It's over, isn't it? Trump has lost it and all his initial supporters are dropping him. Even Cernovich.
It's over, isn't it? Trump has lost it and all his initial supporters are dropping him. Even Cernovich
"I have a very powerful alternative but I didn't want to use it this time, hopefully it will be unnecessary."
"I have heard from enough Democrats and Republicans that they are willing to put partisanship aside, I think!, and put the security of American people first."
"They have said they are for full border security and have finally and fully acknowledge that having barriers, fencing, or walls will be an important part of the solution"
"Over the next 21 days I expect both Democrats and Republicans to work in good faith."
"If we don’t get a fair deal from Congress, the Government will either shutdown on February 15th again—or I will use the powers afforded to me under the laws and the Constitution of the United States to address this emergency. We will have great security."
fuck you jew fuck sheldon adelson fuck george soros and fuck you the most
At this point I can only hope it isn't an empty threat.
Cernovich is a gaslighting Kyke but he's right on many occasions. I'm in the Ann Coulter school on this now. Trump is fucking up hardcore. We're bing made to look like clowns while he tweets "OMG I LITERALLY CAN'T EVEN" 5 times a day.
it's a shame that it took so long for the uneducated, reactionary right to determine that drumpf is indeed the cunt they had been warned that he was
And yet despite all your shilling his approval rating didn’t go down during the shutdown and is still higher than Obama’s was at this time during his Presidency.
He will win 2020.
How is he going to win when myself and many others that previously voted for him stay home on election day instead of going to the polls? I might just vote straight Democratic just to spite all of the cucked r/the_donald faggots that are on this board.
Nobody believes you voted for Trump though. Also the numbers are against you, on the off chance you aren’t lying several people switch sides and support Trump for every supporter he loses. His approval rating is ten points higher than it was when he was elected.
You keep on truckin’ though, discord tranny.
Stupid magakike NPC.
trump's 2020 campaign will not be half as exciting as his 2016 campaign. enthusiasm for him will be very low. he has not done much and will do even less going into 2020.
R turnout will be low, D turnout will be very high, and where trump won—PA, MI, and FL—demographics are not in his favor in 2020.
2016 was very low nigger turnout. a nigger WILL turn out niggers, both male and female. PA and MI will be dead, WI and MN will be totally out of reach, and FL is dead with the hundreds of thousands of puerto ricans that migrated there since Irma or whatever the fuck wrecked their shithole
in 2020, trump will probably lose by a margin between mccain/romney to obama. my guess is about 7 mil.
gen zyklon is a meme and will not save him. best case scenario is he grows some balls and has some sort of military coup where he takes control of the govt unilaterally in response to some ridiculous shit by mueller et al