Anarcho Capitalisim

Ancaps of Jow Forums give me one reason your ideology
isn't the worst one out there.

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it's impossible to argue against

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It is logically consistent.


Taxation is theft and there isn't a single argument that dispels this

The whole point of anarcho-anything is that I don't have to convince you to adopt my ideology. I just want to be left alone and to leave you alone.

>when the only way you can try to refute ancap is through shitty memeball strawmans

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Do you really believe this? if so why?

Imagine the 'natural order' of natural selection in a more-or-less unforgiving environment, where the only thing between you and survival is your association with others and your own wit and fortitude.

Now imagine that transplanted within the bounds of civilization, where all necessities and conveniences are available, but must be earned through one's participation.

>tl;dr -- replace 'natural selection' with 'free market', and replace natural with civilized and they are synonymous

We're not leftists
We're not the ones ordering you around.
We want peace as long as you leave us the fuck alone.
If you don't leave us the fuck alone, then you can fight us to the death.
We're compatible with pretty much any value system.
We hate big govt, big biz, big banks, and big labor.
We're not economically illiterate.

We're not commies

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Commies violate the NAP unironically

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It might be worst but its happening as we speak
And its hilarious
Local police doesn't care about crime
They log hate incidents when someone says that men are men on twitter but when gang of teenagers attacked disabled kid in store police said that store security should handle crimes like this
Other gang from city over promised justice because one of them is a cousin to disabled kid
So justice is handled by store security and gangs while police browses twitter
We also have 24/7 heroine delivery in 30 minutes or free at competitive prices
I though this country is Orwellian nightmare but it slowly turns into ancapistan

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best part is - all of it is true and there is more, way more

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Private police are better :)

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Dont you believe in freedom for all but in a more trotskyite koshervitive edition?

All problems in life are caused by government. Therefore, if you get rid of government (while keeping capitalism), you get rid of all the problems.


hippity hoppity

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Women are property

every argument against ancap is either fallacious or the arguer wants to end the world. its pretty laughable


The strong critics of ancap don't really get it.
You have to read a few books.
I suggest to start with 'Sovereign individual'

your religion for feels and fedoras only works if everyone plays along. they will not. i will not.

NO, your the other side of the coin,
absolute kikery with no brakes

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Ancap is bae untill you learn about race and IQ. Then you go NS.

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It's not communism.

Every argument against ancap is the person being so addicted to government cock they cannot even imagine a world functioning without it. That's why the road meme is a thing. Statists are so deluded they cannot even imagine roads functioning in a free market.

>lets those without shekals starve to death
>lets the richest elite rule with absolute impunity
so morally superior...

Jews can only control people through government. The media companies and large corporations, for example, have an incestuous relationship with government. Who is the one making anti-Israeli sanctions illegal? Not the free market, I can tell you.

NS as in national socialism?
Can you please elaborate? It seems the popular opinion on this board, but I don't really get its arguments against ancap.

You have no idea what ancap is and have no fucking clue how economics works

Because anarchism is CHAD

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Natsoc are idiots because they're socialists. You can easily punish low IQ incompetent people by stopping the gibbs and letting them starve on the streets. The fact people can't even come up with that obvious conclusion shows their addiction to authority and government dick.

The argument is that pure individualism is what got us into this mess. If you can see it for what it is i cant help you.

>lets the richest elite rule with absolute impunity
We already have that today

It has no arguments against it. Natsoc is just racist socialism, so it has the same flaws as all other forms of socialism.

who do you think enforces how many shekels people have?
It's the central authority that enables things to go out of proportions.

Last I checked "this mess" was caused by certain groups of individuals achieving great power using government and forcing everybody else to follow their ideology. How the fuck is that "pure individualism"?

"Muh socialist". Wrong kind of socialism faggot.

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This. Minus the socialist part. They're just authoritarian economic centrists.

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Goy now have to pay police to catch their criminal
as well as the courts and lawyers
poor people can afford justice
& rich are untouchable
*hand rubbing intensifies*

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"last i checked groups did something"... Yeah you are stupid.

