Let's have a proper discussion about degeneracy. Specifically, men turning into women (or trying to) for a variety of reasons.
One clearly can't blame culture for that, as it's present in USA, Russia, Europe, Asia and basically everywhere, where people aren't repressed for such desires.
Do you think transsexualism is a legit condition? What do you think of emotionally stable men who just get off from being a woman? Is it a trend that's being pushed by liberals, or deeply sexual nature of humans surfacing when enabled by highly developed civilisation? Being evolutionarily wrong, is it bad for societies? If so, what restrains should be put onto that? Is that yet another form of liberation from constrains of nature, or just a way for men to succumb into sexualization and get hooked on dopamine rush from dedicating their entire lifestyle to a fetish? Should such behaviours be acceptable when properly concealed?
I just want to say that in my opinion this shit is deeply deeply sexual. Most women get off from being sexy themselves, then why wouldn't men, who are even more atracted to feminine beauty and sexuality? That also explains the large number of male to female trans, when compared to the opposite direction.
One day people will realize how helping children "transition" was in most cases basically the same as finishing the job with one's mouth when you catch them masturbating.
>a person chopping off their genitals thousands of miles away has a measurable effect on me somehow!! THEY MUST BE STOPPED OR ELSE! and you call the trannies mentally ill
Joshua Jenkins
>What do you think of emotionally stable men who just get off from being a woman?
There is no such thing. Not one. If your behavior does not conform to evolutionary human biological imperatives, your behavior is anti-evolutionary and you require medical and psychological help.
Mentally and physically healthy human beings want to be married and have children in young adulthood, live in extended families, and have traditions and morally decent culture and social order. Prior to the madness that is the 21st century, those who chose not to participate in biological imperatives were considered pariahs and shunned. Now we have modern medicine and we can help people with issues and bring them back to evolutionary social norms, but instead these people are celebrating these issues.
Josiah Cruz
It's from porn which comes from kikes which is normalized by the kike media and kike kike kikes a kike kikedy kike kike kike
What a revolting disgusting picture. If I were gay I would want to bury me in some actual man, Idk how many paraphilias you should have to even touch this.