I’m 39 and i went to the museum of tolerance this week

It’s scary how naive I was about the holocaust. I aways thought it was just in Germany. Always assumed it was only the German Jews being murdered. To find out that other countries were deporting their Jews for slaughter, and that America even turned away refugees sickened me even more. I’m totally fascinated(if that’s the right word) by how the holocaust was actually allowed to happen and doing what I can to educate myself further because now I realize just how far the hate was able to spread. I’m watching “auschwitz: hitlers final solution” on Netflix right now and I hope to get around to reading “the fall of the third Reich” when I can. Can anyone recommend someother good source material on Nazi germany and the holocaust. It’ll all be much appreciated.

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As soon as I saw that post i knew i had to turn it into a copypasta.

Attached: 6FAFEB5C-8CAF-4B57-AB39-83A9525C120C.jpg (1600x1200, 83K)

Nice catch, nip. Fuck back off to reddit, OP.

Attached: 1522708831979.jpg (591x960, 36K)

Kill yourself.

What the fuck is with this "open mouth "smile"" all these guys do??
Serious question


Attached: stude3.jpg (1308x1028, 42K)

Primates bear their teeth when they are scared. Low test beta males are in a constant state of anxiety driven terror at the world around them

It's cuck shit, soiums don't know how to fake a smile so they do this.
There's also info on it being a fear grimace, they want to show they're happy without risking making others think they're being a threat.
The guy in OP's pic is taking the piss, he's the world record holder for the man with the largest moth. Either he saw, or someone showed him the cuck joke, and he bought a switch to take the pic.
There's not much millage having the largest moth can get you, but this is one rare case, and he didn't want to pass up on it

These are good sources on the subject:


See all "Europa the last battle" on youtube

>Museum of Tolerance
Holy shit, for all these years I thought South Park had made that shit up for laughs. My whole life has been a lie.

it's real and a pozzed as you can possibly imagined

the scariest thing is it's mandatory visitation in some curiculums. gotta brainwash the goyim early

Hengdu þig plebbit plebbi

>be me
>grow up in los angeles
>classmates literally took field trips to museum of tolerance
>we didnt have holocaust class because every class was holocaust class
>english, read Maus, watch Schindler's List
>history, ww2 is 5 chapters, 3 and a half are about the holocaust
>special additional segments that relate back to it in other classes as well
you guys have no idea how much jewing is going on, something has to be done about this

it was "mandatory" where i grew up in that, you didnt have to go if your parents didnt agree to the field trip (cause that would be kidnapping), but everyone was required to show it to their parents and if they agreed we were required to go, it was a non-optional field trip from the curriculum standpoint

did I mention fuck the jews?

>other source materials
>source materials
>Fall of turd Reich

yeah that's what i meant

All three videos cannot be played in the Netherlands =( Is this straight up censorship by the EU, or Netherlands or is this a youtube thing.

probably NL

Godverdomme kaaskoppen, waarom zijn jullie zo druk bezig om je eigen land om zeep te helpen.


Well you failed. Now make like a Jew and GAS YOURSELF KIKE!

Sorry, meneer Vlaming. Het is de schuld van de politieKUS

Jesus Christ my mouth can only get opened like a 3rd of this guy

Edit: Thanks for the gold!!!!

The switch is clearly shopped in dumb ass

Trying to emulate this emoji I think. I tried that and it looked like the fakest shit I've ever done.

Attached: Wiki-background.png (600x600, 57K)


I like how Poland far-sightedly decided to dispute its responsibility for the holocaust while the rest of Europe literally has no good arguments to defend themselves