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Somebody took too many ancap memeballs seriously. You're the type to think there is IP laws in ancapistan

Give me one reason why there are multiple forms of anarchism

Good picture.

I sort of agree what you're saying, but you also have to take into account that government is the source of loopholes that enables people to 'secure' their business and grow indefinitely.
In a fair competition, things don't get out of proportion, just like in nature.

>t. gender fluid ancom

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every so often one gets locked up
but its true the justice system needs to be unkiked.

Point is under ANCAP, he who controls the money rules, shekels are the only force in the land.
At least now there is a government that is suppose to apply the law equally.

that's what I'm trying to understand.
Are they claiming that if you have 'pure race' state that you won't have corruption anymore? Does their argumentation even get to that?

This. Anarcho capitalism favors the smart and strong. It's a true meritocracy. 90% of Natsocs wouldn't stand a chance.

Checkmate, statists

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In an Ancap society there would be multiple forms of currency you dunce. It's literally impossible to have a monopoly on money in ancapistan

"I sort of agree what you're saying, but you also have to take into account that government is the source of loopholes that enables people to 'secure' their business and grow indefinitely.
In a fair competition, things don't get out of proportion, just like in nature."
Jewish oligarchy.

Saying da joos isn't a fucking argument

NatSocs unironically want to kill the jews, but for some reason, hate the idea of people starving to death because they're genetically inferior.

I don't get it.

>Natsoc is just racist socialism
National socialism allows for private ownership (capitalism) but nationalizes industry and commerce (socialism). Basically mom and pop stores are fine corporations like Google can go fuck themselves.

Really, these " individuals" are industrious groups now?Are you retarded?

In an ancap society reputation is everything. In order to make money you need to be seen as an honest and virtuous person, else people will deny you business. Right now you can just bribe government to give you all the certifications and legal protections you want, but private regulators are actually accountable to the people. A rich person wouldn't be able to exploit the system, as any company that gains a reputation of being biased towards them will stop getting business.

This idea is a bit advanced, however, and makes statist heads explode. I understand if it's too much for you to comprehend,

>the common good

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"Saying da joos isn't a fucking argument" Do you see what i did there?

Show me in the code of laws of any country the part that defines taxation as theft.

Anarcho-communism is a oxymoron. You can't have a communism without a state controlling the resources.

Anarcho-capitalism however is not. It's the privatisation of everything. The market controls the resources. Which means we'll eventually have no need for the state.

you enable the Jews by having a central entity that controls the currency and having governments positions that are exploitable.
What will the Jews do if there are no positions to exploit?
If they are successful in a fair game, I don't mind them.

>Basically mom and pop stores are fine corporations like Google can go fuck themselves.
But that's not how it works at all. In practice all it meant is that corporations were the government's bitch and followed the dictator's orders. It's just a state capitalist system, like modern day China. The guy earlier was right when he called it authoritarian centrism.

Its almost like like self preservation is a thing. Its almost like in group preference is a thing. KYS faggot.

they will have a monopoly on Industry, Resources, Land, Housing etc
Dont comply, they just lock you out of their system, no job, house
cos "its a private business & we can do what we want".
not even allowed in stores to purcahse,
no media will turn on their corprate masters to plead your case to the public

>b...but you just start your own company and compete
Yeah cos small biz can compete with economy of scale a billion dollar multinational corperation has eg wallmart.
>b..but people can just chose to stop shopping there
oh yes, just like how that happens today, and wallmart get BTFO all the time
Oh wait...
Nope wallmart who drives wages down so low they have no choice but to shop at the very company destroying their local economy.

You dont mind them. I dont blame you. Im not in Estonia.

It's moral definition, not a legal one. Laws change all the time and are completely arbitrary. If the law says the sky is green, does that become true? A statist would say yes.

>gets rid of government
>thinks capitalism can survive the absence of a central authority upholding property rights without becoming feudalism 2.0

Define what is moral.

