Right-wing retards watch video, leftist intellectuals read (smarter)

Jow Forums ignorants blown the FUCK OUT by intellectualized intelligents who read and watch all interviews to the point where they're intelligized enough to not need to watch video (retard behavior for children and right-wing retards)

>Nah, I've read and watched interviews of both accounts and I didn't even need to. Clip shows one truth: Unquestionably and undoubtedly mocking, smirking, and pushing negative energy to a peaceful man on a drum who went through a war zone for their voice.

Attached: dont need to.png (873x979, 545K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>thinking facts help you in a post truth soceity

Attached: evidence.jpg (700x1942, 136K)

>post-truth society
that's a very fancy word that i will be using for now.

If reading was the tool to make someone smarter people on Jow Forums would be fucking geniuses.

Looks like Anders missed one.

person in your image need to be shipped to Japan and sterilized

Attached: 1525324319121.png (514x536, 341K)

>faggot op posts. "Jow Forums BTFO!!!!!! XD"
nb4 500 replies fucking nufaggots please, I BEG YOU ALL, go back to the social platforms you came from..

Attached: 1469786_480898318692125_643982613_n.png (417x417, 182K)

>Thinking society can ignore facts and still maintain itself

>one truth: Unquestionably and undoubtedly mocking, smirking, and pushing negative energy to a peaceful man on a drum

ONE TRUTH, /pool/


>He doesn't know who Godfrey Elfwick is