Do people really still deny that this is a thing? Contrails do not look like pic related, feathering out over an hour until it looks like thin clouds. This shit eventually falls down on you, and studies from several countries have found not only toxic metals, but dehydrated human blood cells in the aerosols. This happens on a global scale.
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I had to take a 2 hour delay the other day because the guy who was supposed to fill the mind control drug tank was a fuck up. It's on our cruise checklist. Don't tell anytone btw.
I dont know why there are so few questions in the public arena.
I see them over my house. Sometimes you see miles of a trail, then a break for x amount of distance and then the trail continues again. it´l like wtf.
One tank finished and it takes a few seconds for the next tank to start pumping??
I dont get the why anyone would want to dump shit in the air, what are they expecting to achieve?
I can only think that it´s about mood control of the population like fluoride in the water otherwise why do it.
If chemtrails are supposed to induce mind control, how does it not manage to stop people from questioning chemtrails?
it is for weather control, not mind control.
sure it is. what else would they tell you.
why do you think... it is all about control