Washington measles outbreak spreads to Oregon, officials say


>Oregon health officials say a Multnomah County resident has been diagnosed with measles, marking the first reported case of an infection in the state linked to a recent outbreak in Washington

>It’s not clear where in the county the person lives. The Oregon Health Authority announced Friday four new locations in Gresham, Wood Village and Troutdale where people may have been exposed to measles on Sunday and Wednesday

>There are 31 people as of Friday who have been diagnosed with measles in the Vancouver-area and King County in Washington. State Gov. Jay Inslee declared a state of emergency Friday due to the spread of the contagious disease

>Measles is highly contagious and can linger in the air for up to two hours after an infected person has left the area. The state’s emergency declaration says that anyone who hasn’t been vaccinated and comes in contact with an infected person will likely get the disease

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Fake news to force vaccines in those states

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Open borders here have completely polluted the county with diseases that were once eradicated or non existent.

Just wait until polio, and smallpox make a comeback.

I'd rather have allergies than be potentially deaf, retarded, or dead

My grandfather suffered from polio. I wouldn't wish that shit even on the most awful leftist.

Squat goblins are spreading their diseases that we cured through hygiene and health. Vaccines don't work. Never have. It was always about proper hygiene and quarantine. The third world will bring with it third world diseases.

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>my immune system using my occipital lobe to record the sight and screams of the anti vaxxers

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>he believes in vaccines
>he believes in global warming
>he believes in evolution

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Want a massive redpill? Go research the history of Polio and its vaccine. It'll fuck your brain up.

Even just a cursory glance at what Polio actually is will set off alarm bells in your head if you're remotely self-aware.

Play stupid games win stupid prizes

Agreed. I'll take boiling water and bleach over incense and voodoo. I'm sick of dirty pigs.


You’ll die from Paco and Maria’s open tb or Isufu’s rare Somalian pathogen either way but it’ll be way funnier if you get all the vaccines first and then contract something so you’ll freak the fuck out and curse the sky(if you’re not too incapacitated) wondering how this could’ve happened to you


Get ready to ford that fucking river.

I had measles and I'm fine. Playan' my SNES for 2 weeks while the faggots were in school studying.

your comment doesnt even make sense

Oh no It does you’re just that dense

It would be upsetting to find out I had TB, but we don't vaccinate against it in the US. I don't see why getting "all the vaccines" and then getting TB would be funny. Of course I could catch something I wasn't vaccinated for.

You know what? I'm just gonna say it. I don't believe the news at all.

I appreciate this post

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>31 people
Lightning strikes kill 40-50 people every year. And 31 people having a mostly harmless illness is news?

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Thing with anti-vaxxers is, the problem tends to take care of itself.

Pretty sure you're going to get anti-vaxxers even with closed borders.

I had measles as a kid and was fine. With modern Western nutrition and available healthcare (in case it should develop into pneumonia) it's not exactly the childkiller it was a hundred years ago.

It's not pneumonia you have to worry about with measles, it's encephalitis

Super quick rundown that does the story little justice.
>Paralytic Polio is very rare and not particularly lethal. Full recovery is common.
>Normal Polio not that dangerous. Vast majority of people don't even get symptoms.
>This is from the fucking CDC, no conspiracy bullshit necessary.
>The severity of the supposed "Polio" epidemics is actually just a massive clusterfuck of ignorance. Decades of bad science, misdiagnosis, public hysteria.
>Case in point, America was caked in DDT during the same exact time period of the "Polio epidemic." Take a guess as to what DDT poisoning does to a human.

Same with gays, niggers, and other liberal degenerates.

>measles causes those things
>taking jew’s word for it

You still don’t get it Jesus Christ. Vaccines mean absolutely nothing when you’re being flooded with unvaccinated third worlders who carry diseases we’ve long since eradicated or have zero vaccines or treatments for some diseases we’ve never even seen before in the west. Your vaccines won’t save you(I am vaccinated btw) but if you think antivaxxers pose a bigger health threat than the scores of migrants with shit hygiene practices pouring into your country you’re already fucking dead and you’re too dumb or distracted to see it. So please get all the vaccines but please don’t think it’ll do a goddamn thing to save you from the reality of the situation

The polio epidemic in the US was over by the late 50s. They didn't stop spraying DDT until 1972.

