Why are so many British posters leftists?

Why are so many British posters leftists?

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We're a nation of NHS-worshipping bootlickers.

I hate lefties and Cuntservatives equally

They both fuck over the working population, in their own ways.

(We're just the scum that keep them in the style to which they've become accustomed. But Brits love servitude - we've had 1000 years of it.)

Because if you don't lean left you're likely overcompensating for something.

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Only his scrotum was fascist, very sad, many such cases.

Attached: GooseStepMaster.jpg (549x763, 67K)

Brits are domesticated

80% Ironic shitposting 20% genuine labourite scum, I would guess.

Looks like my mate who's as progressive as they come but has started to go more rightwing when me and my hardline right wing buds have started bringing him the gym and making us lift with us.

I see more Germans writing posts like that.

>projecting politics unto personal failures.
It's a lefty trait. The further left you are, the less you can resist peer pressure.

British "men" simply cannot stop worshiping BBC

Attached: uk welcome to the united kingdom anthony joshua.png (2382x1389, 1.53M)

Aye but we do have a lot of brits posting shit like this.

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>A small sphere of social media is indicative of british society at large

Now I'm sad

Wrong pic but enjoy my /polfit/ pics, lads/

typical commie brit/pol/ nonce

Being anti-Fascist=/=being left wing in Britain.

i think reality has a little of both sides in it to function and the parties polarize people so bad they forget to take the good from each side. liberals tend to be more "compassionate" but suffer from advanced laziness and want everyone else to foot the bill and do the work. conservatives tend to be a little greedier on the surface but mostly stand for the virtue of being able to depend on yourself and earn your way in a system that allows you the opportunity to do so if you take it.

He's fucking correct. Economically centre left, with Social Conservatism is the best way forward.

What's even the difference between labour and the tories these days?


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Not enough musket balls in their diet

My man, you know it.

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The people who profit from their shitbaggery

Because Europe is a socialist wasteland

>conservatives tend to be a little greedier on the surface but mostly stand for the virtue of being able to depend on yourself and earn your way in a system that allows you the opportunity to do so if you take it

Unless you're a banker, in which case socialise the losses and privatise the gains

have you guys ever met any Jow Forumsacks IRL? i only knew a few of them, one of them was a quarter chink who loved nigel farage, the others were a couple of kids who liked doing drugs and being weird, one of them joked about how san andreas had a black protagonist and how the first mission was to steal a bike. i also saw him looking at a pic that said "niggers jews, bad news"

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Fuck that, thats the opposite of what we need. Shit stuffy England social conservatism is the worst, besides the cat is out the bag now. There's no going back from social liberalism.

They’re a nation of weak sniveling cowards

>Why are so many British posters leftists?
a life time of watching the (((BBC))) does shit to you. there's so many lies to unlearn, it's daunting OP!

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Fuck you, almost had a heart attack

Because they live far enough away from shitskins to believe the media. I call this 'The Portland Effect.'

not wrong

don't know
I don't like it either
serious brainwashing
90% of this country needs to die t b h

r u srs

Because we have a class system that is so grotesque, and so obnoxious that it is extremely difficult to want to side with the Tory party (known as the Whig party in America - but America destroyed it, and we have yet to).
If you understand anything about the Industrial Revolution, and the working classes fight to not be borderline slaves to our version of robber barons, the leaning left is simply supporting human dignity. But as with everything on this fucking prison island, the ruling class have co-opted the left and are dragging it towards the most insane, satanic behaviour, whereas before it was solely about working class rights and conditions of life.
Look at Income Inequality and the metrics for escaping poverty (social mobility); Britain is the worst place on Earth; if you're born poor, the class system does everything it can to make sure you die poor, and young.

Nothing in our history has been more jewish than Thatcherism and modern conservatism. Thatchers cabinet was the most jewish in Parliamentary history, and her policies of neo-liberalism were created by Milton (((Friedman))).

exploitation and inequality are becoming worse by the day in every country so of course more and more people will turn to the left.
brits have a well recorded history of class struggle and labour movement and they haven't entirely forgotten about it, unlike the US

I wouldn't mind being ruled by them if they truly were Machiavellian geniuses - I'd have some grudging respect.

