If you JEWS haven't read Nietzsche what the fuck are you doing with your lives?


Christianity is the most Jew'd religion imaginable (Jesus was cool though). Unleash yourselves from the pacifying strains of Christianity, white man, and you will become a fearsome fighting force that can once again take over the world.

Even if we don't live in a very Christian society nowadays (esp. in Europe), the Christian moral framework we live under (weak, sickly, poor, meek = good; strong, healthy, powerful, rich = bad) is the main thing driving the degeneration of the west.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Where's the lie, anons?

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>is the main thing driving the degeneration of the west.
No. The main thing driving the degeneration of the West is contraception

Inb4 ad hominem

Would we have ever been so pacified as to accept contraception without the pacifying aspects of Christianity? I'm not sure.

I hate when jews try to hijack shit



Also read this

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Neitzchie was about as close as an atheist could get to advocating for the necessity of religion without actually doing so. "God is dead" is not a triumphant statement, it's a statement of warning. He was very much a "religion kept people from being evil" kind of person, but believed that humanity could create its own morality to replace Christianity. He was wrong.

>(weak, sickly, poor, meek = good; strong, healthy, powerful, rich = bad)
t. dipshit

Nietzche was an idiot. He spent all that time proving morality was subjective, only to claim that ubermensch morality is objectively superior. That's one serious logical fallacy and proof of his stupidity.
>He has no inherent basis for viewing Ubermensch morality as superior to anything because he just go done proving the subjective nature of morality.
Fucking morons buy into this line of thinking.

I think that Christianity simply paved the way for excessive and capricious freedom, because Christianity has a problem with violence and people ruthlessly exploited this weakness to become capricious and degenerate. But Christianity as a teaching is not just against violence and for protection of the weak but also against contraception. But of course it's convenient for Jow Forums to avoid mentioning this because people here are degenerates and I notoriously see here people brag about their sexual adventures.

Jow Forums is a rebellion against God and people seek for all sorts of justifications only to be blind to the fact that they ignore God

jews aint all bad

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I've got a copy of this, but it looks so long and dense. Unfortunately the copy I have has a bunch of pencil squiggles all over it, which means I can't make my own.

I'm currently working my way through Evola's Revolt Against the Modern World. Then will hit up Spengler and Guenon.

Nietzsche should be every young new-right activists starting point from a philosophical perspective though. He explained and foresaw everything so well. Every book is filled with eternal truths, beautifully displayed.

Here's another good thread

I recently read The Antichrist, its the BEST rebuttal to Christianity I have ever read.
He attacks the doctrine, not the belief of god being real or not.
Which is something I wish modern atheists did more. instead you have these neck beared faggots screeching GOD NOT REAL
Attack their beliefs, not the thingy that can't be proved/disproved..e.i The existence of Gawd.

>but believed that humanity could create its own morality to replace Christianity. He was wrong
You can't claim this because it hasn't yet been attempted. A more naturalistic morality would leave us with a society filled with a LOT less neurotic people. Jews are inherently anti-nature (and neurotic). Any Jew-filled society (metaphorically and literally) is going to be strongly tied to cucked/Christian ideals.

>t. dipshit
not an argument.

Nietzsche is the best.

>Nietzche was an idiot. He spent all that time proving morality was subjective, only to claim that ubermensch morality is objectively superior. That's one serious logical fallacy and proof of his stupidity.
>>He has no inherent basis for viewing Ubermensch morality as superior to anything because he just go done proving the subjective nature of morality.
>Fucking morons buy into this line of thinking.

You're an idiot who hasn't understood Nietzsche. He didn't say master morality was perfect or that we should return to it. He said we needed to LOOK FORWARD and create our new morality, elevating things like art and culture that affirm life to the status of a religion. Both Master and Slave moralities are not things we should wish for now, he's clear on that.

hes a faggot who backstabbed wagner

I'm not saying that Christianity allows contraception. I recognize positive aspects of Christianity. I am asking if we would have really just stopped and become cucked inside countries instead of just taking over the planet if we didn't have that voice in the back of our head saying it is sinful?

Nietzsche hated anti-semites, faggot.

Though I disagree with them anyway, I would like to see other arguments from them other than "god not real". They have no other basis against the practice of it and in their hubris believe themselves better than everyone else.

