Operation Stand Your Ground /SYG/ - ZOOMERS RISE UP Edition

Put posters on campuses and public spaces. Nick is a fucking hero who showed the world that a white man can face down the full wrath of MSM and win if he stands his ground. This hero symbol could be a fatal blow to the chilling effect that media harassment has on the right. It could also bait the media into reacting badly in a way that gives Nick's legal team more ammo to use against them.

Many posters have already gone up and headlines are starting to roll in:

The poster design has also been retweeted happily by James Woods and angrily by the NYT:

1. Put posters on campuses and public spaces
2. Do not change the design
3. Do not commit any vandalism or crimes
4. Wear a disguise if necessary
5. Ignore shills, they're terrified

Attached: based_syg_poster.jpg (587x695, 100K)

Other urls found in this thread:


only use the original design

Attached: operation_syg.png (693x903, 74K)

reminder: shills are TERRIFIED, pic related (thanks to compilation user)
ignore them and keep up gods work

Attached: common_shill_tactics_5.png (2606x1328, 654K)


Attached: syg_stickers.png (2100x2745, 292K)

Attached: Shills.png (2606x1328, 377K)

Attached: Shills3.png (1788x2104, 253K)

>What is Black Cube, the Cambridge Analytica-linked intelligence firm?


>Twitter Sold Data Access to Cambridge Analytica-Linked Researcher

>New details emerge about Steve Bannon's ties to Cambridge Analytica

>Bannon oversaw Cambridge Analytica’s collection of Facebook data, according to former employee

>Israel’s Netanyahu isn’t worried about Steve Bannon and anti-Semitism in Trump’s camp

>How Steve Bannon used Cambridge Analytica to further his alt-right vision for America

Attached: 1525050601883.jpg (1441x1377, 975K)

dump anonymous photos of you work on infinity to add to the compilation:
8ch dot net/pol/res/12724220.html
8ch dot net/pol/res/12724220.html
8ch dot net/pol/res/12724220.html

Attached: syg_compilation.jpg (1200x1012, 285K)

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>this is now Jow Forums
where is my keltec shotgun

Attached: 1413932647095.png (616x5370, 1.47M)

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shills are already here, spamming the same failed tactics cause that's they best they have lol

hi losers!

Attached: shills_measurement_device10.jpg (560x747, 58K)


Because you're an Israeli operative.

Remember to report this retard for spamming this thread.

Attached: syg_irl_15_catholic_school_canada.jpg (466x570, 66K)


Everyone who put up posters, keep putting up more and more posters.

just did

Attached: syg_irl_2.jpg (742x900, 101K)

Heres your hero. He’s a little kid.

Attached: CD16980A-B3EC-48B3-8346-84CAF2E8EC6B.jpg (640x1008, 66K)

NYT salt:

James Woods tweet:

Attached: stand_your_ground_nyt_compilation.jpg (3000x3000, 1.27M)

Attached: shills_measurement_device11.jpg (570x760, 60K)

hey guys lets post these flyers in chicago ghetto, that will show them

one user is already covering seattle

Attached: syg_irl_45_seattle.jpg (1920x2560, 1.21M)

Then how is your meme flag Canadian?

kys leaf...

Bumping for justice, this is the best opp we've had since IOKTBW.


For the next thread:
Video of the posters being on television news.


thanks user
headlines are beginning but we can make more

Attached: south_warren_syg_news.jpg (1440x1610, 375K)

So hopelessly cucked it’s not funny. I just wish you’d fuck off forever.

Attached: D1D81B58-F8DB-4D4E-BDB2-B216D7DBA60E.gif (720x480, 126K)

zoomers are unironically based
they took the initiative to do that before anyone else suggested it and dumped the photos here, they started this campaign

Attached: zoomer.png (434x327, 32K)

>they're terrified.

How scared are you faggots that you have to wear masks to post a picture of some minor? Post yourself if it means that much to you. Cowardly lions.

>implying the media wont do the same thing (&worse) to them as they did to Nick Sandmann if they find their identity

Oh cowardly lion... I love that movie. Is OZ like the midwest Ethnostate?

Attached: 568B2C73-F949-491C-9E95-F7E7D11A7B42.gif (170x170, 796K)

Yeah let's dox ourselves so the same people sending death threats to Sandmann and his family can ruin our reputations too!

Try harder, shill

Come on, if you believe in it then don’t be shy. Be stand up guys, not pussies putting up posters of pussies around high schools. What kind of campaign is that? Who really cares enough to care?

Attached: 6D49C42F-411F-4754-8EC9-7B9CB380BBB9.jpg (282x300, 23K)

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>shills still trying this hard to demoralize
Your resistance only makes my penis harder

Attached: lolstika.jpg (251x251, 6K)


Why would your reputations be ruined. Your just ‘standing your ground’, you beta-failure!

Take a stand Undermensch!

You sound concerned

Attached: flak.jpg (558x302, 36K)


Natzis are kike shills, behold,....Roger Stone! Proudboy, transexual loveslave, traitor, shill, but not a coward.

Attached: AD1D7DDA-D8DC-4265-B965-70C8C62DC023.jpg (640x389, 259K)

Sandmann didn't do anything wrong either, yet the media crucified him and everyone associated with him. Your shilling isn't fooling anyone, memeflag

I DON’T NEED ANYONE’S MONEY. I just think their are better ways of making your point than posting a kike fuckwad dressed like frat boys around a high school. This will never accomplish what you want.

Fuck shilling, go a’ killing!

Use gloves. The duct tape pulls prints. Avoid rubber gloves. They stick to the tape and slow you down. Best to wear gloves near skins natural color.

