Jow Forums BTFO

>Jow Forums BTFO

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So only 2/3 are worthless leeches?

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Way to go Riley.

>25% of new immigrants cannot, and are not willing to, learn German
>67% don't speak German
>65% are unemployed

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so we know 25% never intend to work
33% have made an effort to speak the native language
and 65% are unemployed and currently on the bludge
How the presume importing an immigrant base that only 35% work has added to the economy is beyond by divination.

Rape up by 120%

1/4 have no interest in learning anything about Germany
67% can't even speak the language
65% are unemployed
Germans spent £35,000,000,000 supporting "immigrants" via taxes

>falling for the percentile Jew

You guys need to stop arguing on their level. The migrants could contribute 1 trillion to the German economy and I still wouldn't want them there. It's not about the numbers. It's about having a homeland.

Is this man joking? Those are absolutely shite metrics.

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35% of millions of refugee work. That means 65% of them aren't working and living off socialist dollars. Thanks for the stats.

pic related really made me think. Also look up the Glienicker Gruppe.

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>more than 60 percent can't speak the language well and aren't working

25% of them are not trying to learn German?! That's insane.
The standard for good German must be equivalent to HSK 3 for Chinese ( only language test I know). 1 is basic beginner foundation, 6 is newspaper reading. It's below conversational fluency and should be easily attainable in a few months, almost passively.
They are not assimilating.

he has low expectations for brown people

>35% working
what a shit show
if you could be more clueless it would be really entertaing to us

>some migrants speak German
Speaking the language is NOT integrating. Just look at the UK where every paki speaks english, yet the honour killings, rape gangs and knife stabbings are as popular as ever.

>added 35 billion to economy
But how much was spent on them in welfare, support and reeducation? Don't give me these 1 sided arguments.

>only 75% of them are even fucking bothering to make an attempt at learning the language of their new "home" and that's cause for celebration

65% of immigrants living off benefits, a real victory.

Too right. Doesn't matter if they benefit Germany economically or not. They aren't German and they are contributing to the dilution and destruction of an ancient European people and identity.

It's also nice that the Germans are able to have a bunch of people out and about doing things while the actual Germans are at work to pay taxes for the gibs so the guys who don't work can learn German!

DIW is more of a political institution than it is a research facility. I remember when I had to review one of their papers for a seminar in which not only they happily confused net and gross effects, but also failed to apply the most basic of statistical methods. I doubt anyone would ever take the DIW seriously.

>3 million immigrants added 35billions to the economy.
>2 millions are leeches.
>2011-2016 = 6 years
>6x2 million = 12 million
>1000€/month welfare
>12 million x 1000 = 120 billions welfare payments
>so we lost 85 billions AT LEAST
>doesn't include any special services like language courses, happy cultural unification meetings, government funding for anti-racism projects and thousand of other dumb shit
>probably most of these "1 million who added wealth" add nothing, so maybe just 300-500k of them really added value
>most of them might be from: spain, poland, hungary, greece, france, switzerland, findland, denmark, italy, usa, china, japan, bulgaria etc.

>hurr durr this proves how valuable africans and muslims are for our society

Sounds pretty much exactly the same as our beaner infestation. They have one of their daughters learn English to act as a translator in public and the rest of them continue life as if they never left their village.

>only 33% can speak German
>only 35% are in work
is that supposed to be impressive?

>12 million x 1000 = 120 billions welfare
*12 billions, sorry i fucked up

>speak good
Hahahaha XD

>hordes of unwashed masses disregarding the laws of a country and settling due to holocaust guilt
pick one and only one.

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>muh economy
>muh classes
Yea but they Germans just lost 35% of their land, culture and safety. Was it worth it Hitlerbros?

wanting them to assimilate would be racist m8

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35bn in five years is garbage, fuck that cuck

This isn't even clear from the statistic. The definition of "unemployed" is so warped in Germany that a refugee that is currently within any qualification measure (for example, a full four week course on how to write and read the latin alphabet) is not counted as unemployed. It is not clear at all how much of those 35% considered as employed are actually working. It is also completely unknown what fraction of those 35% are making enough money to sustain themselves without ANY government assistance.

