Wofür Kämpfen Wir - What Do We Fight For?

The German book "Wofür Kämpfen Wir?", written in 1944 by the Personalamt des Heeres and distributed to German soldiers during the war, served a special purpose: It was an attempt to make soldiers more than soldiers, more than sacrificial lambs or killing machines. It meant to educate the soldiers of the reason why. The reason why they fight, and why their fight is important, and why it's more important than themselves. It tried to paint a picture of the world the way the National Socialists saw it, and from that worldview, it deduced logically why the war, the fight, the struggle was necessary. The term "Politischer Soldat" (political soldier) reflected the ideal of a German soldier who not only fights, but knows why he is fighting, and would therefore fight with more fervor.

The book contained some interesting lines I'd like to share with you. I have loosely translated them from the German original text, and will provide both so you can verify the translations, starting with the next post.

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Other urls found in this thread:


First quote about the methods of Jewish control over the goyim.
>Er beherrscht die Völker mit Hilfe seiner politischen Ideen geistig. Als Angehöriger des "Auserwählten Volkes", das der Menschheit sogar eine Religion inspirierte, fiel es ihm auch nicht schwer, in allen Völkern Eingang
zu finden. Er hebt seine Wirtsvölker von ihrer völkischen Lebensbasis ab, indem er sie mit seinen politischen Ideen betört (Liberalismus mit der Parole von der Freiheit, Gleichheit, Brüderlichkeit und der Menschheitsverbrüderung; Marxismus oder Bolschewismus mit der Parole: durch die Weltrevolution zum klassenlosen Proletarier-Weltstaat). Der Jude ist der Träger der individualistisch-materialistischen Ideenwelt!

>He [the Jew] controls the peoples [of this Earth] in an intellectual manner by means of political ideas. As part of the "Chosen People", which even inspired a religion, it was not very hard for him to find his way into the peoples [of this Earth]. Once there, he lifts his host nations up from their natural way of life, by befooling them with his political ideas (Liberalism with the promise of Freedom, Equality and Brotherhood on a global level; Marxism or Bolshevism with the promise: through world wide revolution towards a classless proletarian world state). The jew is the carrier of the individualistic-materialistic worldview!

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The second interesting quote is about liberalism.
>Das Wesentliche der Lehre war:
>Der Menschheit wurde als erstrebenswertes Ziel die Menschheitsverbrüderung und eine Weltrepublik vorgegaukelt, aus der irreführenden Lehre heraus, dass alle Menschen gleich seien.
>Der Bluts- und Rassegedanke wurde geleugnet. [...]
>Der germanischen Auffassung von der Gemeinschaft (Gemeinschaftsethik) wurde die Idee gegenübergestellt, dass im Vordergrund allen Lebens die Sorge um das Ich, das Individuum, den Einzelmenschen, zu stehen habe (individualistisches Prinzip).
>Dem germanischen Idealismus trat der jüdische Materialismus, d. h. den Charakterwerten das Gold (Kapital) gegenüber.
>Das Führungs- und Gefolgschaftsprinzip wurde abgelöst durch den Parlamentarismus und die Demokratie (Volksherrschaft, Massentum). Durch die Überbewertung des Materiellen vom wirtschaftlichen Standpunkt her kam es zur Klassenbildung und zur Sprengung der Volksgemeinschaft (Gewinnsucht, Ichsucht, unbegrenzter Kapitalismus als Folgen). Nicht der Charaktervolle genoss das größere Ansehen, sondern der Reiche. [...]
>Die germanische Freiheit, als innere Seelenfreiheit, als politische Freiheit verstanden, wurde zur Ichsucht, zur zügellosen und schrankenlosen Freiheit des Einzelnen ohne Bindung zur Gemeinschaft. [...]
>Der Liberalismus bereitete den Marxismus geistig vor.