Women atheists, however, tend to use the sex thing.

Ah of course. European people are the most christian people on Earth. Regret and guilt is what created Europe. But nowadays they're selective - guilt for racism but no guilt for contraception

>You can't claim this because it hasn't yet been attempted.
And real communism has never been tried, am I right?

>not an argument.
Alright. You don't understand Christian ideals. Weakness is not good, but the abused who remain faithful will be rewarded for remaining faithful despite their abuse. Power is not evil, but temptation is a corrupting influence which can often lead to evil.

The surviving religions tend to advocate for similar societal practices, giving working examples through parables.

Nietzsches philosophy was an answer to nihilism, not an alternative to Christianity

It was to replace Christianity, which he believed was dying off and couldn't be saved.

This. That fucking book is excellent and I suggest all you poltards to read it ASAP

>Insult Christians
>Insist we read some gnostic heretic

Yea, No.

I'll add one thing, if Christian morals are so bad, why do they follow them?

Ill hang up and take my answer off the air

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Wow did you get triggered.

Let me guess Psych101 just ended and you are filled with kike atheist ideas and want to get anally raped on Jow Forums?
>Congrads you lose, again.

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Islam is certainly less cucked than Christianity though. Note the fact that, unlike Christianity, it wasn't created by Jews.

It's just a travesty that it became the religion of inbred mudslimes, while Christianity became the religion of God's chosen people (Europa).

>anyone who disagrees with my religion is a heretic who deserves to burn for all eternity

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Rejection of Christian and Traditional values have led to the moral degeneration of the Western Civilization social fabric in the Modern and Post-Modern world

The endless search for secular new values and meanings has proven fruitless and has been a disaster for the human race. In the search to dehumanize man from its teleological divine origin and purpose, we have produce untold levels of death and suffering purely caused by ephemeral and trendy ideologies seeking to supplant tradition stable values of our forefathers.

This drive to destroy all past meaning and value is purely that of animus from a broken soul; a defect in the nominal state of man to have the capacity of faith and belief found universally within the human condition. The self-awareness of this defect has propagated like a disease in the form of nihilistic materialism, infecting other perfectly healthy souls with the rejection of metaphysical Truth in place of a false anti-God of pure entropic physicality. If all reality is merely physical, and all things physical will disintegrate, then all meaning must be moot. There is no greater purpose to this philosophy other than servicing entropy at its accelerated rate to reach the only "truth" it exposes: death of everything. To say otherwise is to be disingenuous to oneself and to act in bad faith as even the Ubermensch self-generated values will become null in due time in a purely physical world.

To serve Nietzche's existential nihilistic philosophy, is to fundamentally serve a sysphysian task of perpetual abasement with no possibility divine enlightenment or transcendence (since non such metaphysics can fit in purely physical world). It is a fool's errand. As Kierkegaard would put it, becoming a "Knight of Infinite Resignation" perpetually a slave to this world. It is far better to pick up your sword an shield and become a Knight of Faith in the infinite pursuit of existential Truth as Kierkegaard concludes.

Attached: Existential Christianity.jpg (850x400, 31K)

>muh Nietzche
Grow up

>Would we have ever been so pacified as to accept contraception without the pacifying aspects of Christianity? I'm not sure
How fucking stupid are you?
The pre-Christian Romans harvested a contraceptive plant into extinction, why the fuck would you think that only "passive" Christians would accept the idea of fucking without consequences?

I'm 24 with a Masters degree in Philosophy...I grew up precisely by reading guys like Nietzsche, you low-IQ NEET whose attention span doesn't allow him to read text of longer than 140 characters.

Nietzsche is overhyped

>Masters degree in Philosophy.
What a waste of your life

Start reading Thomism now and abandon kitsch philosophy

so tell me, smart boy, what are you doing here on Jow Forums then?

One could argue that the “pure” view christianity has of women lead to the white knighting that lead to feminism which lead to contraception.
The christian moral without a god is aids.
It’s what Nietzsche truly shat on and evangeli cuck burgers are too into it to get it so just ignore them

>I'm 24
Like I said.
Grow up.

Ex Nietzschen here.