Nigger no one cares about your gay statistics. If the Germans don't want them then the "immigrants" can get the fuck out.

A people don't need a reason to refuse outsiders other than "because we said so".

This. Saying that the country is better off because the kiked economy is doing better due to nice low paid workers is bullshit.

An honest days work is the white mans most cherished aspect. Giving the work away is taking away from the white race.

> It's not about the numbers. It's about having a homeland.
This. Best of luck to you Euros. Defend your cultures. They are largely worth defending.

>thinking these are positive numbers

>2011 - 16 migrants added €35 billion to the German economy
That's over two billion per migrant. Good job, Merkel.

“Merkels immigration policies are doing GREAT. support her, she didn’t fuck the country up, I swear”

-Markels brother

also this. You'd also have to take account of all the implicit spending and additionally the costs of the refugees using public goods to which they've never contributed (infrastructure, any facility in the public sphere, etc.).

If I got a 35% in any school course I would be considered a massive failure

Enjoy your niggers, Germans

>33% speak the language
>30% are in work.
Those are fucking terrible numbers, those are not good statistics at all.

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>33% speak good

>migrants added 35 billion to the German economy
i would really like to see how the fuck he can reach that number
did those immigrant never used any public service at all so they've cost 0$ to german ?

Merkel is a pawn of Putin

35 billion to the economy are the loans the government gets to house and feed the useless fucks.

what if you were black?

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so only 1/3 are actually grateful for a nice first world country taking them in and giving them every opportunity to provide for their children
sounds about right

>65% jobless parasites
>Doctors, engineers and scientists

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>It grew the economy!

I fucking hate this meme. How much did it cost the state to add 35 billion over 5 years? If the debts or liabilities taken on exceed revenue, then you're fucked. This is as true for a country as it is for a corporation, unless it's one of the few countries with a strong enough military to force its debts to be forgiven.

If he thought they were equal to white people he wouldn’t think this was an achievement.

Still need to times it by 12 again as it is only 1 month of 6 years

Just try to get behind this absolute nigger tier reasoning
>people bash that wrinkled demon that she's flooding her own country with worthless trash
>so here are some absolute trash numbers that actually proves those people right
And as said those numbers are probably even worse. I can't fathom how someone can be this retarded. Btw sage this fucking slide thread.

As pointed out above, it is far less than 1/3. Out of those 35% the majority most likely does not earn enough to get through daily life without government assistance. Finding out the actual quota is difficult, but from experience (with for example the numbers we have on turks, kurds, and arabs prior to 2015) I'd say it is around 10% gainfully employed.

>3/4 of new immigrants have done or are doing German courses
So they can steal your women or cry racism in native german tongue when they don't get what they want.
>33% speak german
>35% have jobs
>2011-2016 migrants added $35b to the german economy
>By borrowing money from banks that then gets into the system
>Or through gibs that then get recirculated through the system
>Also we didn't take into effect what they took out of the economy, just what they put "into" it

>It is also completely unknown what fraction of those 35% are making enough money to sustain themselves without ANY government assistance.
This last part is important. In Western Europe, almost everyone who works part time or works a minimum-wage job is still a net negative to the welfare state. I don't know the most recent stats for Germany, but I do know two things.
1. There's a report, I think it's by the Bundesagentur für Arbeit and was published a few years ago, that states most refugees are only suitable for unskilled labor like manning street kiosks and doing cleaning work. Do you have that?
2. In the Netherlands, the most recent figures reveal that most Syrian refugees have finished high school or less, and about a third haven't even finished elementary school. This makes their labor market perspectives outright poor.

Came here to post this.

GDP doesn't actually measure "the economy". It measures corporate revenue, which is coming at everyone else's expense.

