. They won't even need to falseflag this one lmao

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The result of years of US economic warfare - sanctions and CIA collusion with corrupt corporations like Empresas Polar. Should countries just surrender to these global capitalist, zionist attacks?

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You forgot the repeat the most important line corporate media thought you
"Venezuela oil is dirty and icky and i dont even want it anyway. China doesnt even want to buy that oil because its full of dirt or something"

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Look at this! USA starves it's own citizens! USA must intervene and bomb itself!

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>sanctions only on Maduro goons, not against the country itself
>entire country implodes, people eating out of dumpsters

Chaponighouse discord faggots should move to Venezuela and fight for Maduro if it's so great.

Yes, they should carpet bomb California.

>"US economic warfare".

Venezuela can trade with everyone else you memeflag retard, this is not an excuse for the economy being in the shit.

California you retard

They want Maduro gone for two reasons:
He's an ally of Russia
He's an example of what happens when the brown commie horde takes over and they don't want white people to get nervous when watching their replacers.

>5 million venezuelans migrate from the country every year
>everything is fine

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How much viagra do they make to keep that up?

sorry not per year but sense maduro took power. Still a huge percent of their population.

1 Post by this ID
The Dumb MasterRace got Baited again

This board is full of idiots everyday

Hope trump attacks Venezuela and destabilizes south america so in the next 10 years I can watch Americans lose their minds over the hordes of migrants all over again. It's like you never learn.

Trump doesn't care about the Venezuelan people only the oil.