(English translation following in the next post)

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>The bottom line of this teaching was:
>Humanity was presented with human brotherhood and a world republic as a desirable goal, based on the fallacious doctrine that all men were created equal.
>The notion of blood and race was denied. [...]
>The Germanic notion of the community was contrasted with the idea that the primary maxim of life was the concern for the self, the individual, the lone human (individualistic principle).
>The Germanic idealism stood in opposition to the Jewish materialism, that is character stood in opposition to gold (capital).
>The leadership and fellowship principle was replaced with parlamentarism and democracy (popular government, populism). From the overemphasis on material things, from an economical standpoint, resulted the formation of classes, and with it the demolition of the people's community (Greed, selfishness, unlimited capitalism followed). Not the man of character had prestige, but the rich man. [...]
>The Germanic freedom, as inner freedom of (political) thought, became selfishness, became the unrestricted freedom of the individual without any obligation or responsibility for the community.
>Liberalism was an ideological predecessor of Marxism.

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do you have a pdf version Deutsch user?


The third quote is about National Socialism and why it is the right political worldview for the German people:
>Weil sie [die nationalsozialistische Weltanschauung] dem deutschen Wesen entspricht. Sie gibt dem deutschen Menschen und dem deutschen Volke das Gesetz, seiner Art entsprechend zu leben und damit die ihm vom Schöpfer der Welten gestellte Aufgabe zu erfüllen. [...]
>Deshalb ist für uns die Rassenerkenntnis die höchste Erkenntnis. [...]
>Der Nationalsozialismus ist also eine völkische Weltanschauung). Alles, jeder Volksgenosse, jede Familie und Sippe, jede öffentliche Einrichtung - Partei, Wehrmacht, Staat, Verwaltung, Wirtschaft, Kunst und Wissenschaft -, haben dem Gedeihen des Volkes und seinem ewigen Kampf zu dienen. Das ist aber in vollendeter Weise nur möglich, wenn jedes Glied des Volkes an den Platz gelangt, auf dem es nach Anlagen und Leistungswillen das Höchste für Volk, für die Nation zu leisten vermag. [...]
>Diese Verbindung des nationalen mit dem sozialistischen Gedanken hat der Partei ihren Namen gegeben und lässt uns von nationalsozialistischer Weltanschauung sprechen. [...]
>Wir werten Arbeit als Pflicht zur Leistung für das Volksganze. Arbeit ist nicht nur ein Mittel zur materiellen Werteschaffung, sondern gilt der Erhaltung der Volksgemeinschaft und ist gleichzeitig die unerlässliche Voraussetzung zur Entfaltung der Persönlichkeit. Jeder Einzelne hat im Wettbewerb der Leistungen zu erweisen, welchen Platz des beruflichen oder politischen Lebens er auszufüllen berufen ist. [...]

(English translation following in the next post)

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>Because it [National Socialism] is an expression of the Germanic character. It gives the German people the laws to live according to its natural being, and hence to fulfill its divine destiny. [...]
>That is why the racial idea is the most important idea of all. [...]
>National Socialism is therefore a race-based worldview (völkische Weltanschauung). Everything, every fellow German (Volksgenosse), every family and tribe, every public institution - party, military, state, administration, economy, art and science - must serve the growth of the Volk and its eternal struggle [towards a higher state of being]. This is ultimately only possible within a system in which every member of the Volk works at the place where he can do most for his people, based on his individual talents and will to succeed. [...]
>The connection of this national thought together with the socialist thought has given the party its name, and lets us speak of a National Socialist Worldview. [...]
>We see labor as a duty to work for the entirety of the Volk. Labor is not only a means of creating material assets, but it serves first and foremost the preservation of the Volksgemeinschaft (racial community), and is at the same time a requirement for the individual's development of personality. Everyone must prove in competition what his place in our society will be.

