I tried explaining the whole "learn to code" meme to my cuck friend who works as a writer/artist. He has a lot of connections to some of the journalists that were fired. He's convinced that the joke was made with the intention of performing reverse psycology on the fired journalists. So he went around warning them. One of them sent this reply.
Was he being condescending... or do I think that she thinks he was? You be the judge.
It's because those kike journalists said the same damn thing to whites who say their working-class jobs shipped overseas
Noah Davis
Your friend should learn to code.
Jackson Murphy
Your friend is retarded. You are a fag. Lrn to code is simply a flippant taste of their own medicine.
Christian Murphy
Learn to code
William Stewart
My friend is retarded, not gonna lie. But I love him because he does shit like this in the first place
Dominic Harris
Spill please
Jordan Bell
Yes, assuming it was also unsolicited it was also an asshole move. Also, the learn to code is mocking them because that is what they would tell us when invaders took our jobs. They would tell us to adapt to learn to code or go into tech, never mind they import poos to undercut us in that field as well.
Kayden Jones
I know, lol. But that's not how my favorite libtard saw the joke. He's convinced that everything that comes from this site is more of a conspiracy theory waiting to be untangled.
Jeremiah Edwards
We were all great friends but I am too white to work in journalism so they just left me to have no career.
All of this nationwide shitting on journalists and ruining their careers is beyond poetic for me, and I am sure people who work for my family are responsible.
Xavier Diaz
No, your "friend" is cuck
Charles Turner
absolutely based and patricianprankpilled
Sebastian Parker
Journies need to learn to code. You know, technology is advancing and some people will lose their jobs, nothing we can do about it.
Nathaniel Anderson
It's my strong suspicion that OP himself wrote this message, and it had exactly the effect he intended. Very nice.
OP here. Power went out. I’m on my phone but it’s low on battery. I’ll keep responding in the morning or if my power comes back on (assuming this is still up by then).
Night and cheers
Sent from my iPhone.
Asher Stewart
>"Go with the joke" Oh, yeah, you and your friend are autistic.
Isn’t it pathetic that this person calls themselves a journalist when they don’t even respond to others with proper capitalization? Just goes to show you how these “journalists” don’t take their professions seriously. They probably couldn’t even learn to code given that their mental capacity is as low as a teenager’s..