Can Steve King primary Trump in 2020?

Attached: hailtheking.png (612x515, 315K)

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Nobody can stop Trump.


If you're white and not a white nationalist you're a faggot retard that should honestly just hang yourself.

Both Republicans and Democrats are anti-white.

Trump is anti-white.

I'd vote for him.

Stop spamming fag

Did you forget the primaries? Trump is a goddamn trolling legend. Nobody can primary him. Anyone attempting it will be left a stuttering mess just like in 2015.

>that font

Attached: 1536660120483.gif (540x282, 491K)

Can someone actually tell me what steve said? Literally every google result just brings up kike jounalists garbage that nowhere in the article actually says the quote. Most likely because if they told it, people would instinctively agree with it.

It was not taped so all we have is the like account.

I'd vote for him or Chris Kobach, the only 2 openly pro-White politicians in America.

Attached: tff.png (687x141, 26K)
This is a good, quick rundown

Match of the century

Terminus is God's own font.

That's just because he was only running against cucks in 2016. If real ideological hardliners start running for office, he's going to start looking more like Jeb or Ted Cruz by comparison.

He's Jewish so nope

Kys shill.

It was taken out of context anyway. I think like questioning how preserving western civilization is now considered white supreeeemacy or something.

This. Stop sucking minority cock for handmeouts and be a man.

You're taking that article out of context. The article concluded saying a goy Catholic like King can't comment on Jewish affairs.

I'd vote for him over Crypto-kike Trump for sure