Atleast feminist are being honest

>Guy: "I love equality, 50/50"
>All females in crowd cheers

Atleast their being honest about "equality" now.

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Holy fuck she is unstable as hell; one moment she screams and jumps around like she's taken four pounds of coke and the next she is acting sweet and innocent.

Would still fuck tho, if she had hair.

This bitch is highly unstable, maybe even dead within a few years. Another soul lost.

Holy shit, she’s so mentally unstable it’s making my dick uncontrollably erect.

I'll fuck her so hard that hair will start popping out of her head like play-doh

>wants the world
>will inevitably ask men to help her take it

nO i WaNt ThE WhOlE FucKiNG tHinG mOtHeRfUCkEr

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Notice how she completely flips from absolute psycho bitch to little sweet heart victim in less than a second.


>But this gun is like soooooo heavy... *cries*

Yeah she's obviously bipolar.

I don't know why people thinking that the mentally ill should lead is a good idea.

Instead of bitching about it, why don't we use stock accounts to manipulate feminists into trying to start a gender war? The jews tricked feminists into basically restructuring the economy to where a family needs two incomes to stay afloat. If we can trick feminists into trying to stage an actual gender war against men, bitches will be back in chains willingly in like a week.

emotional manipulation is all they have

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We really need to fix mental health in this country, pronto.

Hint: most women are "bipolar". They are emotionally and psychologically different than men, and most are overemotional and lack any sort of attention span. Their brains release dopamine when they talk for a long time, even if about nothing (they're biologically wired not to stfu). The REASON for all of this is that their natural role is getting fucked, cooking, cleaning, and entertaining their children. It's easier to keep kids occupied if you're psychologically and emotionally stuck at their level, and if your brain rewards you for babbling, dancing, and making up meaningless songs and rhymes. Our ancestors, and all races for that matter, intrinsically understood not to give women power. By male standards, most women are literally insane.

I read this article written by a feminist about a particular field where men used to dominate but now it’s dominated by women. To my disgust, she was bragging throughout avout how now that women are better off than men it’s because they just “better suited” than men for that role. They had this idea that because men did so well in the past thay now it’s womens turn and that women dominating was a good thing. None of these movements are about equality, they want to take everything you have and then take more.

quality post. this is an imageboard ffs, there's too much fucking text to read.

At last she admits that she doesn't know what 'whole' means before her disoder flips her into another personality and becomes all sweet and loving.

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re education camps for feminists

"equaity" was never the issue. Name one right a man has a woman doensn't?

This is about one group of people wanting to control another.

It's because this place is absolutely infested with newfags from reddit.
There were literally threads on reddit telling right winger to check this place out if they were sick of being downvoted all the time.
It caused a wave of shit posting this board had never seen before, and it hasn't stopped. Been about 3 years now since the first refugees came in.

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and it's been like this since the 1800s
never believe anyone who says the early waves were "based"


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