You learn about someone’s philosophy when you at their Personal life in contrast of morals.
Morals are basically reason and you need reason in order to live a self-sufficient life or else you’ll become dependence (Jews prefer you’re dependent).
Nietzsche caught syphilis, why? Was it because of his intelligence? No. Was it because his abandoning of morals? Yes.
Morals teach you marriage to avoid STDs from spreading.
Before penicillin, syphilis was a long drawn out death mostly resulting in madness before death. So knowing this information Nietzsche based his entire philosophy whilst being infected by spyhilis and abandoning morality therefore abandoning reason.
What did this finally result in?
Well he went insane. The “superman” ended up being dependent on his sister (who he hated) and lived a very sad, depressing insanity then lead him into his death.
Objectively speaking that is sad and no one in their right mind would set their life in his footsteps because it just isn’t rational.
Wagner was deeply admired by Nietzsche, would Wagner be regarded as weak because Wagner converted to Christianity? I don’t think so.
Nietzsche was incredibly smart, but insane smart. And in the absence of reason there is no point in following his ideology unless you want to follow his path into insanity.

>believed that humanity could create its own morality to replace Christianity. He was wrong.
he was wrong in giving humanity too much credit.
christianity definitely has a role for women and the retarded, those without the foresight to see the negative consequence of their impulsive on others and how it may be reciprocated back onto themselves. these people should be living in fear of a higher power.

these people should be meak and not punish evil, they have no way to distinguish evil in the first place and thus should never be in a position to absolute punishment.
i am not a christian and i am a moral person; i do not cheat people, i dont harm innocents like children or animals, i respect a fair fight and justice. i do not love my enemies, i do not beg for their forgiveness, i believe evil should be punished always.

Except no one can prove it was syphilis
Why do morons write extensive shit with fked up premises?

>Nietzsche caught syphilis, why?
>Was it because of his intelligence? No. >Was it because his abandoning of morals? Yes
It was because of his (lack) of intelligence. If he would be intelligent enough, he would be able to think about risks and consequences, from which again stem morals.
Do by agreeing he caught syphilis because of his non-existent morals, you are implying his low intelligence and therefore you both are stupid

Nazis promoted positive Christianity

>The “superman” ended up being dependent on his sister (who he hated)
Why did he hate her?

Every other political platform is cucked. 99% of philosophers society considers "great thinkers" would have been banned from every other online platform for some of their views.

I'm a free speech fundamentalist, I find pol interesting for that reason.

I'm not smart, I should have studied engineering or something.

>It was because of his (lack) of intelligence. If he would be intelligent enough, he would be able to think about risks and consequences
Knowing about risks and consequences are not enough to prevent people from doing harmful things. People that drink a lot know what the consequences are, people that do heroin know it to.

Nietzsche believed humans should be more animalistic in some ways. He held great esteem for the greek pantheon with gods like Dionysus. Perhaps he would look at his own demise as a natural part of life, his own drama with the peeks and the downs.

Somewhere he writes something along the lines of you should always blindly trust even the shaddiest without ever losing that trust if you truly want to learn what men are.
A lot of people I see commenting on Nietzsche approach it with a very christian mindset

>Nietzsche believed humans should be more animalistic in some ways. He held great esteem for the greek pantheon with gods like Dionysus. Perhaps he would look at his own demise as a natural part of life, his own drama with the peeks and the downs.

Well said. Embracing your natural instincts is a healthy way to live, even if you pass away before you reach geriatric, wheelchair bound, caregivers-wiping-your-ass-after-you-shit age.

user, have you read the bible?

250 Gryphons protecting Swedish aisrpace. around the cclock.

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This is why the Right has lost on virtually every front to syphilitic Leftism—an utterly philistine and anti-intellectual view of life.

The legacy of the West, which is worth preserving, has little to do with iPhones and even modern (admittedly impressive) advances in Bio-Medical engineering and EVERYTHING to do with our rich literary, philosophical, and broadly artistic traditions. Our metaphysics, you window-licking imbecile.

t. Literature professor trying desperately to hold what little ground the Right has left in academia while cretins like you breed yourselves like rats into the sea.

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>The christian moral without a god is aids
I don't know. Christian morals can lead to God

As for contraception: you got that wrong because contraception is good for both men and women. It's the female who fills herself with hormones

A gryphon with only extral tanks.

