Drain the swamp

Is this what Trump meant when he said he would "drain the swamp"?

Attached: drain the swamp.jpg (1200x630, 101K)

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kill yourself shill rat

But isn't he keeping his word?...................;-)

So these are the guys swept up in the "Russia probe"? Did any of the charges ever end up having anything to do with Russia?

Attached: 12321235.jpg (676x902, 87K)


Imagine spending hundreds of millions of dollars and 2 years investigating Trump, and instead of finding anything on him, you charge a bunch of other guys instead.

Attached: 1548575730891.jpg (394x291, 20K)

> instead of finding anything on him
You are an optimist. The investigation has not ended yet.

Attached: 123164.jpg (715x636, 48K)

Oh yeah surely he will be finished anytime.

It's only been 2 years, let's wait 2 more, actually let's wait 10 years, these things take time.

Mueller needs a few more mansions and his kids need new Ferraris.

Attached: 2anulf.jpg (298x403, 54K)

>surround yourself with shady characters like yourself
>assume it will work out just fine
I bet he simply expected not to win so he didn't care that much..either that or he is a literal retard with alzheimers

he meant he'd rip the buttplug out of your prime minester's ass like he was starting a chainsaw and watch all your liberal policies splash down on the floor.