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The fourth and last quote for today is the role "struggle" plays in National Socialism.
>Wir werten den Kampf als unumstößliches Lebensgesetz, denn nur im ewigen Kampf, der Voraussetzung aller Auslese, wachsen Persönlichkeiten und harte Völker. Nur im Kampf wird Großes geboren.
>Kämpfend gestaltet der deutsche Mensch sein Leben! Kampf begleitet sein ganzes Dasein: Kampf mit sich selbst, Kampf mit dem Schicksal, Kampf mit feindlicher Umwelt. [...]
>Kampf und Härte sind eines der Hauptelemente des Nationalsozialismus. Er ist daher die Weltanschauung, des starken, des kämperischen Menschen.
>Neben dem Kampf steht der Stolz. Der Stolz auf die angestammte Art, Stolz auf die Leistung, Stolz auf den Sieg nach dem Kampf. Gehorsam erfüllt der Offizier seine Pflicht, aber als stolzer und freier Mann. Und so steht er auch vor seinem Gott: aufrecht mit der Bitte um Kraft und Stärke, in Ehren bestehen zu können.

>We believe Struggle to be an eternal law of life. Only from struggle, which is the prerequisite for all natural selection, can a characteristic and tough people emerge. Only through struggle can greatness be born.
>The German man shapes his being through struggle. Struggle accompanies him throughout his entire life: Struggle with himself, struggle with his destiny, struggle with a hostile environment. [...]
>Struggle and Toughness are some of the main elements of National Socialism. It is therefore the worldview of the strong, the militant man. [...]
>Beside the struggle stands pride. Pride for your race, pride for your work, pride for victory after battle. The German military officer does his duty obediently, but he does so as a proud and free man. And so he stands before his God: requesting vigor and strength to endure honestly and honorably.

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thank you for the translations. I found a pdf but it's in German.


I'm not sure whether any translation even exists. I do have a German version, but you can easily find that one online.

I have another short one for you:

The fifth quote is a very short one:
>Germanisch-deutsches Führertum baut auf dem Prinzip der Verantwortlichkeit auf, die von Charakter, Willensstärke und Können abhängt.
>Der Führer: "Wer Führer sein will, trägt bei höchster, unumschränkter Autorität auch die letzte und schwerste Verantwortung."

>Germanic leadership builds on the principle of responsibility, which depends on character, power of the will and individual skills.
>The Führer: "He who wants to lead with the highest and unquestioned authority, has the ultimate and most grave responsibility.

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they deleted all the archive.org links but I found it on another site

But you found the original only, right? I have yet to see an English translation of that book.

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I did and the good part is I can text select/copy paste it.. so I can just paste it into translation software. I'll look around for a translated version


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Blease continue senpai

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I'm preparing another translation as we speak, if you can keep the thread bumped I'll post it in around 3 minutes.

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>the difference between how the Axis was greeted by women and children vs how the Allies were.

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The sixth quote is about the opposition of National Socialism against World Jewry:
>Er [der Nationalsozialismus] bekennt sich zu den hohen Werten germanischen Menschentums, wobei ausdrücklich betont werden muss, dass der Idealismus unserer Auffassung nichts mit Schwärmerei und Phantasterei zu tun hat. Nationalsozialismus ist die Lehre von der blutsverbundenen Volksgemeinschaft und dem Dienst für das Volk als oberstem sittlichen Gesetz für jeden deutschen Menschen. Er ist die Lehre von Blut und Ehre. Ein Hauptbestandteil der nationalsozialistischen Lehre ist die Forderung nach Leistung für die Volksgemeinschaft und Härte gegen sich selbst.
>Mit dieser idealistischen Grundauffassung steht der Nationalsozialismus in unüberbrückbarem Gegensatz zu der Weltanschauung des Materialismus, dessen Träger der Jude und seine Vasallenvölker sind.
>Dieser Krieg stellt die unerbittliche Auseinandersetzung zwischen diesen beiden Ideenwelten dar.

>National Socialism acknowledges the high values of the Germanic peoples, although it must be expressly noted that our idealism has nothing to do with rhapsody or fantasy. National Socialism is the teaching of the blood-bound Volksgemeinschaft and the service to that Volk as the highest moral law for every German. It is the teaching of Blood and Honor. An important part of the National Socialist teachings is the demand for performance for the Volksgemeinschaft and rigor against yourself.
>With this idealistic basis, National Socialism stands in irreconcilable opposition to the worldview of materialism, whose carrier is the Jew and his vassal peoples.
>This war is the unrelenting dispute between these two world views.

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thank you

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Featured in the book is this page (pic related).