Hitler said in Mein Kampf the only purpose of the state is to advance a community of similar people. He said anything else is a monstrosity. Interpretations of his economics vary from being socialistic to quite capitalistic, but he was in favor of private property and privatization (this word comes from Nazi Germany) as many steelworks and banks were privatized during the time he ruled. A lot of people view ancaps as being ideologues who are more interested in moral and economic nuances than all of the more pertinent topics that the spectrum of National Socialism hits on (what are the hot topics in the news these days?). Also nobody here knows dick about anything and just banters each other with hearsay

It's illegal to make a profit without laboring under the 25 points bud.

>no u
There can't be monopolies in a free market. Natural monopolies is a Marxian fallacy. Monopolies are propped up and enforced by the State.
>Yeah cos small biz can compete with economy of scale a billion dollar multinational corperation has eg wallmart.
Walmart is an example of corporate favouritism and Dis-economies of scale is a thing you know too.

t. (((psychopath))) doesnt understand the difference between killing an enemy destroying your society, and having compassion for the weak.


>they will have a monopoly on Industry, Resources, Land, Housing etc
No, because free markets are innately anti-monopolistic and monopolies are only possible due to government. The fact you don't know this shows you are economically illiterate and not worth explaining things to any further.

if your property is taken away from you involuntarily, how do you call it?

What do ip laws have to do with his point

Anybody with the power to excersise sovreign control over land is the defacto state. You can't have stateless private property

We have laws in most of the Western world preventing people from taking your private property. This includes your money. And the state also falls under the rule of law. Checkmate.

>He still believes ancap would devolve into feudalism
He listened to too many ancap memeballs like AnCap™ or some shit. The Aussie has no idea what he's talking about

Still waiting on a argument...

To what?

I’m convinced ancaps haven’t even read a Wikipedia article about what anarchism is. Capitalism creates unjust hierarchies from the first transaction and turns you into a mindless automaton which is slave to anyone with more capital than you.

Ancaps are just like libertarians and worse than tankies. All they want is to be able to rape children.

How do you become a slave to someone who has more money than you?

>Capitalism creates unjust hierarchies from the first transaction
Absolute nonsense. How does buying a basketball from some dude create an unjust hierarchy? You speak like a mind-controlled authoritarian who only sees state power. You can't even comprehend the fact that capitalism is win-win for everybody involved. You should go to a gulag like all you people deserve.

>There can't be monopolies in a free market
imagine being THIS brainwashed
someones drunk of the (((freemarket))) koolaid.

I'll make it simple for you
1. market starts off free, everyone is on the same level, everyone can compete
2. the most successful companies beat out the other companies
3. minority left cullude, price fixing, and form mergers
4. industry advances and automates, mega factories etc
5. no one new can come into the industry because you literally need hundreds of millions to even try competed
6. in the rare chance a new competitor does come they,
6a, get a set at the cullsion table
6b, go out of business
6c, win, and become the NEW monoploy

explained more here

And unlike today,
in you ANCAP "paradise",
NO ONE would exist to hold these elites accountable.
rampant kikery with NO BRAKES

so why do you hate freedom, user?

Maybe this is the main point why people don't get ancap:
Monopolies are NOT a symptom of free markets, they are only possible thanks to state.
Look for proof for this, you will find it and your world view will be altered.

>he still believes free market cartels
Also you still missed my point about dis economies of scale. I can't believe you know nothing about economics

Why do most kike shills use ancap or the UN flag?

Nice fanfiction, but the real world doesn't work that way. Collusion is literally impossible without government, people tried and it always fails. I'm sorry to say it, but read a fucking book. Everything you spout is nigger-tier incompetent uneducated nonsense. The fact you think you have enough knowledge to debate this issue is depressing in itself.

>markets are innately anti-monopolistic and monopolies are only possible due to government

just stop. your making a mess

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lmao you ancaps think that roads are made up by the Government just shut up you brain dead fags
and go back to your shithole of reddit and Anarchism is for pussies and fags

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Holy fuck read a fucking book on economics you illiterate Mong. Socialists are smarter than you ffs

>isn't the worst one out there.
I can see why people here might not agree with ancaps, but the worst? Really? Anarcho Communism is a walking contradiction full of transexuals, and led by kikes.

if that is your argument, you'll lose either way.

buttttttt muh capitalism