we need to tax them before they kill us all with robots
This is not ok
Why not just kill them, and distribute their wealth back into the economy? As far as return on investment it would surely be a better endeavor than occupying shit hole countries to stimulate defense industry spending.
20 (((people)))
ticking closer to an american reich every day
Bill Gates isnt a jew
a cuck is worse than a jew
>kill us with robots
>robots can’t even fucking vacuum
Instead of tax them can you just make them give me a raise?
yes, but you'll have to vote for a socialist
Don't be antisemitic
We need to do more than tax them
Half of Americans have one paycheck or less.
You already are their robots LOL
If only they cared about the nation.
no the is not how economics and free market works, the goal is to pay the worker the least amount of money possible.
That is what trickle down economics promises, give the money and tax breaks to producers, because they will "produce more" except that just mean they have more money. there is a cap on efficiency.
It is better to give tax and money to people who will spend it that bolster other business and ensure competition.
>It is better to give tax and money to people who will spend it that bolster other business and ensure competition.
Hm. Combining the sovereignty and respect for national self determination of the nationalist, with the care and attention to the national wellbeing of the socialist. You might be on to something there friend.
give money via tax break you fag,
last year you made the same paid 1k and only got 100 bucks, new tax rules you get 500 for the 1k you paid in taxes.
now you will use that to buy shit, that will stimulate a business.
You had me with the first part.
>give money via tax break you fag,
That's a good idea, too. Then again, Trump seems to be more interested in targeting the rich.
why do we hate socialists again?
not a fair comparison. half of americans are dead beats.
Because in america take from the rich and give to the poor means take from the whites and give to the blacks
Their wealth isn't the reason why you're poor, you're poor because you're a low IQ lazy piece of shit.
What right do you or the government have to take from them? Why do you think they owe you or anyone else a fucking thing?
Ok so reply if you dont agree, but this is literally how I see it
Yes. With billions of dollars you can influence the country. You can buy politicians and create your own social / political movements.
However. If I woke up tomorrow with 59 billion dollars. My lifestyle would basically not change. Ya I would buy some things, a nice car, house, ect... but would i take it to the extreme these guys do? No.
Does it really matter they make that much money? Especially when you have to sell your soul to get it
Fuck yourself
Is there a finite amount of wealth?
We don't do your stupid idea because every retard will get a share from the government. All the faggots would spend the money, versus investing, and it would go to companies overseas. Thanks to your genius plan, the proletariat will effectively kill some of the top companies and high IQ individuals, which would turn us into a shithole country.
>you're poor because you're a low IQ lazy piece of shit.
Okay, so if I have an IQ of 130 how do I becoming as successful as Bill Gates.
>protip you dont
They purposefully get rid of competitors hence the reason why their operating system is the only operating system. And this doesn't just apply to computers, every single market is this way now. Look at the oil industry, Stanley Allen Meyer was literally KILLED for finding an alternative fuel.
How the fuck do I compete with that?
Not everyone who searches for a golden nugget will find one. I should not be prevented from looking for one, and if I find one it shouldn't be confiscated and divided among my town because of that.
Depends what you define wealth. Money is only worth as much as people think it is and they are constantly printing more
Halt all immigration and the imbalance will stabilize within a few years
>spending the money into the economy isn't more valuable than (((investing))) the money