Why don't liberals realize that brain drain hurts 3rd world shitholes more than open borders helps them?

Why don't liberals realize that brain drain hurts 3rd world shitholes more than open borders helps them?

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Because they want cheap labor

They do but they also realize brain drain is the only reason countries like the US and Canada aren't third world shitholes. Look at all your top graduate students.

Damn Michelle Trachenberg, shes lookin mommy right there. But berg.

>Why don't liberals realize that brain drain hurts 3rd world shitholes more than open borders helps them?
user, the fuck are you on about? The only reason we enjoy such a high standard of living is because of the petrodollar. Because of the petrdollar, all of us have become entitled fags. If we don't import labor, we won't survive for long.

Draining the talent from all over the world and giving them an opportunity in the U.S. maintains the geopolitical balance.


Because they don't actually care about the third world and are only importing foreigners to eradicate whites and destroy western civilization so that they can erect communism from the ashes.

It’s not an ideology based on principles. These niggers just want to eat fried foreskins and clip coins.

Liberals see importation of non-whites from the 3rd world as the main goal. Opening borders and importing the limited skilled labor from the 3rd world are just means to an end. Helping the 3rd world is not apart of the calculation.

They can only see the tree but not the forest. When they see someone fleeing their country, they don't see the the rest stuck behind, nor do they have any solution to offer them except to all pile up in western countries.

I was mostly talking about europe t b h

>thinks the left has any political thoughts beyond "fuck drumpf & fuck white people"
The absolute state of nu/pol/

Because they have the mental capacity of a toddler. And also don't look for logic where there is none. Also where do I get a cute thicc kike gf?

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I believe OP asked why liberals don't see the effect it has on 3rd world countries. Why are you saying it's a good thing, like someone here said otherwise?


Who that?

exactly. immigration is immoral.
you either import untrained uneducated masses which drives down the living standard of your own people, for the profit of corporations and power to the gov't
or, you import the "best and brightest" essentially bribing people to leave the country that spend millions on infrastructure and school to train them, leaving them out money and skilled labour.
immigration only benefits the rich and powerful

>I was mostly talking about europe t b h
Yes. Europe also needs immigrants because they've become entitled fags. Lobbying for more protectionsim from the EU to the point where free market doesn't exist in the EU. The only way to keep the engine of commerce going is to bring in ignorant shitskins who'll be willing to do the low level jobs again and again for cheap.

>I believe OP asked why liberals don't see the effect it has on 3rd world countries.
I'm saying importing talent from 3rd world shitholes is good for the 3rd world shitholes and the people who get imported. OP did say otherwise.

Still would

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>depriving third world shitholes of their doctors, engineers etc so that they remain forever third world shitholes is good for them

They are never exposed to opposite opinions in a college class or college in general, and whenever met with another opinion that they dislike, then they begin to become un-functionable in society. At Harvard, the number of Liberal to Conservative judges are 51 to 1.

The milk truck has arrived

Buffy’s sister, aka The Key.

I assure you. If we don't import all the talent from third world shitholes, they'll be stuck there and be forced to change their country. If that happens, then we'll have no choice but to wage war on them to maintain the petrodollar scam. Since we're light years ahead of most 3rd world shitholes, it won't be a real battle.

The reason why 3rd world shitholes have been sending us their talent is because we've buttfucked them multiple times. Rich parents don't want their kids to die, they want them to live, adopt the ways of the conquers and do good in life.

their "opinion" is a regurgitated version of what they were told by someone on tv or twitter. they don't actually think critically about the issue

Amazing how most people are unable to see this, they don't even think about it.

>you either import untrained uneducated masses which drives down the living standard of your own people, for the profit of corporations and power to the gov't. or, you import the "best and brightest"

there's no reason why it has to be one or the other. if you import both, would-be victims of brain drain are now beneficiaries of the contributions made by their brighter countrymen

>The milk truck has arrived
No you see, if you examine more closely, her breasts somewhat sag towards the edges of her body through the fabric. The nibble is likely unexciting I can tell even from here. The shape odd, somewhat like the rest of her.
It's only face. The milk is ranky.

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Because we're in a political engagement crisis, and the people leading the left don't care about things like that.

The left's leadership is dominated by neoliberals and progressives. The neoliberals, assuming they're aware of the brain drain problem (which they probably are), don't give a shit, or maybe even want it to continue. Third world nations provide a source of cheap labor and don't produce viable competition for international corporations. The hardcore progressives are globalist idealogues. In general they'll promote anything that weakens the concept of multiple sovereign states.

>guy mowing my lawn
>Maria cleaning my house
>brain drain
Try again

it's the closest they can get to having slaves without feeling racist

>brain drain from 3rd world countries
another benefit of immigration

Shut up, Dawn.


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Non-whites are just here to kill whites.

>we won't survive for long.
Our decadence won’t. And that’s a good thing.

Yeah she's a blimp now. Disgusting.


I would fuck that chubby girl and let her clean my house.

Big Chungus