*womp womp*
>these people have the full backing of the state, the media, the courts and mayors and they STILL hide their faces

Attached: commie_cowards.jpg (500x485, 45K)

You do realize your trapped in here, WITH US, forever. there is no escape. you are now damned

Attached: GREEN PAIL.jpg (275x183, 4K)

You’re are not in Canada are you? No Canadian is this much of a moron.

We are legion, but you are one lonely little Incel with nothing to do on a Saturday night but to put up posters of your favorite kike child porn!

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Attached: shills_measurement_device7.jpg (600x800, 53K)

>i-im totally not being payed goyim
>10 posts by this id
If you dont like this, why dont you fuck off?

>You do realize your trapped in here, WITH US, forever. there is no escape. you are now damned.

With you yes, but you are the one who’s damned my lonely friend. Here’s to yah! Cheers.

(Your face here)

Attached: 8B89C19F-1A6A-4096-A627-594BB4E52487.jpg (889x1200, 325K)

>still trying to force a movement
Nothing will beat IOTBW, it would have been better to revive that than shill this constantly day and night, hoping it'll stick. Things have to happen organically or you'll be assumed by most anons to be a kike.

Attached: 1518238993663.jpg (468x895, 46K)

>incel posting
>red*it spacing
>concern trolling
>11 posts by this id
wow much convince

Attached: 1548217955326.jpg (900x735, 121K)

My friends are all around me right now, and we love ta love ta love yah love yahz!

Attached: syg_kentucky_abc13_ZOOMERSRISEUP.jpg (1000x563, 96K)

its pretty much trolling at this point. I've reported all of their posts as such

>gay memes spamming
>thinks each IP can only have one user
>thinks VPNs work completely

Yikes. Lurk Moar!

I've updated the iotbw pic for these discord trannies.

Attached: 1548498067271-0.png (1847x1808, 875K)

saved looks awesome
kek no matter how useless their empty threats are they just keep making them

>the fucking drum

Attached: kek_ooh.jpg (93x125, 2K)

The drum really puts the cap on the bottle

ISU user delivered (saved from infinity)

Attached: syg_irl_46_isu.jpg (2448x3264, 2.1M)

Attached: syg_irl_47_isu.jpg (2448x3264, 2.58M)

exactly. this is how the shills operate now. they use verbal camouflage, calling other people jews and shills while pushing shill narrative.

always keep your eye on the ball. what matters is the course of action a person advocates, not the reasons they give for whatever that course is.

jews sell the same foreign policy to the right under the neocon label as they do under the liberal interventionist label. neocons say bomb a country standing up to jews becuase of muh terrorists, liberal interventionists say bomb the same country because of muh human rights. ignore the reasons given and focus on the thing they want what effects it will have.

this is how jews operate. they will craft an argument to appeal to anyone based on what that person has as values. here on pol, they will tell you bombing iran is america first and that pro-white activism is a waste of time or will make things worse for whites. at the same time, they will say nigger a lot and call everyone a jew.

Attached: syg_irl_23_Woodlands_College_Park_HS.jpg (2592x1944, 1.1M)

ISUfag here. Got roughly 22 posters up 2 hours ago

As long as it's saved, I'm good

Don’t debate fags. Do something that matters. Remember your targets are fungible, so find a skinshit and school them! Teach them what we want.

What do you want!

Attached: syg_irl_32.jpg (5312x2988, 2.64M)

You put up a stand your ground sign and snap a shot and post. Then you pussies take it down so you don’t get in trouble like the little bitches you are. No one fucking cares!

> Then you take it dow-

Attached: investigation_kek.jpg (996x563, 89K)

Considering I slapped some shipping labels pretty high up on the entire ISU campus, I can assure you that I had no ability to pass out after I posted them.... Even if I wanted to

did you run, wall run / jump, slap them in place at the peak of your airtime and then fall down?


Airtime? Niggers playing hoops! You got some mudblood in you?

Caught me. 1/8 Puerto Rican

Reminder to ignore this shill and report his posts for trolling

I hope it generates a reaction like this:

Fluorescent thread

Remember you want the war. You want the blood and honor, the glory of your white blood to show in your actions.


Attached: pepe_hoops.png (1200x600, 281K)

Oh God that'd be perfect

ok lads let's check ISU news tomorrow (also check seattle), with any luck there will be more salt that will draw in more participants tomorrow

you are all unironically making the world a better place one message at a time, leftism is dying as it should and we're assisting it with its death, every bit helps no matter how small!

Attached: respect_trump.jpg (1280x720, 57K)

Check Twitter for chimping

and archive any defamatory statements about Nick from blue check retards so they can be sent straight to his lawyers who are about to sue MSM and celebrities into oblivion next week

Attached: pepe_devilish3.png (225x225, 9K)

I posted a few of the memes upside down, does it still count as making a difference bros?

Libel is hard to proof you racefag guru you.

Can’t we do something cooler than posting pics of kike kids? Something that can actually make a difference?
Posters? College campuses are kinda liberal anyway. Like ‘liberal arts’?

>he thinks people can't see IDs
first day on the job

Attached: kek_huge.png (179x282, 84K)

Reminder to ignore this shill and report all of his posts for spam / trolling

have done it but I think there are no jannies right now, the catalog is full of porn

I remember seeing the screenshots of the discord trannies on /tv/. They're such fucking faggots it's unbelievable. Thankfully being fags they'll kill themselves sooner or later.

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this is always the most obvious sign of being a shill, calling everyone a jew. literally the only tactic they have any sort of success with (and even then most people just ignore them)

Look the man knows how to use a VPN. You’re still the same NPC Canadian!

Faggots all!