Could this save Jow Forums?

Could this save Jow Forums?

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KYS kike

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>hey incels, learn to code

was this faggot months ahead on learning to code meme?

What are they going to do? Force Jow Forums to shut down? They'd unleash thousands on the rest of the Internet.


>Open yourself to child rearing
Yes, be a good cuck. Raise another man's child.

>playing guitar gets you laid
This guy doesnt know shit. Why should anyone take his advice?

The right is always stealing the lefts memes.

Remember that jew literally refuses to have children because he's such an enlightened being due to his ph d that he has surpassed the need for his genes to be replicated.

>learn jokes from a book
wow what a fag

Is that fucking wonderwall

Missing a chord but pretty much

>Not knowing how to play an easy instrument

> learn some lame jokes
> play some lame chords
> be a weak pussy faggot

weinstein has never been laid if this is his masterplan

Whats with all the incel threads all of a sudden?

Arent jews supposed to have a high iq?

>dance monkey, dance!

>implying Jow Forums is worth saving

Psyops of course. Demoralization and gaslighting is the enemies greatest tool.

jesus christ, when will the fucking "dude just learn guitar" meme die.
It hasnt been true since the 90s.
i imagine nowadays the instrument to attract whores would be a modular synth or something along those lines

I usually hate your FALSE FLAG spam that you post every day. But I unironicalky think the incel thing is the media brainwashing the public that all single white males should be considered terrorists.

This term got spammed right after the false flag in pic related and at the same time that the correct spelling of soiboy was filtered on this board.

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> child rearing.

unfortunate naming. to raise wasn't available ?

>learn guitar

What is this the 2000's? Women want nigger rappers and guys with face tattoos now.

5/7. I guess I'm not an incel at all. But every woman I've ever met is either apolitical or your average centrist democrat…

Let's breed with the Jews.

I don't get the concept of Involuntary celibate to be honest. We live in times when ordering a hooker is easier than ordering a pizza. I understand that some guys dont like the idea of fucking hooker, but then it is voluntary, because option is here, you just choose to not take it.

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So Buzzfeed has a heads up to the false flag coming Forums-to-be-shutdown-3s1mi

Removal of muh freeze peach and permabanning all obvious trolls and shitposters would save Jow Forums.

That's still incel.
Many guys would like a waifu and kids and, indeed, only have thots and prostitutes.


Poland has legal prostitution?

>Learn python for date money
Erm I'm pretty sure this is hate speech now

Only Adjustment Day wpyld save Jow Forums

>learn a few jokes from a book

I... fucking what?

I was out with friends a f they told me this girl that joined out group thought I was good looking. I was very drunk. She disappeared with some guy a d I got emotional and thought he was fucking her. I felt like such failure, able to fit in with the but am a broken incel when it comes to girls. I think I made a jealous fool of myself over nothing. They went to get drinks.

Sign me up

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>be a person who can hold a conversation with normal people
>look like you have normal hobbies
>don't be a cunt to people you want something from
seems fine to me

They're simply gays in the closet looking for excuses.

>That's still incel.

>Many guys would like a waifu and kids
Get your test levels checked.

Running brothels or pimping is forbidden, whoring yourself for your own profit is perfectly fine and so is paying for sex.
America and Scandinavian shitholes are the only countries in the world which claim to be capitalist and liberal but somehow have an issue with prostitution.

I bet you believed you were "cucked" right?
lol take a break from Jow Forums buddy.

>Wanting a strong relationship and children instead of some whore to fuck is for losers
t. Nigger

>learn python

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>joke books

this is literally a how to be an incel guide

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What the hell is even moean to be Incel? i remember that i always called these people virgins

incels act just like women

what the fuck is incel. are people being shamed for living life in their best interest? dating a woman even within 5 years of my age is fucking slavery. if you want to fuck, just...just rent a trap or prostitute

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Note to the INCEL community:

1) Learn how to use a gun.
2) Learn how to act in a military unit.
3) Be willing to kill leftist cucks and roasties without mercy.
4) Find other likeminded men and form a militarised political organization.
5) Overthrow your leftist feminist government.
6) Set age of consent to 12 and get those girls when they are still fresh virgins, untainted by feminist propaganda.
7) Be prepared to leave INCEL.

Hey, it might work. Worth a try.

>Learn jokes from a book
Easiest way to make women dry up like the Californian drought
>Learn 4 chords of Doom
Unless you look like a pot smoker the whole "learn guitar" thing never works
>Be kind but not weak
Rich coming from anyone named "Weinstein"
>Learn python for date money
But I thought it was harassment to tell people to learn how to code?
>open yourself to child
Being a cuck doesn't work
>Listen and be responsive
Rich coming from anyone named "Weinstein"
>be prepared to leave INCEL
No that is the biggest mistake and only retards who think fucking a whore is good will do it. Just have basic self confidence and flirt but don't just go in with your dick first.

I have a wiafu and 4 kids, am I still an incel?

>(((stacy goldberg)))
Every fucking time

An "incel" is someone who is INvoluntarily CELibate. People like this don't exist because if you're desperate enough, you can get laid from a single mother quite easily, especially if you offer to help her take care of her child. However, plenty of guys don't want that, so they're voluntarily celibate due to their high standards. Women could just spread their legs because even the ugliest women can get laid via dating websites.

If there was ever anyone to be classified as incel, it'd probably be the Elephant man, and mocking him for being an incel is in incredibly poor test, also hes dead.

Incel really is just a term created by the left to counter the "cuck" insult.

Jow Forums is incel? Perhaps redpilled is the word you're looking for, meme fag.

As long as you don't subscribe to radical leftism, yes goy