prolly 10/10
What are the odds James Woods lurks in here ?
what are the odds no one gives a FUCK! hence the name anonymous! you want recognition for being a gold encrusted diamond coated faggot? go to plebbit or fagbook
Hey James!
>t. James Woods
I get a ton of time to read while golfing
yeah he does. he even retweets boston antifa videos sometimes
Oh shit I left clouds in the picture you guys will find me now
he does or his people do and send him the good ones for review
I used to golf, but then our country club started admitting jews so I sold my house and built one in the middle of 80 acres where I'll never have to see another jew again. What's your handicap?
I am James Woods
>His people
He's an unemployed shitposter. The fuck does he need staff for?
reported to corporate dispatch
Video game voices pay enough to keep the lights on
James Woods is most likely a homosexual pedophile sperglord autist. He probably spends most of his time on /gif/ or /hc/ crying and jerking it to BLACKED threads.
Keep it up Woods just make sure you have plausible deniability when they really go for you.
If your really are will you call my wife and yell at her?
His avatar matches perfectly with every one of his ripostes on Twitter. That's his real life face every time he Tweets a pwn
If we wanted to find you we would, but we dont because youre a faggot, so we wont
depends on if he's a jew and his sense of humor ,, if hes a jew he probably checked it out but left quickly because of all the kike hating (deservedly so) ... if he's not a jew and is ok with racial jokes then my guess is he browses pol on a once a week basis
t. leftist projecting
Anyone who uses twitter to get into arguments with other people on twitter is inevitably a moron, James Woods Included
Tits or gtfo.
He's always been here!
Wherever the good memes are James bumps them.
Whenever the hot chick picks James bumps them.
Wherever there is a feminist joke that needs to be shared, James tweets it faster than your dad going down on your mom!
Wherever there is Dad Advice.....
Too late Shlomo.
solid 5/7
Why? It’s fun to trigger fags and redpill normies.
James Woods and I share the same birthday. Fact!
>SEETHING, cope more faggot
he seems not up himself, I'll allow it, if he buys gold
Cry more, tranny scum
James "Who?" Woods
What does James Woods think of #DragKids?