It used to be a decent model, before our economies became saturated and "endless expansion" was a viable business model. But now our economy is stagnant and companies need to either focus on long-term stability, or lobby the government for welfare.

The government gives a check to "the poor" (i.e. bums), and where does that money end up? In fucking Walmart. Or in some landlord's wallet. They bring in the shittiest immigrants they can find, put them on welfare and just funnel money from everyone's paychecks. This even has the added bonus of preventing anyone else from becoming rich, eliminating all competition.

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This is irrelevant.
Have they increases their genetic potential for creating productive societies? Of course not.

Based I guess Germany can keep importing foreign people at higher rates than before.I always knew you could do it.

Only 35% work. Is that supposed to be a selling point?

Useless eaters.

What he fails to mention is that the added GDP is calculated in Rapes per Million.

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Is it African migrants or all migrants? That would make a huge difference.

These are all stats which doesn't matter.
> 35% are in work
Low as fuck
Meanwhile no fucking crimerates etc.

Lets say these numbers were twice or three times as good as he states
Is extra money in the "economy" really worth sacrificing your countries current culture, demographics, and in general the muttification of your peoples?
Is it?
It seems like a very high price to pay.
And again, this is all assuming his numbers are two or three times higher than what he lists.
The answer is no & anyone who says otherwise has lost their mind.
There are more important things than money.

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this guy is fucking delusional. I like the weasel word "have done" for German language courses.

>66% don't speak good german
>65% not working
>$35B over 5 years vs $4.4T economy size

ya so they haven't done jack shit.

How do these people lie every day like this??? How do they do it????

It's worse than that because welfare spending ultimately counts towards GDP.

good point, so my calculation was valid

Anyone have that screencap that exposed how governments borrowing money to feed and house migrants boosts the GDP for the short term only to add to the national debt?

so I've just glanced over their study - which I fucking dread, I've sworn to myself that I would never again read their shit after I finished my degree - and they ASKED THE REFUGEES TO SELF-IDENTIFIY their level of German language skills. That means: a refugee tells you how good he thinks he speaks German. Also, the 3/4 is looking at ATTENDING A COURSE AT LEAST ONCE. If you've read a German newspaper regarding language courses for refugees in the last years you'd know that the majority just drops out of the German language classes (25 start, 8 take the final exam, 5 pass is a realistic stat found in the newspapers).

Furthermore they are taking together ALL MIGRANTS from 2011 to 2016 (including legals from those countries AND FUCKING EU MIGRANTS, who ofc skew the statistic immeasurably)

This study, just like any of the DIW studies, doesnt even deserve the label junk science. It is political propaganda.

>added 35 billion the the economy
But how much have they cost?

>3/4 of new Immigrants have done or are doing German Courses. and 33% speak good or v good german
Anyone living in the country should speak the damn language
>35% are in work?
nigger it should be at least 95% in work and better if it were 100%
>2011-2016 migrants added 35 billion to the German Economy.
Now imagine how much they would make if the rest of the 65% were working.

What I'm seeing is 65% shiftless lazy niggers 66% of whom can't speak your own damn language and a quarter of them are not even trying to learn it.

Nice lies.
Especially when they discuss IMMIGRANTS and the REFUGEES to be the same thing. And almost ALL eu and white immigrants and in work while 90% of the refugees are NOT and are wasting an ABSURD amount of money in funds and government socialist programs

That's great.
Krauts should get more rapefugees ASAP!

Imagine thinking a 35% employment-population ratio is something to be happy about.

that is depressing. do you think part of it is the government is too soft on them and just gives them no reason to contribute to society?

>added 35 billion the the economy
I love how they say printed more money, created more debt, and inflation.

>1/4th of new immigrants have not done or haven't started German courses
>66% still cant speak a lick of german
>65% are still not working
>in just 2016 migrants cost €20bn
Such impressive numbers, cuck.

Germans get replaced, but the economy does well, so everything is great! Reminds me of the thirties, when Jews got replaced, and the economy did well, so everything was... bad?

