So, amerifats, what are the chances of Trump winning elections in 2020?
Who are going to be his biggest opponents?
So, amerifats, what are the chances of Trump winning elections in 2020?
Who are going to be his biggest opponents?
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Definitely Hillary. Only Hillary can beat Trump.
>Nipple piercing
Trump will win again
The old time dems are about to face a revolution from the young upstarts. Trump wins.
Overall? I'd say Bernie is his biggest. Compared to Gabbard and Harris, he's at least generally appealing to more than one group of people. However, the DNC are probably gonna fuck him over again due to division in ideology.
Nipple piercings are an instant boner for me, desu senpai.
what about other Republicans?
Anyone else noteworthy?
If he made his masters happy he'll win a rigged election. If he pissed them off he'll lose a rigged election. Unless someone here is part of the club they can't answer that shit.
I'd suck the studs right off those tits.