Niggers assaulting little boy

Thread #2

Nigger bus driver kicks white child begging to stay on the bus off so a nigger waiting outside the bus can attack him.

Here's the school district's phone number.


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what have race have to do with bullies?

What the fuck. Little bitch should have at least tried to fight back. I can see why they wanted to whoop his ass.

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First post worst post

blacks are naturally violent and low IQ, people need to be made aware and stop importing them in as if they are productive members of society.

this is why niggers suck cock every last one of those damned dirty apes

It was a 9th grader beating up a 6th grader faggot, that's not a fair fight

Looks like a fight between two faggots, honestly. What's with niglets and using their bodies to fling their closed palms like wet noodles?


The kid didn't really take a whole of damage. We don't know the context but the black kid clearly could have gone further but pulled back. Don't see what race had to do with this.

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Dunno how wanting to rightfully punish 2 violent niggers makes me a jewish shill but ok faggot.

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Fuck niggers.

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Fair or not, he still should have fought back.

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>We don't know the context but the black kid clearly could have gone further but pulled back
Fuck off and go dilate.

The kid was likely fearing for his life and the bus driver is expected to be a decent person. Who cares about what the kid should have done? That doesn't mean what the other kid and the driver did was right, faggot.

You faggots realize the adult nigger bus driver forced the kid into getting beaten by the nigger 3 grades higher than the white kid?
Also, if that white kid fought back, don't act like that adult nigger and any other niggers would've all immediately jumped him together like niggers ALWAYS DO.

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lmao white people are such pathetic cucks and never fight, this is why we beat your sissy asses everyday

Lifes not fair. Doesn't mean you just give up and cry like a girl. Man the fuck up. Even if you are going to lose.

>we beat your sissy asses everyday


Pair the 3 grades higher with the fact niggers physically mature faster and get held back for being retarded

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You're missing the point. There are much bigger more important concepts at play here than "Oh you gotta fight back no matter what, if you don't fight you're a pussy" If you think that's the most important concept in this video you're a just another redneck faggot with an inferiority complex

>Hey you fucking 11 year old man the fuck up
>who knows what will happen
>hell he might pull out a knife and stab you or just beat your skull until your brain bounces like jelly and turns into a slushy
>who cares if that nigger has already went through puberty lol

White kid should have had a luger strapped to his belt, and pulled it out and popped the nigger bully in the head.

A national socialist utopia would have had that boy armed in a hostile territory.

you sure bus driver is black? doesn't really sound like it.

also the fact that the ADULT nigger bus driver was forcing the kid into it. Probably would join in beating the white kid if he fought back.

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>nigger's got a knife waiting for you outside the school bus
>please take me some place safe, adult
>"He should have got off the bus and took his stabbing like a man!"
this is how dumb you faggots sound

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>be 11 year old kid
>man the fuck up

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I dunno, go walk through an all black neighborhood an see how quickly you get targeted.
It's the same in our schools, they want to kill you because you're white.

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lol +1

If t races were inverted there would be new legislation drawn up within days that targeted white males, movies on oppressed minorities would be scripted overbite, protests would ensue in all major western cities, and fu k you you too

lmao fucking retard

>outrage because black on white crime

Oh boy. You will have hard times with this because no one cares when adult negroes are beating little white kids to death. You are in America after all!

>because no one cares when adult negroes are beating little white kids to death
Wow it's like you figured out why Hitler killed the Jews.

Yeah, obviously the nigger bus driver and the nigger bully are to blame. What does that have to do with the kid not fighting back?

>Yeah, obviously the nigger bus driver and the nigger bully are to blame. What does that have to do with the kid not fighting back?
here you go bud, no one can say you didn't earn it

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Why are you acting like a child not wanting to fight a teenager who already went through puberty and is pumped full of hormones is the issue? Fuck off, niggerlover.

Because if it was a white driver and a white bully beating a black kid up twitter and MSN would have a meltdown

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3 grades higher? That’s 21 in baboon yrs

I'm not saying that's the issue. You've got a really weird misinterpretation of my words going on.

Quite obviously the kid SHOULDN'T have been put in that situation. Quite obviously he SHOULD have had a reasonable expectation of protection from the adult bus driver, and the bus driver failed him. Or depending on if you're more ethnocentric you may have the understanding that he didn't actually have a reasonable expectation from an adult not of his ethnic in-group, but that's sort of a side issue.

My point is that he WAS there with the teenager who already went through puberty and is pumped full of hormones wanting to beat his ass. So what he did or did not want was already irrelevant. You people are so stuck on this abstract concept of 'fairness' that it's becoming paralyzing, and it's ridiculous.

If there was a situation where it was a white bus driver throwing a black child off so a white freshman could beat him, race would be the first and only thing.
This is fairness. The racial aspect is what matters. We're going to be like them, because that's how we stop them.


Violence is the only way to solve anything

Will do

Someone should make a fake video of this with the races switched around

Fucking THIS

This! Stage the whole thing and 'leak' it to the press, by the time the ruse is exposed the damage is done.

It's not about fair. It's a kid. You make him sound lesser because he wasn't willing to fight somebody who has a more hormonal brain than he does. They are in two completely different fucking worlds.

If that kid was black and being beaten by a white this would be national news and rally's and protests across the country. Fuck this gay earth. Fucking kike double standards

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Faggot your gay ass country is about to find out. It's gonna be a hard lesson you pussies are not ready for

Oh for fuck's sake. Yes, the kid was going to lose. He's going to lose if he lies down crying or if he throws a few punches. So why not throw a few punches anyway? Go for the nose or the eyes?

I dunno. Maybe I don't understand this generation, theirs and yours. When I was 4 years old my parents told me that if anyone bullied me i should immediately smash them in the nose and try to break it. I did what they taught me and it worked.I never lost a fight in my life all the way up through junior year in college. And the last fucker I took down was a home invader armed with a baseball bat.

Kill yourself

Listen here you little shit. I would personally hunt down that fucking ape and break my hands punching him in his nigger jaw if the fucking feds wouldn't throw my ass into jail forever. I'm just waiting for this modern day Roman empire to collapse so something real can happen its going to happen soon enough

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He is a sixth grade kid fighting a 9th grade violent nigger bully.
You are too fucking old to be on this board you fucking homo. Kill yourself Reddit faggot

Why are you losing your mind now over this? Think about what I've written. Think about this kid. If this kid's parents had taught him as mine had taught me, he would have immediately popped that bully in the nose on leaving the bus. might have been incapacitating enough to allow the win, or if not, would have given an opening for the kid to run away.

Instead he crumples on the ground screaming helplessly allowing his tormentor to have his way with him. Ugh.

Really should have fought back.

Hes a kid he doesnt have the Mentality to fight back. Do you wanna fight The Fucking Rock Johnson.

Single mother households. That bus driver did more for that kid in less than a minute than his mother has done ever. Seriously if you call those numbers, call to praise the bus driver.

Wow, you are spinless. Stop playing Easy mode. Life only has one mode brutal. Laws are just the biggest gun shotgun there is.

all i can think of is
>>have emergency
>>have phone
>>have no idea what phone does besides go online and text.
If he wont fight i don't understand why he didn't just call the cops and told them
>>Im underage on this bus from this school on this road I need help I believe there's a guy outside waiting for me with a gun. Also i believe the bus driver has something that i think looks like a gun in his pocket and hes threatening me
shit would be solved so fucking quick