Paganism is white man's religion!

>Paganism is white man's religion!
Meanwhile, in reality...

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The only white religion is christianity.

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>The only white religion is worshiping a Hebrew demon.



>hebrew demon
t. Israel's dog

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fuck off christcucks, confused amerifats dont repressent my ancestors beliefs

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Stop shilling this fucking cringey ass oc meme and these threads

Autistic and larpilled.

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Sven, go kill some Somalis for Odin instead of screeching at white christians. :^)

Makes sense why your country is ovverun with niggers

It's almost as if race and religion are two different things

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That's just a fat LARP'er. He doesn't even have Norse blood, so why care about what he has to say?

god I hate black people

Do they know that all of their symbols are considered White Supremacist by the ADL and SPLC?

>The Marvel affect
Many such cases!

God those people are cringe-worthy. If his viking ancestors saw that (implying he has any) they would be ashamed of such a pussy whipped man.

He worships the same gods

>oblivious to irony

But OP found one picture of one guy who appears to be both liberal and pagan, that surely means that paganism is liberal now!

because this is the pagan pope ?

>But user found one picture of one guy who appears to be both black and christian, that surely means that christianity is liberal now!

Let's trigger fagans.

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Who is this guy?

How do we know he isn't some SJW cuck wearing the viking costume?

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>Literal Jew propaganda
to hell with all of you

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I would argue the only white religion is Lutheranism, not Christianity as a whole (looking at you Catholics)

If you need religion as a moral compass and cope for your own mortality, then you are no better than a nigger. Goes for both kike on a stick worshippers and neo-pagan faggots.

Fucking subhumans.


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>muh dramatic ppretty pictures give me credibility!!

there is nothing more cringeworthy than modern day larpagans, both left and right of the political spectrum.
A larp completely based on the few annotations that christians made about pagan traditions because pagans were too dumb retarded to write them down.
It has zero spiritual basis, it's just a way to be atheist without having to defend your beliefs against the fedora meme.
The fact that it is a larp is pretty much confirmed that most modern pagans, even ITT, are amerimutts. Mongrels devoid of any roots, be they racial or cultural, and that desperately cling on to some sort of "strong" identity to prove that they belong somewhere
>paganism strong, cucktianity weak!
>reeeee fucking christcucks destroyed our religion and wiped it off completely! Violent and imperialistic racists!

Meanwhile the pope is kissing refugee feet and telling everybody to have open boarders for everywhere except Israel

If fedoras knew what they are doing to themselves when they blaspheme like this, they would shit their pants.

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pagans are just larpers that like to dress up and pretend they can do magic. cringe af

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Christianity is not native to any peoples, European, American, Asian or African. It's a Hebrew religion mixed with Zoroastrian beliefs.

Why are Catholics usually more pious than Protestant countries? The saints usually represent some semblance of Pagan God's and have some entrooted paggan beliefs like Christmas.
>hur dur
You realize the bible can be pretty ridicoulous right? Water into wine, healing blind people, splitting apart a sea, etc...

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LARPagans just might be even more pathetic than atheshits.

You know what's pathetic?
Worshipping a Jewish cult leader who did parlor magic and called it miracles

Let's see what Hitler says about the issue.

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>YA MAIGHTY THOR, GIBSME DEM POWERS OF THUNDER! *Allelujah chorus in the background*

Smiri ujko

Everything that touches american ground turns to shit, we all know that. Why are you acting surprised when a bunch of mutts try to act like they have a heritage and culture?

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TLDR: that shit is old guys. It just doesn’t work anymore guys. Just listen to what I say and follow my order! Facts that are old aren’t fax anymur

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>what is irony
>bible is ridiculous!
>Midgard came from eyelashes of a guant
>clouds are organs and brains of dead giants
>thor had to crossdress
>wolfs chase the sun/moon/whatever
>muh dragons! Muh little peepo!
>signy becomes her own sister-in-law

Pavle, can we stop with this fucking meme already. Nobody is a pagan. The people shilling for it on here are overweight American tards and Eurotrash atheists. This is a red herring put out by faggots like Greg Johnson

You don't even defend your bible because you know how insane it is.

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>The people shilling
go fuck yourself

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I am pointing out your hypocrisy, jean paule muhammad. Learn your own religion before you talk shit.


Based and flagpilled

>Pointing out hypocrisy
>completely ignores his own religions fault and false fables
Come on Jovan.

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>"I have seen to many of that kind of people to not feel a profound contempt for their miserable play-acting. To the masses of the nation they are just an object of ridicule, but the Jew finds it to his own interest to treat these folk-lore comedians with respect and to prefer them to real men who are fighting to establish a German State"

Well said.

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>literal Jewish god
>White Man's religion

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Christianity made Europe strong. Secularism made it weak. Paganism is pathetic larping in a society that has lost its touch with its religious roots and are desperate for meaning.

That was Holy Order composed of fighters from literally every European country vs. Lithuania with some ancillary help from Poland.

That's like saying the Third Reich was weak because they were defeated by Kikes.

>Christianity made Europe strong


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Deus Vult

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> writes a book about how awesome being a pedophile is and how you need to understand metaphysics to not do it
> btfo by Aristotle

>heretic sect is better than original

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All LARPers go here

We're all LARPer's, Paganism, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism.
LARP As something you like.

I wonder if that guy knows that Leif Erikson was a Christian viking?

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You can picpost and larp as much as you want. Won't change the fact that you are pathetic. Turning water to wine is ridiculous but having to carve out an eye to become omniscient like Obin isn't? Fuck out of here.

That's a poor argument. "Nothing in particular" affiliates voted almost as conservatively as Catholics or Mormons.

Plus, most Pagans aren't Euro-Pagans or Norse-Pagans; they're Wiccans and other feminine types.

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>People unironically believe this

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How is being a Christian not larping at this point?

So you agree that both are ridiculous yet you still ascribe to Christianity, now you are just stupid.

Also, "innovators" aren't traditional. The Third Estate had nothing in common with tradition; they were Marxist.

All your arguments are low IQ.

It's based on more than wishful thinking and still has an active, uninterrupted tradition? It's real

you could switch sides as we did :))) Allahu Akbar

No. I pointed out your double standard. I will remain a christian as long as live because that's what I believe in. One thing is to believe and other is to larp like you believe to appease your political autism.

”Our symbols”

Is not even scandinavian

Hello Greg Johnson

>Uninterrupted tradition
>Christianity has splintered into so many sub-groups and adopted pagan tradition that its impossible to keep track of, meanwhile the message of the bible has been victim of translations of translation for thousands of years, and now "modern christians" don't even follow the same set of rules as the original ones

Pangas were cucks. They let other man fuck their wifes.

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>active tradition
Where? I've met like one unironic Christian in like ten years and he was a johovas witness Maori
>its real
How is it any more real than other religions?

Aliens are real!

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Yeah that's why they're called schismatics retard

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>the son of god was literally born out of a cuckold relationship
It was the greatest honour for him to raise the son of his bull/lord


America. I don't know what Australia is like. JWs are a masonic counterfeit btw

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underrated pic

How can one religion be real while the other isn't?

Where's he at?
I'll kick his teeth in and call him an Ergi.

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I dont see how this is relevant to me

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No, what proof does it have to hold itself as more real than the others

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another cuck btfo

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