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I'd also like to point out that any serious macroeconomic calculation I've ever come across (if they exist) assumes that refugees have an employment quota of 10% after 1 year, 50% after 5 years, and 70% after 10 years. If they start their calculation from the year 2011 (which also dishonest given the total distribution of refugee arrivals over the last years) then those 35% are far behind any intellectually honest calculation.

What you talking about by 2nd generation they will be full blown german.

>from 2011-16
they have been adding 7b per year while costing 20b.

the only argument liberals have left is muh economy and they can't even be truthful about that

oops i forgot muh restaurants

>35% are in work

Imagine trying to make this out to be a positive lol. After what, 2-3 years, 2/3 of them still aren't even working.

And they added to 35 billion Euros to the economy, that's great. Now how much did they COST Germany during that period? Because it's surely a lot higher if at least 2/3 of them are on government assistance.

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then the school would put you in retard classes and graduate you with the same credentials as some one who took full load honors/AP

I love Germans so much I'm willing to give all our refugees to Germany so Germans can get even richer. Please accept our gift.

Well the point is that the overwhemling majority could not contribute to the German economy and society, even if they wanted. They lack both the cognitive predisposition (not even trashtalking here, but it just isn't easy to finish a technical or even trade apprenticeship in Germany). And as we've also found out through studies and empricial data: they lack discipline. We had numerous serious reports about Syrians, Iraqis and Afghans failing to show up for 8 hour workdays (they'd usually drop out by the 2nd week of the internship). We also had major problems of bringing in the harvest in 2018, because the Eastern European economy was strong last year and the Poles etc. were staying home. The millions of able bodied young muslim men could not be brough to pick up strawberries for minimum wage.

So we have a huge share of people unable to contribute, and the rest is most likely unwilling to contribute. Why work for the kuffar if he freely provides you with a flat, plenty of disposable income, free health and dental care? There's just nothing to gain from behaving like a German in Germany - it requires roughly two decads of education and entry level work before you effectively make more by working than by relying on the welfare state.

He actually tries to pass off "35% are in work"as good news. Holy shit.

top lel

> 70% unemployment is a GOOD THING!
you fuckers are retarded

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>65% unemployment rate
dios mio

Dont worry about in a couple of years they will add even more billions and with the 200k refugee cap you agreed on things will only get better.

>Because it's surely a lot higher if at least 2/3 of them are on government assistance.
Welfare plus habituation welfare, stuff like language courses (which apparently 2/3rds of them are skipping).

Thats a lie

35% in work is a shitty statistic: if you are doing a language course (paid by our taxes) or doing an 1€JOb (paid by our taxes) you don't count as unemployed

Vlad, you could also just come here and impale them all so my quality of life increases. How about that?

>35% are in work

Why would I want to do that when my country is dead?

Seems like bullshit numbers to me. about one fourth of our unemployed are made up of foreigners (those from arab and black countries making up the lions share compared to their populations). Our subpopulation with the largest ratio of (officially) unemployed citizens are the turks (about 25% of german turks are receiving welfare); to those 25% you may add another 50% who are not receiving welfare, but also not working - most of which are likely to enact in black labour. It doesn't look much better for the other populations, and it sure as hell doesn't look good for the economic migrants coming to us as "refugees".

German courses are pretty much mandatory for them, but from what i've heared barely anyone actually get's his/her ass to the required locations, since we're lax and won't punish them for missed appointments anyway. One third speaks "good or very good" german? bitch, German turks who lived here since they were born rarely speak "very good" german, and even those that try really hard take longer than one to two years in order to reach a level i would consider "good". 35% in work seems way too high (unless you count black labour and theft as work), even more so if you count in the non-registered refugees "unknown" to your legal system.

How do you manage to convince yourself that those statistics make immigrants look good?

Absolutely agree. We shouldn't lower ourselves to their talking points and allow ourselves to be sidetracked. They could shit golden eggs on the steps of the treasury and I would still want them gone.

>two-thirds don't work or speak the native language
>Merkels policies were a success!