Canada is Better Off than America

>Ha Canada is so Cucked
>Canada is full of non-whites!
>Canada is Sweden 2.0!
>Canada is minority White!
>Canada is 80+% White
>Most Non-whites are 120+IQ Engineers

>America is so Based!
>America is going to save the white race
>America has balls and is going to stand up for whites everywhere!
>America is 56% White
>Most non-whites are Violent Tyrone or Welfare Juan Diaz

Where did the impression come from that America was way better than Canada demographically and culturally?

Attached: white_canada.png (922x882, 128K)

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Just incase people question it:

From this pic:
In Canada:
19,683,320 people record themselves as some European ethnic group(English, Scottish, Irish, German etc.) European

11,135,965 consider themselves “Canadian” which means they are whites that have lived so long in Canada they don’t know which part of Europe they come from

19,683,320 + 11,135,965 = 30,819,385 people.
Canada’s population is 36.71 million

30,819,385/36.71 = 84%

Attached: white_canadians.png (263x408, 58K)

30,819,385/36.71 million = 84%
is what I meant


Normally, I would agree leaf. That said, your PM went to India dressed as a Bollywood actor.

Attached: 1515967791343.png (996x832, 146K)

i like northern Canada and the little lively islands, its nice

Attached: Screenshot_1082.png (831x617, 65K)

I'm coming

canada is cucked but i would rather have pooinloos and chinks than niggers and spics

>he thinks they won't just move north when they're done with us

Attached: 1527506079861.jpg (460x276, 35K)

>80% white

Have you been outside lately? Do you have eyes?

Awww sweetie, it's all good ol bants, don't get upset.

>Canadian government objectively records Canada at 80+% white

>But look at this anecdotal evidence of the demographics of this one subsection of my area! That disproves it!

Toronto is 50% white I know, but Canada as a whole is still 80+% white

>all of this cope

there's like 19 million non whites and 22 million whites here senpai

you assume that none of the 11 million who consider themselves canadians didn't also consider themselves european. You also assume that all those who considered themselves canadians were all whites. Post your source or fuck off.

Just post the in store priced.

buwahahah check mate queef leaf.

There are 30 million whites out of a Country of 36.71 million. See

I'm sorry my friend, but having more white people does not mean that the quality of life is better. You MUST take into account the Canadian weather which is rather shitty across the board. 6 months of cold and darkness is enough to make many White people leave permanently the country. Can you guess where most of them go? That's right the U.S.A.

Canada is indeed superior in some aspects of life (healthcare and subsidized education) indeed, however we lack freedom in literally every other aspect compared to our neighbors.

Our pms playing dressup is a national pastime

Attached: CQb-1G5UAAAOD-k.jpg (470x465, 26K)



Attached: harpercowboy.jpg (450x338, 117K)

This country is retarded

Attached: Justin-treaudu.jpg (1280x720, 64K)

yes because everyone who identifies as "canadian" is white, ignore the natives and metis and happas and mullatos

>superior in healthcare
That’s the worst example to pick, should have said natural resources or something. The “free” Canadian healthcare system is so bogged down by people it’s fucking dogshit. I know people like to harp on about ours but none of us actually pay for those high costs in the first place.

I consider myself "canadian". My family is acadian. Part of the first settlement in canada. We have been here for 400 years., What else would we consider ourselves? After 400 years, 500 depending on what part of my family, we really oughta be considered as ethnically canadian. We have been here since the start of this countyr. BTW \, and if it matters, I have light brown hair, a black and red beard, and very very very light blue eyes.

>Canada as a whole is still 80+% white
Wrong, kys dumb nigger

This, I'm part Acadian, part Scottish. Either way my ancestors have been here fucking for hundreds of years, I've always considered myself Canadian both by nationality and ethnicity, not European