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i am not a christian and i am a moral person; i do not cheat people, i dont harm innocents like children or animals, i respect a fair fight and justice. i do not love my enemies, i do not beg for their forgiveness, i believe evil should be punished always.
If you were king, would you still be this virtuous? If you slipped on a Ring of Gyges and evade societal consequence, would you still hold onto societies collective morality and laws?

Why should I trust the word of a man who fashions himself of god of his own morality? I may as well take a liar's oath at face value.

>Nietzsche's mental illness was originally diagnosed as tertiary syphilis, in accordance with a prevailing medical paradigm of the time.
>Nietzsche scholar Joachim Köhler [de] has attempted to explain Nietzsche's life history and philosophy by claiming that Nietzsche was homosexual. Köhler argues that Nietzsche's syphilis, which is "...usually considered to be the product of his encounter with a prostitute in a brothel in Cologne or Leipzig, is equally likely, it is now held, to have been contracted in a male brothel in Genoa."[120] The acquisition of the infection from a homosexual brothel was confirmed by Sigmund Freud, who cited Otto Binswanger as his source.
From the Wikipedia page of him. Take with a grain of salt of course but either way ending the way he did isn’t the way any man who claimed to idolise a superman should go like when he is against the slave morality whilst dying like one, dependent

Nietzsche's symptoms don't match syphilis. For example he survived over 10 years after his attack, which is unheard of for tertiary syphilis. He had symptoms consistent with a slow growing tumor for many years, and his father died of a similar condition.

I have read all his books and much unpublished materials. It is very easy to pick up one of his works and get the wrong impression of his thinking.


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>too disingenuous to call it what it is

A very caricatural interpretation of Nietzsche could go like this.
Nietzsche sees a bunch of shaddy fuckers who pretend he can earn something from them. Of course these shaddy guys might be into something and he knows but lets go anyway and learn.
Very caricatural but it shows the borderline insane will with next to know regards to danger he preached in order to become more through the hardships of life.

And you two are speaking two calculated christcuck
You just cant into it, same with the average burger. Nietzsche thread taught me how christian minded they are.

I can’t find the source but I read somewhere that he hated her.
But also had incest desires with her in his last book Sister and I.
I mean, is this the übermensch dying creed? And yet Christianity is weak?

Some people say Alexander the great died from Stds
So the fk what?

Like two calculated*

>The christian moral without a god is aids.
There is no Christian moral without God.

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Also (((Freud)))
Are you shitting me

Yes there are.
Dont judge, forgive, spread the butt cheeks

I understand but that still doesn’t take away his sexual impulses which he went after in brothals. Is this the idea of a rational man? A man higher than morality?
The abandonment of reason is always in pursuit of sexual liberation. And if you know anything of sexual liberation it doesn’t end well and you tend you have an appetite for everything else.
I mean does an übermensch go after someone else wife? Being Wagner’s!?

At least with christianity these are earned via a religious belief, without a god they’re given with little meanings, but christianity is still the source.

Shut the fuck up idiot

Christianity is the only religion to maintain a solar masculine patriarchy which holds the man at the top of society. Check Asia and Africa to see what happens when you build a society without Christianity, it descends into matriarchy and demented bugman syndrome

Nietzsche makes a good case for what we need muscular Christian theocracy and traditionalism, he just didn’t know it. He also died of syphilis with mental illness and no kids so fuck him

What is your point? Alexander the Great went overindulgent on power and look how that ended for him.
Freud is a Jew and most of his philosophy is based on Nietzsche, an abandonment on moral order within western society that brought down its destruction.

Most cucks I know are atheists.

One should embrace their natural instincts as something good and healthy, while making sure that those instincts don't override your overall life aim.

Nietzsche's life aim was to be a successful and influential philosopher, the fact that he dabbled in fucking sluts doesn't take away from that.

Unbridled hedonism is cancer. It leads to nihilism and depression and the inability to be happy unless you're on a "high" (even a natural high). But one shouldn't be ashamed of pleasurable things which are in line with human nature (good food, bonding with friends, banging bitches).

Yeah, but they had great lives and death is a part of it.
Thats for the first part
As for the second, I fucking hate these kids who literally studied the shit but dont know as much as I do. But Nietzsche shat on psychologists as a big meme


The pill was the most important factor in bringing about the sexual revolution.

