Elliott Abrams to lead US regime change in Venezuela

Another strong appointment by God Emperor Trump (GEOTUS). I've always admired Mr Abrams from his days during the Reagan admin and his record in the Bush years was no less than stellar too, making the tough decisions against Saddam.
I am glad we have a true patriot like this back in the oval office keeping us all safe.
What do you think Jow Forums?

>US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced on Friday the appointment of Elliott Abrams to “help the Venezuelan people fully restore democracy and prosperity to their country.” Abrams is expected to coordinate all diplomatic efforts to replace President Nicolas Maduro with the self-proclaimed president Juan Guaido, recognized by the US, OAS and several EU members.


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why dont they just let the hues invade?

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If I was elliot abrams kid id punish myself. Right buckwheat?

Another Jew? How does Trump get so many?

The US has a moral duty to oversee this regime change goes smoothly user, and that is why Trump has put the best men he can get on the job this time. We cannot afford to take any chances here.
It's just like Pompeo said, we need to help the suffering people restore freedom.
Everyone on this Earth wants to be free and unfortunately the forces of darkness in this world sometimes try to crush it...but as always, like a pheonix rising from the ashes, the eagle will soar once again.

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Imagine your shock.

"Elliott Abrams was born into a Jewish family"

A Jew who sold weapons to Iran.....life is more complicated than simple labels

lmao you had to wiki a guy literally named after Abraham to figure out he was one of them

>you had to wiki
Goddamn KYS. If I do not post a goddamn source/link to a claim you goddamn niggers will not believe it. Seriously, commit suicide.