Wtf why r u screaming

why do women scream and or shriek when the shit really hits the fan. Like besides “attention me”.

Are women truly incapable of deciding on a smart thing to do?

I have never seen this discussed. Biologists explain now.

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>Why does OP shit his pants every time it gets real?
Biologists explain now.

Have you ever seen this outside of tv and films

Women scream when in danger to attract a male, or members of her tribe to save her.

Yes ive seen it personally a few times when someone has gotten seriously injured
Women just run around like crazy screaming with no ability to control themselves
Honestly made me sick how animalistic they can be

Feminism has made them children.
Real women scream when they are genuinely scared, today's women shriek when they don't get their way or worse, when someone tells them the truth.

They are literal chimpanzees, just more attractive. Women are worse than niggers.

Same reason monkies shriek and scream when things go wrong, to draw attention and either warn others or bring help. Same reason why children scream and cry actually too, when hurt or in danger. It's instinct.

most men think they can fight, but most can't. they freeze or run.

Literally never seen this in real life. Aren't Greeks hysterical anyway

they're the niggers of the gender

It's a distress call you retard. Women evolved to stay at home around the tribe. If there was danger, they would scream to alert other tribe members so that they could either seek shelter (females) or attack the threat (males). This is common among all social animals; birds, cows, gophers, monkeys, etc.

Look at videos of chaotic or violent events like car crashes, shootings, severe injuries, fires, fights, etc. There will be women screaming. It's a normal thing.

It's a defense mechanism and it's all they really can do

Have you ever seen anyone get stabbed or injured seriously Nigel?
Was a woman around to witness it?

I love in London what do you think?

Yep. The "STAHP! STAHP!" meme.

What's interesting is in videos from the pozzed West, it'll just be a handful of women doing this - like they've learned to suppress it. In videos of catastrophes from South Asia or the Middle East it'll sound like literally every woman present is shrieking at the top of their lungs.

Good question desu I've actually always wondered this. Sometimes it's best not to scream a ear drum rupturing scream.

Im pretty sure stoic, emotionally tempered women throughout history have died before they can continue on with the gene pool. Women crying and shrieking sends a telepathic signal to every whiteknight in a half mile radius, spurring them to action and their defense.

Lol right i forgot the state of london for a second
Well i guess not all women react the same but it did disturb me a lot
It remind me of the exact same look animals would give before being slaughtered so it reminded me how much most people even the ones i love are very close to animals

I can tell you I hate it, physically it's like pinching me puts me in kill mode fast I hate it, especially if it isn't warranted, like bitch you better be dying or I will kill you stop that brain stabbing shriek

Well women are useless in a combat/danger situation so they as usual scream to alerts others to come to the rescue.

I think you're full of shit

There's no shame in having survival insticts. If you saw some fucked up monster, you'd dash without a single thought, wouldn't you?

I know its not wrong but it freaked me out Ok


Yes, they always start freaking out and yelling when something bad is happening. Is honestly really distracting for anyone trying to do something that requires their full focus. Like defend yourself from someone attacking, when you have to be at your very best. And they are over there trying to take your attention away. Or grab at you, putting you in a vulnerable position. It didn't happen to me, but I have seen this.

Yes, when anything exciting happens.

This, it's meant to alert men that something is happening that needs their attention.

Bro, if I jumped out of your closet naked and said "ahhhh" you would scream like a little bitch too.

>puts me in kill mode fast I hate it
That's exactly what it's meant to do. That's exactly why you exhibit that reaction. It's an ancient survival instinct that has served us and other animals well for millions of years.

Same thing with babies crying. There's even a sweet spot in the evolution of infant cry frequency; if it cries too little, parents may not be alerted to the problem. If it cries too much, parents may ignore genuine distress.

Problem is in videos from the middle east you will hear nothing besides constant "Allah Akbar".


Evolution. Women know if they scream, a man or men will eventually come running to save their asses.

This. The best defence/attack strategy women have is to scream loud and hope men come to help.