>Dont judge
Matthew 7:16-20 King James Version (KJV)
>Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
>Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
>A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
>Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
>Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

1 John 3:4-6 King James Version (KJV)
>Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.
>And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin.
>Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him.

>spread the butt cheeks
Romans 1:27 King James Version (KJV)
>And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

Islamic countries are patriachies. Christian countries are matriachies. Even in the 19th Century philosophers (Arthur Schopenhauer) were bemoaning the fact that women had so many rights in Europe and America, but literally none elsewhere.

The Christian countries were the first to popularise women's rights and then the matriarchy. The Jews now bride 3rd world countries to do the same, but Christian countries led the way with the death of the patriarchy.

>One should embrace their natural instincts as something good and healthy, while making sure that those instincts don't override your overall life aim.
Well you fail to understand human nature.
After food sex is the most wanted appetite. And what’s the point in freedom of morals? Indulgence.
What happens when you indulged I’m too much sex? You get an STD!
That isn’t very manly to me. Unless you’re a homosexual that is, which Nietzsche was rumoured to believe was.
Abandoning reason which Nietzsche makes you abandoning the reason behind sex which is to create a child once you throw away that concept you are essentially in homosexuality because it is sterile sexual behaviour. Nietzsche according theme is meaninglessness, even when he says he wants meaning because he wants to abandon morals which means to abandon reason. All of this is to put your guilty conscience off the hook. He talked about slave vs master morality well he was a slave to his desires!

Reminds me of muzshit giving me the few good lines in their book honestly

Not a dignifying death though. A pitiful one.

That's not quite true. Europe was matriarchal but in the Middle Ages. With the rise of Renaissance Europe returned to pagan traditions of Rome and Greece. Slavery was reintroduced and women were wiped out of education. Then women became pissed off at men and swore to have revenge on them which is modern feminism. If medieval matriarchy lasted for longer, women would be different

This christcuck right here is telling me the end of alexander the great wasnt worth the fact that we still say his name with great regards to this day.

The question here isnt about Nietzsche but your own view of human beings.

>The Christian countries were the first to popularise women's rights and then the matriarchy. The Jews now bride 3rd world countries to do the same, but Christian countries led the way with the death of the patriarchy.
You’re an idiot user, I have to say it because no one is.
Do you understand that for 1500 years Catholicism held the natural moral order that kept men at the head of the country ultimately at the head of house hold?
And what happened when we abandoned that? Revolution happened. Revolutions always started with sexual liberation. Once you have a generation of people who are controlled by their desires in the absent of morals they become easy to control, that’s how the Jews operate and that’s how they take control over the natural moral law. It has nothing to do with Christianity it has everything to do with Jews because they want to control a nation so how do they do it when they a Minority? You attack the value structure. The French Revolution is the best example. They overtook the Christianity king then what happened? Well they became slaves to capitalism which was owned by the Jews. Then they needed government controlled so they introduced feminism to break up the family to create more dependence on the money system they control.

Yeaaa. Human philosophy is very often personal character and individual experience molded through intelligent words and presented as philosophical systems.

Thomas Hobbes was of an impulsive character and he wrote Leviathan. Luther was an immensely impulsive man as well. Not to even mention modernist degenerates, whose lives were full of divorces and prostitutes

Mark 4:15 King James Version (KJV)
>And these are they by the way side, where the word is sown; but when they have heard, Satan cometh immediately, and taketh away the word that was sown in their hearts.
Where Christians flourish Satan awaits in the bush. Christianity upholds man over woman

1 Corinthians 11:3-10 King James Version (KJV)
>But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.

When men become degenerate the women quickly follow, and God forsakes us to wallow in our degeneracy.