But they are just liars, thieves, and cheats.

It's easy to win a game when you make the rules up as you go along.

The Inclosures Act was theft on a massive scale to provide labour for the factories

Imagine leaving your small holding for the last time and turning up in a shithole like London.

>Nothing in our history has been more jewish than Thatcherism and modern conservatism.
sorry, but it goes back way further

Because they are a late stage empire in their age of decadence.

it's just the one fat autist jahans, really

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Not an argument.

Worse than a ‘your mum will’ post. 10/10, would endure cardiac arrest again

>Not an argument.
correct, it's a statement!

It all starts with William the Bastard, who was a greedy motherfucker and made the Jews rich

when you think about it
the upper class champagne socialists, lily allens of the world
the actually have made the labour party completely perverted

>tfw born into scum class and trying to get out
not gonna lie it's probably the only thing i'm genuinely insecure about
although I wouldn't admit it in public
makes me sad every time I think about it for more than 0.1 seconds

It's because they're usually leafs using VPNs to sound smart. There are a ton of them from Discord that are bombarding this site with dumb threads.

It's literally you faggots fault that we can't even have brand names on our fag packets anymore.
Don't you ban violent video games all the time as well?
Bunch of nanny state poofs you are.

That isn't what I wrote. We all know William of Orange was jewish backed and let the cunts back in. But Thatcherism is pure judaism, ideologically, economically, it was entirely jewish, including her cabinet, which had more jewish cabinet members than any UK government.

>Fag packets

Yeah definitely not a Brit

>born into scum class
you're working class? i live in an area which has a lot of government housing so i regularly see the subclasses, i don't have a problem with the low classes but these people are definitely low IQ and not very smart, littering is a huge problem here, which i don't understand, does it not bother people that they live in filth?

Yeah definitely not a Brit.

I've employed middle class drop-outs as labourers for my building company. Gone to do contract work for bigger companies, and their bigwigs have heard the labourers accents, realised they're from the same stock, plummy accented bottom boys from public schools, and poached them into their company and put them onto various construction management/ management courses. Its happened 3 times. It is something else to see it in effect, especially when they're not even more intelligent.
There was a DailyMail article a few years ago saying drop-outs from public schools, still do better than the highest achieving working class graduates. Every door opens for them just by their accent.
I'd love it if Corbyn got in power and crushed their class system.

If you're over 35 like me, you'll have witnessed the massive sucking sound during the 90s of working class, skilled and technical factory jobs, fleeing to China. The working class were hard working and resourceful - and had collective power. (((Thatcherism))) destroyed that, and the working class are now demoralised.


There's no such thing as Thatcherism lol... she was just a face for the monetarist and Chicago school tendencies in the Conservative party, and it wasn't specific to Britain either.

Enoch Powell was advocating far more radical free market policies in 1968.


Also Thatcher hated, and was hated by, most of her own cabinet.

I just wrote Thatcher was carrying out Milton Freidmans policies, ergo the Chicago School. Learn to read.

If only I had land I could chop trees on..

yeah, all chav stereotypes applied to me growing up
drugs and violence
I fucking hate them too, they disgust me
but I'm an engineering student now and for what it's worth I got 135 on that online mensa IQ test first time round
I don't know anyone like me, pretty sure i'm an anomaly
the posh kids here only respect me when they see me outperforming them, otherwise I can tell they feel uncomfortable around me

Fascist were surely more leftist than right, after all right wing didn't exist before WW2, since Americans created right wing. Every political party emerging from monarchy was a revolutionary party aka left wing.

Attached: leftism left wing Sade Marx Hitler Marcuse.jpg (1707x2560, 1.07M)

Revolution isn't right or left
Monarch is right wing

Yes it's almost like giving scum everything for free means they ultimately value nothing.

Middle class anglos are the closest thing to jews. How jews see the goyim, is exactly how they see working class people.