Lightning didn't go extinct you idiot nigguroth

encephalitis causes those things. the measles causes encephalitis in about 1 in every 1000 infections.

You again faggot?

And diabetic hambeasts as well. They tend not to last long.

I commented that I would not like to have the measles. I didnt even touch on all the shit you just said. You pulled an entire conversation entirely out of your ass just so you could complain about Mexicans.

Widespread use began in 40s-50s and then the government started restricting its use in the mid 50s.

encephalitis happens with or without measles, faggofaggo. 200k cases a year even tho we’re all vaxxed to kingdom come. What else you got blockhead?

There's like 20+ cases of measles in and around Portland, m8... Bigger issue is why anyone cares, place fuckin sucks

>Californians can't help but ruin everything when they migrate north from their destroyed state
>now Washington parents can't even get their children treated right and spread their filth down here
You fuckers need to stay out of my state and stop breathing our fresh air
Idahoans can stay though

That's because the most common cause of encephalitis is herpes and we dont have a herpes vaccine

You think you can’t contract measles from an illegal with measles? Statistically there are far more of them than antivaxxers it’s not even exclusive to Mexicans and measles would probably be the least of your worries considering some of the shit they carry desu. My point is if actually cared if you actually feared the for state of societal health and herd immunity and not catching shit like the measles you would address the bigger threat. You don’t thus you’re retarded and you’re already dead anyway

You don't know my opinions on societal health or herd immunity because I never discussed them. But by all means, continue to put words in my mouth so you can have someone to insult

>gets measles vax to avoid encephalitis
>get encephalitis

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Sadly Oregon is infested with illegals we used to be a white paradise 20 years ago. To all the leftists diseases do not randomly appear in a state where 93% are vaxxed

have you ever heard of risk reduction

So you agree? You didn’t refute anything I said and accused me of trying to find someone to insult and looking for an excuse to bitch about Mexicans which was putting words in my mouth since I had to clarify it for you. I don’t know your opinions because you didn’t share them and I’m guessing that’s because they aren’t really your opinions at all you just say what you think you’re supposed to

That's the most dangerous one, sure, but also one of the least common complications.
If you do die from measles it's most likely from pneumonia complications, not encephalitis.

user, I...

I've got the measles as a kid because that's what parents did to you. Suck it up.


Good, it sounds like it's making it's way through Mexican shit holes, hopefully it gets to hillsboro next. Or hopefully commiefornians get it and stop making traffic so bad.

Measles never went extinct, it just became rare because whites started to wash themselves, still occurred but wasn't reported because it's not news...
It's news now for some reason... Wonder why?

Mad vaccine believers make me happy, it's like watching children argue for santa..

>no-vaccers getting culled
it's happening

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No shit. Disease ridden people who live on the streets also never have any allergies.

Good, good. Antivax meme works as designed.

Daily reminder that the Measles outbreak sweeping the country was traced back to an Orthodox Jew who caught the disease on a trip to Israel and returned to his anti-vaxx Orthodox neighborhood, where it started spreading like wildfire.

Orthodox Jews are poisonous to society on more levels than anyone can possibly imagine.

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>Measles Extremely rare
>188 US cases in 2015
>Preventable by vaccine
>Treatable by a medical professional
>Short-term: resolves within days to weeks
>1 in 1000 cases gets encephalitis
>less than 1000 cases measles occurs in US a year
>chances of getting encephalitis less than .001 percent
>chances of getting it other ways less than .00000667 percent
>muh risk reduction

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Oh no a disease that's easily cured by just staying home and eating well.
US is doomed.

