Joe "I don't know what the Steele Dossier is" Rogan

Joe "I don't know what the Steele Dossier is" Rogan

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desu he probably doesnt

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I'm about to say the n word.


I laughed hard thank you

>exhaled loudly through my nostrils he going to say it...he's so close

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I love how Joe went from super-woke, anti-establishment to deepstate neocon/neolib shill almost overnight. Somebody is paying his bills. If it's not Soros, it's gotta be some other globalist think-tank group.

Why do you love that you kike?

Lol this fucking guy. He wants to be a rape ape so fucking bad.

Okay, this is epic.

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Is that the expression he makes when he is being penetrated?

And he has the nerve to call Alex Jones crazy

if you dont then you are not a real man.

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Soft redpill.

>I got molested
Lost it

>Making fun of Joe Rogan thread.

These will never not be amusing for me.

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kind of feel bad for him. too short to fuck his own wife standing up. plenty of us have to bend the knees a bit, but he needs a stool.

This is cut short. The full video (on YT under Pingtrip's channel) continues into the molestation talk.

My sides

I don’t think he’s interested in that kind of rape.

I’m so fucking ripped right now and my abs hurt dawg.

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Dude, weed.

kind of ironic, he takes a knee for everyone else but his wife lol

Jew "Whataboutism" Rogain

Rogan is desperate to not be targeted as a Trump supporter, which he genuinely is not
He's desperate to remain a centrist, dude has daughters and he believes in the equality meme

Someone has to be blackmailing him.

>caring what joe rogan thinks makes you a :

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he works for google. his youtube $ commission checks are now he's infected by the virus.

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He's the smartest moron.

Rogan is infected...who'se next?

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>Ohmagawd dude did you hear Trump is working with the Russians? I read it on WaPo dooood
Joe is definitely getting blackmailed. The CIA probably caught him on camera doing something shady as fuck and they're holding it against him.

Whatta faggot, lol

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he's not Joe Rogan anymore.

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I guarantee he swings both ways if you smell what I'm cookin'

>Everyone knows what the Dossier is Joe

You probably wouldn't feel betrayed so often if you stop claiming everyone that sneezes is /ourguy/

It's been painful to see it happen with everyone right of college students be praised for five minutes until someone listens to them for five minutes and starts to cry about how they've changed.

Maybe stop being a gullible retard, you might be able to effect something.

at first i thought this was robert DeNiro, but then realized it was Joe Rogan.

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>I'm being raped.
>Still do cop work and notice tattoo

lol I saw that, what an arrogant fool he is

This faggot takes gym selfies and sauna selfies with 200 word captions. What a fucking faggot

Get to bed ya dosser

He has to play nice with all the social media platforms.

but he does work for Google aka you-tube aka alphabet company. it's his retirement. he plans to be this generation's Howard Stearn from he has to start acting like jimmy Fallon...all fucking pukeingly nauseating and pc faggotry galore now...

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Shill Shoagan shows his true colors

no you!

Operation /SYG/ is happening TONIGHT
get in here:

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(or he sold the fuck out.)

but that is retard logic. howard stern was huge... until he started acting liek jimmy fallon. howard hasn't been relevant in a decade. if you wanna be this generations howard you gotta be the opposite of fallon.

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Haven’t seen that one for a while lol

That’s weird, I just watched that like 20 min ago, then he says “yeah, I think the MSM might be bias against Drumpf, but cmon, look at this list of Drumpf lies from WaPo.”

There are like two people who make good Joe YTPs, hope we get more. Plenty of stupid shit there to use.

Monday- I love Trump *eyes wide* He's a boss, doesn't give a fuck *laughs*

Tuesday- Yeah Trump lies *shakes head*, terrible

I think it depends which strain he's smoking desu, that or he's got a split personality

this is the face his wife sees when he's blowing his in mid orgasm - just image yourself in her place at this moment. his weed and dymethytyptophan infused sweat dripping salty into your eyes. his supplement breath and vitamin farts wafting across your face while his prostate protein shake dribbles into your belly button cause he pulls out right in time.

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Is that Genk?

Trump (clearly joking)- "They had cheeseburgers a mile high"

Snopes- lie

yep. i wasn't saying he was going to get it right like Stearn. he's miscalculating to be safe, erring on the side of caution, selling his sole so he can ride off into the sunset..

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once you get big enough to be a threat, they make you an offer you can't refuse

riches or ruin

How much money does that short little man need?

Daily reminder that Eddie Bravo did nothing wrong and was right about everything.