"My will
that must be the creed of us all - is your faith! My faith is to me - just as it is to you - everything in this world! The highest possession however, that God has given me on this world, is my Volk! In it rests my faith, my will is in its service, and for it I will give my life."

Adolf Hitler, 1st May 1935 in Berlin

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great thread OP

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I miss when threads like this were a staple of pol and not so rare like they are nowadays.

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good shit OP

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Toughness? Is that why the German purebreds a lost to Russian mongrels? Lol all the women and girls of Berlin got a good dicking thanks to the fuhrer

Someone screecap all of the posts for posterity


The seventh quote shall be about the Volks itself, and how it leads to the law of Blut und Boden (Blood and Ground?)
>Wir kämpfen für unsere Frauen und Kinder und damit für das ewige Leben unseres Volkes, und zwar nicht nur im gegenwärtigen großen Ringen, sondern immer und überall. Darum müssen wir uns für eine Lebensordnung unseres Volkes einsetzen, die sein ewiges Leben auch von innen her sicherstellt. Das kann aber nur eine Ordnung sein, welche das gute und wertvolle Blut erhält und fördert, das minderwertige und fremde aber unterdrückt und ausscheidet, eine Ordnung, die die Sippen des Volkes im Boden der Heimat wachsen lässt.

>We fight for our wives and children, and hence for the eternal life of our Volk, not only now in the current fight, but always and everywhere. Therefore we must also encourage a societal order of our Volk that secures its eternal life from within. That order can only be one which preserves and fosters the good and valuable blood, but represses and rejects the lesser and foreign blood, an order which lets the tribes of the Volk grow on the ground of our homeland.

It's up to us. We're the oldfags now. And like the oldfags before us, we must teach the younglings and lead them on the path of truth. We cannot sit back and be entertained by oldfags of the past. Most of them are virtually gone. But we can pick up the torch they left us and light up the minds of a new generation. And so it will continue, if our convictions are strong enough to withstand the test of time.

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German purebreds may look nice but they can't stand cold or hardship like Russians. They are literally girly men.

>Blut und Boden (Blood and Ground?)
Blood and soil

I have created a text file if you'd like to repost this stuff.



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thank you.

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screencapping ALL. This is good shit.

Just post the original version.

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Thank you for posting this. SIEG HEIL.

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Thanks, user. Added it to my reading list, much appreciated.

I can't post pdf format and people flag the links if I post them to have it deleted. Just search for it and you'll find it

Thanks for all the gratitude, it means a lot and motivates me to do more like this in the future.

I would like to share a post from another thread here: Additionally, you might enjoy the following video. It is Hermann Göring's speech about the 300 Spartans, their struggle, their honorable fight and death, and its parallels to German soldiers in WW2:

modern politics just divides people arbitrarily.

Who would win: you, well trained fighter with the best ammunition, aryan, smart, good looking and fresh, knows what you are fighting for and has moral standards VS. 10 inbreds, absolute imbeciles in the cheapest clothes just to not die from cold, no training at all, with the cheapest possible weapons, with no food and no morality at all, ready to rape anything that moves just because 'the nazi man bad', no sign of intellect, don't know what they are doing. I think you know the answer. Even if you have enough ammo you still have to reload sometime, and these animals are coming non-stop, because else they will be killed by their own government. So think before you say something in the future, Justin, or learn some REAL history. How you can tell that the one history is REAL you maybe want to ask? Just use common sense.

>It meant to educate the soldiers

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great video and channel


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>Thanks for all the gratitude, it means a lot and motivates me to do more like this in the future.

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>the jobless antifa virgin returns

Good thing the thread has already had its effect, and all you're doing is bumping it. Retard.

Thanks for bumping, antifa animal

Bump did you translate it all?

