Why is the right so unstoppable?

> Trump elected
> Kav confirmed
> Trans military ban goes into effect
> Leftist websites fold (gawker) lay off staff (buzzfeed), and cut opinion sections (huffpost)
> Every left wing article claiming the latest indictment is 'the big one' turns out to be wrong
> Dershowitz appears on Fox proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that every Mueller indictment pertains to crimes only involving the Mueller investigation itself (i.e. tampering etc), which proves Mueller hasn't got anything on Russian collusion
> Mueller HIMSELF BTFO's Buzzfeed on claims that Trump has been implicated
> Gillette ad badly ratio'd
> Huge right wing victory on Covington/Phillips/Sandmann
> Right wing content dominating Youtube
> Trump set to overstep congress entirely on border security by declaring a national emergency

Any other left wingers here horrified about this seemingly unstoppable right wing advance that is dismantling our entire movement--not just temporarily, but forever? As a college student I was deeply convinced that I was on the right side of history, and was supported in this belief by the popularity of John Steward et al... but after seeing the entire left wing media/activist class dismantled by a couple kids with webcams and observing the discrediting of intersectional theory by real scientists, I am now beginning to fear that the left was merely a paper tiger and that in fact every single thing we believe in is about to be permanently destroyed. I'm legitimately afraid that the future will be far-right nationalist and that our beautiful left-wing ideology will die with us and be relegated to the museum.

Please tell me I'm wrong!

Attached: sandman.jpg (398x476, 27K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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>Leaf flag
Okay, what's in it for you?

except for the first two nothing else happened. keep living in delusionland

There are like 10+ points in my list and they all happened. The left is clearly being permanently dismantled and I'm not happy about it.


Attached: 696888004e97f3cc8ba62aa783fbc062555749de20d06f03df48018e4a0f75c5.jpg (540x420, 46K)

Why are you wasting your time on Jow Forums when Portugal is going to be fucked by climate change soon? Shouldn't you be out preparing for disaster?

He sounds like a based Canadian acknowledging that the US is the last bastion of hope for freedom in the world and the only way to preserve it is to vote republican down the ballot. Those cucks can be fined or imprisoned for misgendering a cross dressing faggot.



>> Trump elected
>> Kav confirmed
Neurtered centrist
>> Trans military ban goes into effect
Fags still allowed
>> Leftist websites fold (gawker) lay off staff (buzzfeed), and cut opinion sections (huffpost)
90-100% of media still left is owned by Jews
>> Every left wing article claiming the latest indictment is 'the big one' turns out to be wrong
IDK what you're talking about, I guess Roger Stone
>> Dershowitz appears on Fox proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that every Mueller indictment pertains to crimes only involving the Mueller investigation itself (i.e. tampering etc), which proves Mueller hasn't got anything on Russian collusion
Who cares this was always political bread and circus, congrats moron, you took the bait
>> Mueller HIMSELF BTFO's Buzzfeed on claims that Trump has been implicated
Previous statement
>> Gillette ad badly ratio'd
Things are so bad now men's razors turned against them
>> Huge right wing victory on Covington/Phillips/Sandmann
Later kid was Jewish and probably planted for exposure, which is why he went on TV the next day
>> Right wing content dominating Youtube
90+% of right wing content exists in youtube purgatory
>> Trump set to overstep congress entirely on border security by declaring a national emergency
He's been saying this kind of shit for two years and if he was serious about it, he would have built it.
Nice job. You're totally owning those liberals dude. MAGA. WWG1WGA.