Yes. Quite often actually. But then some of us are married and have actual experience with women irl.

watch a dash cam compilation

ahhhh fuck you fucking stupid cunt, you fucking cunt bastard fuck, un fucking believable jesus fucking christ

*screaming* ohmigodohmigodohmigod

It's drama for TV. Real women don't scream... (at least the ones that aren't attention whores.)

Maybe I'm wrong. Men do scream, but it's more of a grunt.

Took until here for a FUCKING LEAF to post it.

Doesn't require injury, or anything serious for that matter. Bat in the bedroom or even bug in the bathroom will do it. Ever see a woman react to a mouse user?

>Real women don't scream
>at least the ones that aren't attention whores.)


I've often wondered this. It just reminds me of monkeys every time, I guess it's the same mechanism - call for help.

? They have a completely different genetic make-up? body? brain? Wants? Needs? Why do dogs bark? Why do birds sing?

Women don't feel like they're in control, men do?

It is an "attention me" signal. Women expect men to come and help them. This is their signal.

I see it all the time. It's not even when the shit hits the fan. It's merely a mouse or a spider. It's the same impulse. It's the woman's natural instinct to signal out for men to save her whenever anything happens that causes her discomfort.

10,000 years ago men are in the woods hunting.

Women are in the village winnowing grain.

A threat is presented. Women scream to summon the men.

Men and women have 10,000 year old brains.

Look at dashcam crash videos. Notice the women screaming?

You're welcome.

Oh, please. Women have always been this way. Go read Schopenhauer on women.

Try working in an ER. Jesus Christ, the freak out and get hysterical over nothing. And it's never anything productive. It's like "ma'am, your husband is having a active seizure, you can't come back with us right now, you're delaying us giving him treatment by behaving like this." You have to turn it around on them and say "your job right now is to fill out this paperwork and get him in our system so we can get a full history once he's stable".

To be fair. Men can too sometimes, but they are usually fags, white trash or niggers.


>Oh, please.

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i remember one time my gf and i were driving and a spider was in our car and my girlfriend freaked out so much she nearly crashed.

Biological reasons for women to scream in a panic:

>to try to deter the predator
>to alert the nearest males to the threat

That's pretty much it.

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>LOOKIT ME!!!!!!!!!!
In any situation including life or death.

Oh shit user..
You swallowed THAT redpill?
I don't think you'll ever be able to respect women again.
It's ok, I don't either.

Yes. My wife screamed bloody murder when our child was projectile vomiting his formula(he was 2months old at this time). Told her to get a grip and act like his mother and get ready to go to the urgent care.

In the wild, say in a chimpanzee troop, shrieking will often occur when one member of a group spots danger. This alerts others in the group that danger is afoot, and can attract assistance from other group members. Females do this more often than males. The reason females do this especially is that they are likely to attract white knight cuck chimps to come to their defense, which is a more effective strategy for the female than fighting or quietly trying to escape, which they probably suck at. Besides in wastes less energy for the female when she can get males to face the danger and get killed for her than it would to run.

They do. I remember once I had relatives over the house. A little kid starts choking on a piece of fruit, his grandmother faints, his mom starts screaming hysterically but does nothing to help the situation, all the other women also scream. My mom calmly picks the kid up and saves his life.

>feeding your 2 month old some factory-made "formula"
>surprised when it's projectile vomiting
The wonders of the Amerimutt.

Rodents historically can carry disease. Occasionally bugs can bite. In hunter gatherer societies with no medicine, these can be major threats. Why expose yourself to potential disease or injury when you can get a man to take of it for you?

Women shriek at the site of a mouse because it can crawl into their pussies.

can confirm working with women, ESPECIALLY nonwhite women are the worst. useless and aggressive, and lost i my old job because i was tired of being pushed by this fat turkroach seen in the photo and called her a cunt for opening her mouth for the #848589494747 time

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>Real women don't scream

no true scotsman fallacy.