We are the niggers and the jews are the whites

We are the niggers and the jews are the whites.

Think about it, Hitler started WW2 to solidify white supremacy into our politics for good. The Jews hated this and used their cunning to trick the whites in Britian and America to shut him down and re-establish (((democracy))) while continuing to flood out countries with niggers and spics so they may take over politics and force us into servitude towards Israel.

Its kind of like how we got niggers to give away all their precious resources and diamonds and working against their own interests simply by being more cunning.

Basically the Jews jewed us the same way we jewed niggers.

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Hitler and Nazism basically had nothing to do with white supremacy or white nationalism. Nationalism and racialism or racial supremacy of a nation and sub-race that is white, is not white supremacy in the traditional sense and is not white nationalism. You might as well see the Soviets as white supremacists/nationalists since they were just as into nordicism and aryanism as the nazis, they just extolled slavic russians as the pure nordic aryan specimens

>Hitler wasnt a white supremacist

get a load of this retard

Everyone is a palestinian

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Memeflags always make retarded comments.

>Hitler started WW2 to solidify white supremacy into our politics for good.

Hitler invaded Poland due to violence and murders against ethnic Germans.

I hate idiots like you. Go back to Dailystoner.

we did the same thing to the native americans tho, the point is we have jewed other races out of their land and privilege in the past as well. Not saying jews are justified, just that we are also guilty of jewery.

>native americans
You realize when Israel goes to war it's gonna be with no allies and the corpses of dead Israelis will be met with worldwide celebrations? Nobody is gonna mourn when you retards die. Because when you're dead we can finally have WORLD PEACE. Fucking disgusting subhuman rats.

good luck with that goy

Or Hitler was a kike puppet like the rest and was used to cement objective criticism of Jews as antisemitism for future generations.

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Show me any indication he was, and no not under the modern definition of any white who doesn't hate himself enough

Sage kike manlet threads

It's not just "the Jews" either, there are royal families of other ethnic backgrounds doing similar. It's all for power, sometimes there's internal struggle but those at the top rarely if ever feel the consequences. It's more a trifling to them, like having to get up for a cup of coffee instead of having it brought to them.

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Hitler was a socialist

does this not also apply to Jow Forums

Who do you think is behind White Nationalism/Supremacy spam on Jow Forums? Why is every Alt Right Ethnotard also a zionist?

is this from mein kampf


He wanted the master race to be blonde blue eyed white men

but then what goal should we be pursuing? silence? complacency? is white supremacy not ultimatey desirable?

what are some other books to read besides mein kampf

>is white supremacy not ultimatey desirable?
If you like being a degenerate. You're only here to prevent true nationalism because that's what you truly fear.

what are some other books by hitler or about hitler besides mein kampf that are good to read?

why is white nationalism/supremacy degenerate? Did Hitler not want a master race of germanic men?

Transcending Good and Evil

From the beginning of time this concept has triggered a conflict in the spiritual world. Between light and darkness. Between white and black magic. Between occultism and wisdom. Our Earth and its spiritual dimensions, which are the thoughts of humanity are the mirror of these conflicts. Each time every human being makes a decision he is faced anew between a choice of 2 paths. The white road of unselfish LOVE or the black road of selfishness which ineluctably leads to doctrine. Every individual who comes into contact with higher learning considers themselves basically “good” and yet the two principles are still within him, obligating him to examine which thoughts and deeds he will use to serve which power. At the end of time the twilight of the Gods he will realize that heaven and hell are our own thoughts and actions, good and evil our own invention. Then he can draw on this experience to make the journey home to completeness. The powers of darkness and light serve only one Lord. The creator of all things. They have the one goal of availing ourselves of the life experience to create a race of superior beings. Power without LOVE can only lead to catastrophe.

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Hitler said none of this, he was all about racial purity and Aryan supremacy. Aryans are, as described by Hitler, blonde haired, blue eyed, strong Germanic white men.

You're a zionist shill. We've been over this. please get out. I know that hitler didn't say this. This is the true meaning of SUPERIOR BEINGS.

Racial Supremacy is inherently flawed unless rooted geographically in its region of origin. Even considering that much, "supremacy" establishes itself as a race progresses, like how Africa and South America are still shitholes in the current year and the west industrialized. Politically, its only value is as a tool to stir emotional differences and divide from within. The goal to pursue is as other user said, "Nationalism" and evolving within your country's values, it's a parallel to Globalism but instead of a single entity, you have many working in unison. As it should be.

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We conquered other races with strength and might.
We also felt a sense of duty to uplift them and raise their conditions afterwards.
Jews manipulate and seek to destroy the conditions we made for ourselves.