Fuck off Bo-Bandy!

that’s the point

it’s easier to confuse and demotivate the population when it is split by artificial classes without real bond while nationalism historically overthrows governments much faster due because it culturally strengthens individuals and their natural hierarchy. there was a saying in nazi germany that nothing feels better than a strong family bond and they cared for each other because everyone was extensive family

>>the jobless antifa virgin returns
lol must be a sad live to only function and being able to have a sense of purpose when you have to have some fantasy Feindbild lol

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>We believe Struggle to be an eternal law of life. Only from struggle, which is the prerequisite for all natural selection, can a characteristic and tough people emerge. Only through struggle can greatness be born.
Very similar to Ted Kaczynskis writings about the biological necessity of the "power process:

>37. "a human being needs goals whose attainment requires effort."


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Nice meme. I got one for you too.

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Your flag is all the meme this needs

Bitch, you dont even make sense. Go away and let the adults talk, you treasonous worm.

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>the adults

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is holocaust approval legal?

My flag is no meme, faggot. I am LOYAL to the confederacy, and I always will be. Some of us actually believe in something other than communist lies.

Kill yourself now for the good of your country.

No, I've only ever translated the parts I have posted here, but I'll probably translate more in the future.

Many old people relish the memories of National Socialist Germany. They don't know why they feel the modern world is so much worse, they can't put into words why they loved National Socialist Germany so much. But they cannot help but notice.

You still don't get it, do you? It's not about having a Feindbild, it's about loving your Volk. I have never been happier in my life than I am now, and the teachings of Adolf Hitler have brought me where I am. I used to be a depressed faggot when I subscribed first to democracy, then to communism, then to classic liberalism. Something was always missing. It felt like all of these ideologies were incomplete. I've read a lot about all kinds of political systems, and the only one that stuck and really spoke out to me was German National Socialism. Perhaps you aren't German, don't have German values, don't have German blood, so that political system is meaningless or useless to you ... but not to me. It has given me purpose and I'm a better man for it.

i can not even read about national socialism or watch Hitler's speeches anymore because it gives me a feeling of hopelessness and depression, knowing that there used to be a world-power out there that literally embodied the highest principles of humanity and Jow Forums's ideology, but now it's all gone.

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In my country we can deny the holocaust all we want, but thats only because freedom of speech is enshrined in our constitution.

Says the faggot who came here only to troll at the behest of his masters. Keep bumping the thread please, thats the whole reason Im talking to you, you worthless degenerate commie scumsucking pig!

Pic related is your future.

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it's gone but can and will be restored. They brought the allies down with them in an act of selfless martyrdom.

>I am LOYAL to the confederacy
lol someone get this retard a calendar and a history book

>It's not about having a Feindbild
>First quote starts with >He [the Jew] controls


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>the faggot
>looks at flag colour

Bump for germany

>It has given me purpose and I'm a better man for it.
Wew lad, good for you having internet in the mental asylum lol

Bitch, you arent worthy to shine the boots of the men who fought and died for the south. You talk all big, but in real life those men would have literally cut you to pieces and fed you to the dogs. Now me, on the other hand, I wouldnt do that, but only because my dogs would probably get sick if they ate a pigfucking degenerate like you.

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>i can not even read about national socialism or watch Hitler's speeches anymore because it gives me a feeling of hopelessness and depression, knowing that there used to be a world-power out there that literally embodied the highest principles of humanity and Jow Forums's ideology, but now it's all gone.
Have faith in your people. The desire to produce a civilization like National Socialism stems from the inner values of all Aryan peoples. It will naturally re-emerge, and you can help by spreading the ideas. They will automatically speak to your people, just like they have spoken to you, because they match their being. It is what we are designed to be.


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Calm down, user.

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Wow look at this level of trolling.
You are not embarrassing at all.

Thanks for bumping the thread again :^)

>the inner values of all Aryan peoples

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>I have never been happier in my life than I am now, and the teachings of Adolf Hitler have brought me where I am...It has given me purpose and I'm a better man for it.



Wew lad at least you got a hobby lol

So are you even german? Just wondering because you sound more like some butthurt refugee who probably ran like a bitch from his own country, leaving his women and children to the whims of an enemy, just so you could chase and rape white women. What you dont realize is that your little journey will end with pic related

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>he keeps bumping the thread promoting National Socialist ideas while making an absolute ass of himself
Is it your goal to create more National Socialists or what?