>If you were king, would you still be this virtuous?
Probably even more so, I'd definitely be rounding up the most evil and parasitic elements of our world and putting them to death, which would be the greatest gift possible for those suffering. Any sense of responsibility to others and myself I live by isnt on the promise of my 'riches' being in heaven or fear of hell for eternity, so if material riches were magically showered upon me now there would no doubt be some soul searching to be done and internal conflict, especially when self preservation is at risk.
But then internal debate and reasoning is an entirely naturally thing for humans to wrestle with, none of us should live in fear of our darker thoughts when they come, we should never hide from ourselves. Christianity is a painkiller numbing the inner turmoil, it removes personal responsibility, its a guidebook for slaves, its the 19th century and earlier version on all our modern distractions like Jow Forums, tv, office politics and all the other trivial shit we fill our heads with to avoid thinking.
I will be better prepared to face the moral questions that come with a kings wealth and responsibility than the actual Christian Kings in our history books, who were very often despotic tyrants and were artificially absolved of personal guilt by citing the bible itself, if Christianity as a belief system had anything like the power christcucks believe then there would only have been virtuous Christian kings, the religion would never have failed once the population became literate and didnt rely on a man in dress telling them what it all meant, there wouldnt be 500million black Christians in Africa raping babies to cure aids.

>Why should I trust the word of a man who fashions himself of god of his own morality?
I would never ask anyone to put faith in anything I say regarding proof that morals can exist without Christianity, its for me.

>Revolution happened. Revolutions always started with sexual liberation
What about the fascist revolutions of the 20s and 30s?

>It has nothing to do with Christianity it has everything to do with Jews because they want to control a nation so how do they do it when they a Minority? You attack the value structure

This is exactly how Christianity was created. Rabbini priests attacked the Roman/noble value structure because they kept getting subjugated by the Romans. They inverted the Roman master-morality value structured, and created Christianity. Christianity is the original "Jewish-driven revolution".

I know it's difficult to take if you're an anti-semitic Christian, but it's true.

Christcuck isn’t an argument and knowing Europe functioned the strongest and most productive under Christianity kind of makes your argument irrelevant.
Alexander the Great was great, but his death wasn’t. That’s all I said.

And yes we are talking about Nietzsche and look how he ended up. Look at all his follows. Jung was the only respectful one.

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Still sounds like the avocation of hedonism, but egotistical.
The same degenerate philosophy could be used to justify Harvey Weinstein getting away with raping goyim women because he was powerful enough to get away with it and it was good for his career.
But of course, malum in se such as rape or murder is only arbitrarily wrong proportional to the chances of getting caught, right? I mean if you can embrace those "animal instincts" and fuck a woman rotten with no consequence to your career, there's no God to stop you.


if you haven't read and dIgested Nietzsche and moved on with your life, how old are you?


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>What about the fascist revolutions of the 20s and 30s?
They were trying to reclaim the moral order which Catholicism held. Especially in Germany but with more of a pagan background. Brilliant attempt but the outcome was a disaster for Germans and other Europeans who tried to claim national pride afterwards.

The bong is right.
A work based society is by default matriarchal or in the middle.
By contrast Islam is patriarchal, a religion that promotes a warrior culture in men (while christianity is mostly about hard work and no will to dominate)
Embrace adverity is far from a christian maxim and thats what men should do.

Meh. I sensed he was already going a bit nuts by that point. Twilight if the Idols is the last mentally-competent thing he wrote.
Not to mention Feuerbach had already btfo’d Christianity dozens of years prior.

if all you got from nietzche was fedora atheism, then you obviously didn't comprehend any of it.

reread and try again.

Nietzsche lamented god being dead. He didn't celebrate it. The fact is 75% of the population will tear down any civilizationg of pure stupidity if not threatened with eternal damnation

Not true at all. Most of the world had fallen to matriarchy a very long time ago, they just didn’t have female rulers directly

Reminder that asian men are given allowances by their wives and African societies have the mother at the top of the family unit. Pagan societies also regarded women as oracles

Also I forgot you mentioned
>and created Christianity. Christianity is the original "Jewish-driven revolution".
No it isn’t. Jews rejected Christ, rejected Christ is rejected reason which is rejected morals. Morals were the foundation of how Europe functions because as I said morals are reason and you need reason to survive in Europe.
In 1890 the Vatican magazine post a 3 point article regarding the Jewish question (the Catholic Church was against usury so Jews in 1500 years were not allowed to influence Europe) and itnsaid if a Christianity country abandoned a Christian king under the moral law it will be ruled by Jews.

Perhaps the christian moral takes a lot time to erode the foundation?
Tocqueville said of Islam that it was the perfect men of beasts, I think thats what you’re referring to but we’re past that.