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Going to laugh my ass off when public schools that mandate vaccinations start getting sick. Vaccines don't stop shit. If it did, vaccine pushers wouldn't bitch about MUH HERD IMMUNITY as if non-vaxxed people were some threat to them.

Eat your heavy metals, good goy.

You hang out with a lot of disease ridden street people?

People like to laugh at anti-vaxers, but it isn't funny. They aren't just idiots. Zionist are behind the anti-vax movement. (((They))) are all getting their immunizations I assure you. All about population control. A little disease works wonders for killing goys.

>vaccine pushers wouldn't bitch about MUH HERD IMMUNITY as if non-vaxxed people were some threat to them.
I never understood this, why are they so afraid?
"Muhhhhhhhhhhhh herd immunity!" but your child is immune isn't it? Why are you so afraid of the unvaccinated one?

>Orthodox Jew
>anti-vaccine for themselves, pro-vaccine for the goyim
Of course.

>Pretty sure you're going to get anti-vaxxers even with closed borders.

Antivaxxers aren't a problem with closed borders though.

> (((They))) are all getting their immunizations I assure you. All about population control. A little disease works wonders for killing goys.

Actually the super wealthy tend not to get vaccines for their kids.

>3.8 million babies per year
>200 dollar per vaccination
>760 million dollar per year to save 1 child from getting encephalitis
>tens of thousands of children every year die or get sick from vaccination

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You've got that backwards. The question is - ignorance or intent?

The anti-vax movement was invented by (((them))) in the first place so more Goys will die off. You're either unknowingly or intentionally serving that agenda. Stop your bullshit either way.

>Actually the super wealthy tend not to get vaccines for their kids.
And (((who))) told you this was true?

Vaccines aren't mutually inclusive with that bad outcome though.

>invented by them
Prove it.

Funny how they always show stock photos of whites with the disease, but when you actually check into where and who these outbreaks are affecting, it's always ALWAYS non whites.

The reality is that the antivax movement was a cover the pharmaceutical industry created to obfuscate rising autism rates being linked to SSRI use in pregnant women.

>Government agent walks up to you
>"hey goy let me inject this dead virus into you, it'll make you immune to the literal virus im injecting you with i promise
you have to be retarded to believe this shit

Good post

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>Jew doctor injects you with autism and you still get measles anyway

>vaccines aren’t real
To believe this you’d need to believe that the immune system is a jewish scam, that antibodies are fake, and everyone is keeping that secret.

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Quick don't think just act, vaccination time!
t. Big Pharma rep.

Think about the children conspiracytards.

I think its actually Israel's fault this time. We have this outbreak for couple of months now and some people with this virus has been flying to the us.

the immune system works on its own naturally without jewish interference. stop trying to sell me your Jewjuice i'm not buying it or injecting it into myself or my family

>The reality is that the antivax movement was a cover the pharmaceutical industry created to obfuscate rising autism rates being linked to SSRI use in pregnant women.
I don't see how they would cut off their nose to spite their face.

And how does it work? By producing antibodies that fight the virus. Vaccines give you the antibodies without the need to get sick.

Screencapped for posterity.

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i'm not some sickly faggot who needs a boost to my immune system. i am quite capable of getting these non-lethal diseases and surviving without any permanent side effects.

yeah it's started in the west bank they live like pigs there

anti vaxers need to stay quarantined in rural places

So what's the solution to this new jewish plague?

gas works well

There's only vitamin D and C in megadoses

That's pretty much the go-to for all Jew related plagues.

Seriously you got to read more about this topic.

Seriously, you need to stop posting from VPNs, Ivan. Spreading misinformation is fine if it's just bantz, but this anti-vaccination shit is a biohazard. If you're not an IRA troll, I feel sorry for you.

>smallpox make a comeback.

I wish it would.

>Anti-vaccine people refuse to get smallpox vaccine
>They die

I have no problem with this. Life has become too comfortable and too much is taken for granted by those historical illiterates.

Don't leave them with us. Pin them in Los Angeles or somewhere like that. Let nature run its course

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