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Enough to cover the Viagra and Propecia.

>Daily reminder that Eddie Bravo did nothing wrong and was right about everything.

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It really pisses me off how much Joe slags Eddie off. If you didn't know any better, you'd think Eddie was just another one of Joe's burnout friends. Eddie is a fucking legend. Anybody who follows fighting knows that.

Why would he need propecia if he shaves his head

he's got daughters, so $infinity

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Good point. I just wanted to make a bald joke.

What most don’t get about Rogan is that he’s a legitimate brainlet. I would guess his IQ is somewhere in the 100-105 range.

The result is that he talks to intelligent people and picks up high level ideas, but doesn’t totally grasp them. He doesn’t retain new information well and often goes on a somewhat smart tangent, but in the wrong place.

He’s like an autismo who tries to learn humor from stand up comedy. He kind of gets it, but really doesn’t.

I stopped listening to him because his lack of intelligence was so obvious. He’s just a low level thinker who has a ton of smart friends and business associates.

So no, I don’t think he’s paid off or blackmailed or anything else. He’s just a bit dull.

You're right about him being a brainlet, but that alone doesn't explain his complete cucking over the past year or so, especially during the last week. His jew/CIAnigger handlers are clearly pushing him in a direction.

They know MSM has little reach to the millennial/zoomer crowd, who prefers new media like podcasts. So they want Rogan to shift into being a good goy who just shits out the same bluepills as CNN. So they switch up his guest lineup and fill it full of literal CIA operatives and kike journalists, force him to disown previous friends like Bravo and the humble water filter merchant, force him to cuck on all his conspiracy beliefs, etc.

>He’s just a bit dull.

I’ll defer to people who have been listening to him. I haven’t listened to the Jew Rogan Podcast in awhile

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Joe was shitting on Covington kids. Alex Jones was right, and Alex is crazy.

tldr he's basically gone from being the above-it-all lolbertarian who doesn't have any opinions on anything but the moonlanding and drugs to being a slightly edgier rebranding of the same bullshit people get from CNN/MSNBC/etc

Bullshit. Joe has always been a chameleon, you just didn't notice until it became blatant. Rogan is a straight illuminati baby raper and he's never given a shit about anything but his wealth and fame.

Sauce on that webm?

>the Seth Rich murder and Clinton body count is a little fucked up
>But Drumph lied about 2 scoops

steele dossier? who is that? one of tommy robinsons supporters?
tommy robinson? i never said tommy robinson, who is tommy robinson?, i dont know tommy robinson.

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He's a little too dumb for conspiracy shit. It's more likely he's just walking on eggshells so he doesn't get botnetted on twatter.

joe tried cigarettes for the first time about a year or two back.
he was bragging about how good it felt, and how it had huge 'nootropic' benefits to any guest that would listen.

then he admitted in another episode that he had tried prescription stimulants (i think jamie hooked him up).

around this same time, joe COMPLETELY stopped talking about how he has never tried cocaine (joe used to regularly tell guests that he had never tried cocaine when the subject came up).
for months now joe has hinted towards the possibility that he did cocaine, (he described the coke buzz in detail on multiple occasions, like someone who has done it).

around the same time as all of this, joey diaz has basically admitted that he is doing coke again.
i bet my ass that joey diaz has turned joe rogan into a coke head now... joe is justifying it by telling himself that cocaine has huge nootropic benefits, and will allow him to become a 'legendary' comedian like bill hicks, pryor, or carlin or something.

TL;DR: joe rogan is a coke head thanks to joey diaz, he is acting exactly like a deranged drug addict.

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Rogan had Henry Rollins on a few months back and it was like CNN. I fully expected Rogan to say "Let's Bring in Our Panel" -- Rollins is boomer retard from DC and Rogan isn't far behind.

Toe "Bro, Bro you've GOT to try DMT" Rogan
He's fucking 5'2"

That was great


holy fuck, that's the best webm I've ever seen seriously

>tfw Ngano slams the purple meat hammer home no lube.

He was threatened when he came out as being skeptical of the moon landings, and changed his tune on everything overnight.

how about scalp wax tp keep that toe head shine

I remember when him and Joey Diaz were laughing and reminiscing how easy it was to get free blowjobs from young girls at comedy shows because they thought they would get some help to get a spot. They're very bad people. Their core is rotten which is why they take so much drugs and virtue signal so much.

when in the fuck did any of this happen? i am intrigue

being straight edge and rock m roll is cool man! stay in school!

Lmao, wash your penis!